Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Identify a U.S. (state or federal) bill or policy that has been proposed or passed in the past two (2) years. The purpose of the bill or policy must primarily address one of the followi - Writingforyou

Identify a U.S. (state or federal) bill or policy that has been proposed or passed in the past two (2) years. The purpose of the bill or policy must primarily address one of the followi


Identify a U.S. (state or federal) bill or policy that has been proposed or passed in the past two (2) years. The purpose of the bill or policy must primarily address one of the following: 

  • Economics (e.g., stimulus payments; student loans; SW license portability)
  • Healthcare (e.g., access to healthcare; abortion; sexuality education)
  • Racial/Ethnic Justice (e.g., voting rights; immigration; policing; land rights)
  • Sexual orientation/gender identity (e.g., adoption rights; conversion therapy; workplace protections)




Intro to Policy Analysis Essay: Insert Actual Name of Your Policy (or Bill) Here

Your Name Goes Here

Online MSW Track, University of Central Florida

SOW 5235: Social Welfare Policies and Services

Instructor Name

Month Day, 202X

Intro to Policy Analysis Essay: Insert Actual Name of Your Policy (or Bill) Here

Introductory paragraph goes here. This section would introduce the reader to what they can expect to read going forward. Specifically, in this section you would most likely want to lead with your thesis statement and then follow that with a few sentences that indicate how you address this thesis in your paper. Keep this section brief, to maybe four or five sentences.

The Issue

Policy Description

In this section of your paper, you want to include 1) The name of the policy (act) or bill of focus in the article, 2) when and where the policy (or bill) was established (is this state or federal), and 3) what the policy (or bill) is intended to do, especially what is the primary focus (e.g. economics, healthcare, racial/ethnic justice, sexual orientation/gender identity). Note: for this section, you may have to search the UCF Libraries, contact the UCF Social Work Librarian, and/or identify resources online. This section of your paper could be completed in one paragraph.

Policy Claims

In this section of your paper, discuss: 1) what are the claims (or arguments) made by the advocates for this policy – both for and against? Specifically, share here information you locate in news articles, television shows, websites, blogs, etc. that demonstrate what are the arguments that are for this policy or bill and what are the arguments that are against this policy or bill. Please paraphrase as much as possible from your sources. You may use 1 or 2 direct quotes. Direct quotes must be 40 words or less. In addition, 2) state your position on the policy/bill and whether you side with the proponents or people in opposition. Indicate why by clearly citing evidence (rationale) that supports your position (by evidence, I mean locate scientific or scholarly-based research articles or statistics that support what you are stating/your position). This section may be 1-2 paragraphs.


In this section of the paper, discuss: 1) what values do you believe are underlying in the claims made by those for and against the policy? 2) How do you know? 3) How were facts used to support those claims (e.g. were they “evidence-based” or more assumptive/opinion oriented)? 4) What personal values do you have that led you to support/go against the claims made? What influences your values on this issue (e.g., family upbringing, faith, work)? This section might be approximately a paragraph.

Conclude your paper by providing a summation/reflection of your thoughts about the bill/policy and its potential benefit or non-benefit to society, as well as your overall feelings about the bill/policy and the group(s) the policy may help or hinder. Also include your thoughts on how this bill or policy might change if those who are most impacted were a part of the bill or policy development process. This should be no more than one paragraph.

Reminder: You have 3 pages to complete the content of this assignment (does not include cover or references). Going beyond 3 pages of content will result in a one-point deduction for each page over the limit. No more than 2 direct quotes allowed in the paper (none are to be block quotes) 


You should have at least three (3) references for this assignment (you can, and very well may, have more than three).

Those references should include 1) your article, 2) your Chapin reading, and 3) the NASW website or other source from which you reference the core values for the assignment.

See the APA resources in Webcourses for assistance on how to format references.

Sample references below can be used to help you with APA formatting:

American Psychological Association. (2017). Stress in America: The state of our nation.

Ball, T. M., Shapiro, D. E., Monheim, C. J., & Weydert, J. A. (2003). A pilot study of the use of guided imagery for the treatment of recurrent abdominal pain in children. Clinical Pediatrics, 42(6), 527–532.

Bernstein, D. A., & Borkovec, T. D. (1973). Progressive relaxation training: A manual for the helping professions. Research Press.

Freebird Meditations. (2012, June 17). Progressive muscle relaxation guided meditation [Video]. YouTube.

Hardy, K. (2017, October 8). Mindfulness is plentiful in “The post-traumatic insomnia workbook.” Veterans Training Support Center.

Lange, S. (1982, August 23–27). A realistic look at guided fantasy [Paper presentation]. American Psychological Association 90th Annual Convention, Washington, DC.

McGuigan, F. J., & Lehrer, P. M. (2007). Progressive relaxation: Origins, principles, and clinical applications. In P. M. Lehrer, R. L. Woolfolk, & W. E. Sime (Eds.), Principles and practice of stress management (3rd ed., pp. 57–87). Guilford Press.


Making the Claim: Introduction to Policy Analysis

SOW:5235 | UCF School of Social Work Online MSW

Course Developer: Tameca N. Harris-Jackson, PhD, LCSW, CSE, CIMHP

Presentation Objectives

By the conclusion of this presentation, students should be able to:

Identify the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in the claims-making/initial policy analysis process

Understand the requirements for successful completion of the assignments provided during this module

What Does Claims-Making Mean?

