Chat with us, powered by LiveChat First, read Case Study 6-6 Develop a Motivation Plan? on page 121 in Organizational Behavior in Health Care. Within the principles of the content theories of Maslow, Herzberg, and Alder - Writingforyou

First, read Case Study 6-6 Develop a Motivation Plan? on page 121 in Organizational Behavior in Health Care. Within the principles of the content theories of Maslow, Herzberg, and Alder

First, read “Case Study 6-6 “Develop a Motivation Plan” on page 121 in Organizational Behavior in Health Care. Within the principles of the content theories of Maslow, Herzberg, and Alderfer:

  1. Explain why Susan is behaving the way she has been over the past three months.
  2. Offer three specific recommendations to address the problem of Susan’s job performance.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • five pages in length, not including the cover sheet and reference page. 
  • Formatted according to APA 7th edition
  • Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of four scholarly articles. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but the other two must be external. The Saudi Digital Library is a good place to find these references. 


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Process Theories of Motivation

Chapter 7

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Learning Outcomes

After completing this chapter, the student should be able to understand: The various components of Expectancy Theory and how they impact an individual’s level of motivation. Equity Theory and the methods to resolve inequity tension.

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Learning Outcomes

 The significance of the Satisfaction–Performance Theory.

 Goal-Setting Theory and the steps necessary for successful implementation.

 Reinforcement Theory and the four types of reinforcement.

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Expectancy (VIE) Theory

 Suggests that for any given situation, the level of a person’s motivation with respect to performance is dependent upon:

 Their desire for an outcome.  The individual’s performance is perceived to be

related to obtaining other desired outcomes.  The perceived probability that his or her efforts will

lead to the required performance.

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Expectancy (VIE) Theory

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Application of Expectancy Theory

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Equity Theory

 States that a person evaluates his or her outcomes and inputs by comparing them with those of others.

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Equity Theory

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Equity Theory

 When an inequity is perceived by an individual:  It creates tension within the person  The tension is proportional to the degree of inequity

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Equity Theory

 The tension created within the individual motivates him/her to relieve it

 The strength of the motivation to reduce the tension is proportional to the perceived inequity

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Equity Theory

 Six methods of inequity resolution:

Altering inputs Leaving the field

Altering outcomes

Distort the inputs or outcomes of the comparison


Cognitively distorting inputs or

outcomes (self)

Changing the comparison


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Satisfaction–Performance Theory

 Extends the Expectancy theory and incorporates the Equity Theory into a model to reflect the relationship of an employee’s performance to job satisfaction.

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Satisfaction–Performance Theory

 Job Satisfaction results from:  The performance itself  The rewards for performance  The perceived equitability of those rewards

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Satisfaction–Performance Motivation Model

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Goal-Setting Theory

 Based on research, employees who are given specific, challenging goals outperform those who are given vague goals such as “do your best.”

 Three steps to follow:  Setting the goal (specific and measurable)  Obtaining goal commitment  Providing support elements

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Goal-Setting Model

Reproduced from Latham, G. P., & Locke, E. A. (1979). Goal setting—A motivational technique that works. Organizational Dynamics, 8(2), 68.

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Reinforcement Theory

 Research suggests that an employee’s behavior will be repeated if it is associated with positive rewards and will not be repeated if it is associated with negative consequences.

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Reinforcement Theory

 Four types of reinforcement:

Positive Punishment

Negative Extinction

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Reinforcement Theory

  • Process Theories of Motivation
  • Learning Outcomes
  • Learning Outcomes (2)
  • Expectancy (VIE) Theory
  • Expectancy (VIE) Theory (2)
  • Application of Expectancy Theory
  • Equity Theory
  • Equity Theory (2)
  • Equity Theory (3)
  • Equity Theory (4)
  • Equity Theory (5)
  • Satisfaction–Performance Theory
  • Satisfaction–Performance Theory (2)
  • Satisfaction–Performance Motivation Model
  • Goal-Setting Theory
  • Goal-Setting Model
  • Reinforcement Theory
  • Reinforcement Theory (2)
  • Reinforcement Theory (3)


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Content Theories of Motivation

Chapter 6

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Learning Outcomes

After completing this chapter, the student should be able to understand:  The definition of motivation.  The difference between content theories and process

theories of motivation.  Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and its criticisms.

 Alderfer’s ERG Theory

 Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory and how it relates to job design.

 Hackman and Oldham’s Job Characteristic Model.

 McClelland’s Three-Needs Theory

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What Is Motivation?

 The psychological process through which unsatisfied needs or wants lead to drives that are aimed at goals or incentives.

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Content vs. Process Theories of Motivation

 Content theories of motivation  Explain the specific factors that motivate people and

answers the question “what drives behavior?”  Process theories of motivation

 Helps explain how an individual’s behavior is energized, directed, sustained, and stopped.

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Reproduced from Maslow, A. H. (1954). Motivation and personality. New York, NY: Harper & Row.

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Criticisms of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

 Lack of evidence that workers have a single dominant need.

 Lack of evidence that a need diminishes in strength when gratified.

 Difficulty explaining individuals who neglect their lower level needs in pursuit of higher level needs (e.g., starving artist).

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Alderfer’s ERG Theory

 Existence refers to an individual’s concern with basic material and physiological existence requirements.

 Relatedness refers to the need for developing and sustaining interpersonal

relationships.  Growth refers to an

individual’s intrinsic need to be creative and to make useful and productive contributions, including personal development with opportunities for personal growth.


Relatednes sGrowth

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Alderfer vs. Maslow

 Does not require a strict ordering of needs satisfaction  Accounts for differences in need preferences by

individuals  Frustration–regression principle

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Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory

 People have two sets of needs  Avoidance of unpleasantness  Personal growth

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Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory

Job Satisfaction

No Job Dissatisfaction

No Job Satisfaction

Job Dissatisfaction

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Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory

Hygiene Factors Extrinsic (Job Context) Company Policies Administrative Policies Supervision Salary Interpersonal Relations Working Conditions

Motivators Intrinsic (Job Content) Achievement Recognition The work itself Responsibility Advancement

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Herzberg and Job Design

 Herzberg promoted the concept that if the work one does is significant, it will ultimately lead to satisfaction with the work itself.

 Employees will be motivated to do work that they perceive to be significant.

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The Job Characteristics Model of Work Motivation

Reproduced from Hackman, J. R., & Oldham, G. R. (1980). Work redesign (p. 90). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

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McClelland’s Three-Needs Theory

 Three types of motivational needs:



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Daniel Pink




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Hackman and Oldman’s Job Characteristic Model

Reproduced from Hackman, J. R., & Oldham, G. R. (1980). Work redesign (p. 90). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

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Comparison of Content Theories of Motivation

  • Content Theories of Motivation
  • Learning Outcomes
  • What Is Motivation?
  • Content vs. Process Theories of Motivation
  • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
  • Criticisms of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
  • Alderfer’s ERG Theory
  • Alderfer vs. Maslow
  • Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
  • Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory (2)
  • Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory (3)
  • Herzberg and Job Design
  • The Job Characteristics Model of Work Motivation
  • McClelland’s Three-Needs Theory
  • Daniel Pink
  • Hackman and Oldman’s Job Characteristic Model
  • Comparison of Content Theories of Motivation