M1Q1) What is the most important event, person, or influence in the history of psychology? Either offer your own answer and provide reasons to support it, or offer reasons for/against someone else's answer.
You must make a novel substantive contribution to the discussion to receive full credit. Also remember that posts made earlier in the week are more likely to result in full credit than posts made at the last minute – and that goes for all discussion assignments in this course.
M1Q2) When did psychology become a science? Or has it yet? Your answer should make reference to some specific event or development that has (or has not yet) happened. Be sure to justify your answer, or give a good critique of someone else's answer.
You must make a novel substantive contribution to the discussion to receive full credit. Also remember that posts made earlier in the week are more likely to result in full credit than posts made at the last minute.
M1Q3) Which research methodology is the most important in psychological science, and why?
(Note: A reasonable case could be made for several different methodologies – and reasonable arguments could be made against each. So it is expected that not everyone will argue for the same one. The point of this discussion is for the class to make the case for and against as many methodologies as you can, in order to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each. Please do not short-circuit the process by trying to split the difference and say something like "each is important in its own way." Take a position for one methodology and argue for it. And/or argue against someone else's position. Only AFTER everyone has made their case is it OK to go back and try to sum things up in a more measured way: thesis, antithesis, THEN synthesis.)
You must make a novel substantive contribution to the discussion to receive full credit. Also remember that posts made earlier in the week are more likely to result in full credit than posts made at the last minute.
post a link to an example of a purported report of psychological research in the news or on the web, or something that appears to use psychological research to support its claims. It can be a particularly good example of research, or a particularly bad example of (alleged) research – either would make for an interesting discussion. Describe it briefly. Be sure to summarize and paraphrase in your own words, and be sure to comment on the scientific methods that are (or are not) evident in the article.