Think about it – to make a claim (or an assertion) about something, you have to:

Know what the issue is

Understand the issue

Understand what the arguments are for and against the issue

Take a position on the issue, and then

Articulate your rationale for your position*

*Note: As a professional, the articulation of this issue must be rooted in facts (while you also hope to sway)

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

Example: Impact of Land Loss to Indigenous Cultures

The Issue: Persons indigenous to the land of what is now known as the United States lost almost 99% of the land they initially occupied.

Understand/Background: The Dawes Act (1887) was a U.S. policy largely responsible for stripping away millions of acres of land. The impact is felt today with continued cultural marginalization, poverty, environmental devastation, etc.

Arguments: For = “Natives” were uncivilized; must assimilate or be eradicated. Against = Harm/treatment to original occupants set poor future precedence for tx of humanity and environment.

Position: Against Dawes Act (Claim: Policies such as the Dawes Act was a historical act of genocide, of which the devastating results remain today. As a nation, reparation is necessary to aid with current community support and forward healing)

Rationale: “Indian Removal” policies have resulted in significant and perpetual health and economic disparities for Indigenous Communities/Native Americans/Alaska Native Peoples …. (see resources at end of presentation)

Your Turn @ Claims-Making

Week 2 Assignment 1

Identify a U.S. (state or federal) bill or policy that has been proposed or passed in the past two (2) years. The purpose of the bill or policy must primarily address one of the following:

Economics (e.g., stimulus payments; student loans; SW license portability), Healthcare (e.g., access to healthcare; abortion; sexuality education), Racial/Ethnic Justice (e.g., voting rights; immigration; policing); Sexual orientation/gender identity (e.g., adoption rights; conversion therapy; workplace protections)

Complete a brief, APA-formatted intro to policy analysis/claims-making paper that includes the five (5) components of claims-making. Be sure to use the template provided in Webcourses as your guide.

Process It Out

Week 2 Assignment 1

In your “process it out” assignment this week, you will have an opportunity to “examine & discuss how policies impact historically & current marginalized and oppressed populations”

Review the brief (~12 minute) video on the “Indian Problem”, resources and instructions located in Webcourses

Once done, follow the instructions in Webscourses to complete the assignment

Reminder: Completing all of the assignment requirements results in a complete. Missing components results in an incomplete.

See You At The Next Presentation!


Alaska Federation of Natives:

National Museum of the American Indian:

Office of Minority Health:

Wade, Lizzie: Native tribes have lost 99% of their land in the United States:




Making the Claim: Introduction to Policy Analysis

SOW:5235 | UCF School of Social Work Online MSW

Course Developer: Tameca N. Harris-Jackson, PhD, LCSW, CSE, CIMHP

Presentation Objectives

By the conclusion of this presentation, students should be able to:

Identify the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in the claims-making/initial policy analysis process

Understand the requirements for successful completion of the assignments provided during this module

What Does Claims-Making Mean?

Think about it – to make a claim (or an assertion) about something, you have to:

Know what the issue is

Understand the issue

Understand what the arguments are for and against the issue

Take a position on the issue, and then

Articulate your rationale for your position*

*Note: As a professional, the articulation of this issue must be rooted in facts (while you also hope to sway)

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

Example: Impact of Land Loss to Indigenous Cultures

The Issue: Persons indigenous to the land of what is now known as the United States lost almost 99% of the land they initially occupied.

Understand/Background: The Dawes Act (1887) was a U.S. policy largely responsible for stripping away millions of acres of land. The impact is felt today with continued cultural marginalization, poverty, environmental devastation, etc.

Arguments: For = “Natives” were uncivilized; must assimilate or be eradicated. Against = Harm/treatment to original occupants set poor future precedence for tx of humanity and environment.

Position: Against Dawes Act (Claim: Policies such as the Dawes Act was a historical act of genocide, of which the devastating results remain today. As a nation, reparation is necessary to aid with current community support and forward healing)

Rationale: “Indian Removal” policies have resulted in significant and perpetual health and economic disparities for Indigenous Communities/Native Americans/Alaska Native Peoples …. (see resources at end of presentation)

Your Turn @ Claims-Making

Week 2 Assignment 1

Identify a U.S. (state or federal) bill or policy that has been proposed or passed in the past two (2) years. The purpose of the bill or policy must primarily address one of the following:

Economics (e.g., stimulus payments; student loans; SW license portability), Healthcare (e.g., access to healthcare; abortion; sexuality education), Racial/Ethnic Justice (e.g., voting rights; immigration; policing); Sexual orientation/gender identity (e.g., adoption rights; conversion therapy; workplace protections)

Complete a brief, APA-formatted intro to policy analysis/claims-making paper that includes the five (5) components of claims-making. Be sure to use the template provided in Webcourses as your guide.

Process It Out

Week 2 Assignment 1

In your “process it out” assignment this week, you will have an opportunity to “examine & discuss how policies impact historically & current marginalized and oppressed populations”

Review the brief (~12 minute) video on the “Indian Problem”, resources and instructions located in Webcourses

Once done, follow the instructions in Webscourses to complete the assignment

Reminder: Completing all of the assignment requirements results in a complete. Missing components results in an incomplete.

See You At The Next Presentation!


Alaska Federation of Natives:

National Museum of the American Indian:

Office of Minority Health:

Wade, Lizzie: Native tribes have lost 99% of their land in the United States:

