Chat with us, powered by LiveChat For KG 604, you will use research conducted throughout the semester that reports on your research problem; you will use this to introduce your discussion. This is important, as it provi - Writingforyou

For KG 604, you will use research conducted throughout the semester that reports on your research problem; you will use this to introduce your discussion. This is important, as it provi

All 7 topics 

Please upload the "writing the discussion section" packet with the first two forms filled out ( you will save the actual recommendation for next week.

Discussion: Mitigation Recommendation


Important: the requirements of the Discussion Section may differ from one course to the next. Therefore, it is very important to read directions carefully to understand what your professor is asking.

For KG 604, you will use research conducted throughout the semester that reports on your research problem; you will use this to introduce your discussion. This is important, as it provides ‘proof’ that the problem is relevant today.

Activity: Reintroduce and Summarize the Problem and Populations Affected

(think of this like your formal introduction into the Discussion section)

Complete the Orange Columns.



Description of Steps

Your Notes

In-Text Citations



Whatever your research problem is, you will need to summarize the proof that the

problem exists today by

1. Identify the problem:

2. Identify populations affected:

3. Identify the location:

1. the problem

2. populations affected by

providing an ‘example’ of your research problem happening in the world.

the problem

3. location of the problem, if applicable

For your ‘example’, you will use articles found for KG- 604, but in other courses it

may be a case study from

your textbook, a summary of

the problem provided by your

professors, or you may need

to find a relevant ‘case’ on

your own.

Activity: Find a Company/Organization/Policy Working to Mitigate the Problem


Complete the orange columns in your notebook.



Description of Steps

Your Notes

In-Text Citations


Use p. 18 to find and summarize an existing evidence-based solution to use as a foundation to YOUR


Conduct further research using methods on p. 18 to find a company/organization/ program/policy that is doing a good job trying to mitigate this problem (this could be from another state or even another country where populations are comparable).

1. Name of company/organization/ program/policy:

2. Include detailed evidence that this ‘solution’ is working (do not forget to include dates/years, and statistics as support):

3. Identify specific ‘parts’ of the ‘solution’ that you wish to recommend:

Guidance: Foundation to Your Recommendation

Through Your Existing Sources

1. Go to your news article or any of the research articles used for the Literature Review

2. Do any of the above sources mention a policy, program, law, etc. that has been implemented to help reduce the problem?

3. If yes, go to Google and find that policy, program, law etc. (save it)

4. If no, proceed below.

Through Additional Sources

If your news article or any of your research articles do not tell you about a law, policy, or program etc. that has been implemented to help reduce your research problem, please use the guidance below to help you find a foundation policy, program, law, etc. You will need this for next class.

1. Go to Google -OR- the Monroe College Library databases associated with your major (see pp. 8-9 in the Foundations text for databases you should be using)

2. Type in the search bar your research problem + population + chosen search term

Your Research Problem

+ Population +

Search Terms

· Legislation

· Policy

· Law

· Intervention

· Program

· Education


Activity: Develop Your Recommendation with Evidence

Complete the orange columns in your notebook.



Description of Steps

Your Notes

In-Text Citations


Form your recommendation

Use your selected company/organization/ program/policy as a basis for your recommendation.

Connect this recommendation to the research problem.

1. Identify what is the same and different between your research population and the ‘solution’s’ population:



2. Explain how you envision the “specific parts of the ‘solution’” helping to mitigate your research problem:



Student Sample: Discussion


There is current evidence that racial disparities in healthcare among pregnant women continues to be a problem in the United States. In an article published by The New York Times, there has been a persistence and growth in racial disparity throughout the years despite calls to take action to improve medical care access for women of color (Rabin, 2019). Similarly, in a study conducted by Nichols and Cohen (2019) mounting disparities continue amid women health outcomes in the United States, primarily among race and ethnicity and within residents living in urban and rural areas (Nichols and Cohen, 2019). These disparities directly affect African American, Alaska Native and Native American Women (Rabin, 2019). When compared to other high-income countries, the United States has substandard records in maternal health outcomes, and while the rate of maternal mortality dropped across the world, America's maternal health outcomes have worsened (Rabin, 2019).

To reduce the disparities among minority women policy changes have been made. Federal law enacted the Preventing Maternal Death Act providing states with grants to explore, examine and investigate pregnancy related deaths for up to one year after the birth of a child (Rabin, 2019). Also, The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists created new guidelines in treating cardiovascular disease in pregnant women (Rabin, 2019). In 2014 Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health (AIM) was developed by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology to collaborate with partners of the states and hospitals to gather information on safety measures being taken to improve maternal health outcomes, allowing partners to assess and track program progress (Nichols and Cohen, 2019). In the study conducted by Nichols and Cohen (2019), two out of the various programs that California implemented were the Black Infant Health Program (BIH) and increasing the states income eligibility for pregnant women to 200% of the federal poverty level. With the implementation of these programs, mortality rates decreased from 22.1% to 8.3% in the best practices toolkit, a program developed for hemorrhage and high blood pressure during pregnancy. Altogether, California's maternal mortality rate decreased by above 50% between 2006 and 2018 (Nichols and Cohen, 2019). To prevent negative pregnancy outcomes in women of color, California used federal funds to develop programs that focused on African American mothers and the health determinants that are influenced by social and structural factors. The Black Infant Health Program provided support to African American women through group trainings, entailing of stress reduction, life skills development, and building social support (Nichols and Cohen, 2019). Nearly half of the babies born in the United States are insured under Medicaid which covers the child through the first year of life. However, in most states, Medicaid provides coverage for the mother until 60 days postpartum, after which the mother must meet the federal poverty level to be eligible for coverage (Nichols and Cohen, 2019). This exposes the mother to various risks that can adversely affect her health. Expanding Medicaid access would mitigate the maternal healthcare barriers that affect low socioeconomic minority women.

Racial disparities in maternal healthcare are a persistent problem in the United States. African American mothers experience higher adverse pregnancy outcomes and are less likely to obtain sufficient prenatal care when compared to Caucasian women (Zhang et al., 2013). Similarly, racial disparities among women of color are made worse by partialities in the healthcare that they receive (Nichols and Cohen, 2019). To mitigate racial disparities in maternal health among minority women it is important to understand the determinants that contribute to their health outcomes. With increased federal funding, programs can be geared towards providing quality care to women of color. This can be established by utilizing specific methods of care that are relatable to those being serviced in the community, providing them with medical professionals that are culturally competent and adequately trained in servicing underserved communities, fostering a trusting provider-patient relationship. Nichols and Cohen (2019) suggest that funding should be used to address the social factors that influence maternal health to reduce the psychosocial risks in women who may be more vulnerable to adverse pregnancy outcomes. The pregnancy-related risks of a mother do not end after her child's birth. The expansion of Medicaid access and coverage would provide a mother with the means of receiving adequate care during all stages of pregnancy and during the postpartum period, in which she can still be adversely affected from her pregnancy. It is vital for the federal government to enact policies requiring states to provide medical coverage to women for one year after the birth of their child. Providing coverage to various specialties would ensure the mother has efficient access to care should adverse symptoms develop. Nichols and Cohen (2019) postulated that state programs should expand Medicaid coverage for women focusing on their healthcare needs before, during and after pregnancy, paying close attention to women’s health and chronic disease management, especially to those who have or had high risk pregnancies. Implementing these programs would develop a foundation in the quality of racial maternal care across all states and provide cohesion and uniformity in the delivery of care.


Welcome Back!

Remember this?

Which parts have you done?

What comes NEXT?


So, what do you think the Discussion section of a Research Paper is for?

So, what do you think the Discussion section of a Research Paper is for?

So, what do you think the Discussion section of a Research Paper is for?

�Definitely to “discuss” something!

So, what do you think the Discussion section of a Research Paper is for?

�To “discuss” something! �Varies depending on the course you are

taking and the requirements of the professor

So, what do you think the Discussion section of a Research Paper is for?

�To “discuss” something! �Varies depending on the course you are

taking and the requirements of the professor

�What is YOUR task in KG604?

So, what do you think the Discussion section of a Research Paper is for?

�To “discuss” something! �Varies depending on the course you are

taking and the requirements of the professor

�What is YOUR task in KG604? �To find a problem to research and form a

recommendation based on evidence

What have you done already?

KG 604’s TASK

�Find a problem �Research �Forma



What have you done already?

KG 604’s TASK

�Find a problem �Research �Form a



What have you done already?

KG 604’s TASK

�Find a problem �Research �Form a



�Article found in Google or database

What have you done already?

KG 604’s TASK

�Find a problem �Research �Form



�Article found in Google or database

What have you done already?

KG 604’s TASK

�Find a problem �Research �Form a



�Article found in Google or database

What have you done already?

KG 604’s TASK

�Find a problem �Research �Form



�Article found in Google or database �Research articles (3-4)

found through library databases

What have you done already?

KG 604’s TASK

�Find a problem �Research �Form



�Article found in Google or database �Research articles (3-4)

found through library databases

What have you done already?

KG 604’s TASK

�Find a problem �Research �Form a



�Article found in Google or database �Research articles (3-4)

found through library databases

What have you done already?

KG 604’s TASK

�Find a problem �Research �Form a



�Article found in Google or database �Research articles (3-4)

found through library databases


Basis of KG 604’s Discussion will be your Recommendation

But, you must establish your



You must establish your



In other classes, the Points of Discussion might be related to a theory, framework, or some type of concept associated with the course, that links specific parts of a theory or framework to your research topic.

You must establish your



The Discussion section of a paper is typically the area where a student can really show off their skills learned in the course, because it includes deeper in-text citation control and analyses.

You must establish your



The Discussion section of a paper is typically the area where a student can really show off their skills learned in the course, because it includes deeper in-text citation control and analyses.



So, what are points of discussion that can be applied to KG 604?

Remember this from Week 3?

(“No way! That was

FOREVER ago!” you say?

No worries! Let’s review!)

Take a step back and think as a reader: What makes logical

sense to include in the Discussion section of your


Take a step back and think as a reader: What makes logical

sense to include in the Discussion section of your


Take a step back and think as a reader: What makes logical

sense to include in the Discussion section of your


(already done in your literature review)

Take a step back and think as a reader: What makes logical

sense to include in the Discu