Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Identify an agency or organization, where you would like to implement a criminal justice/law enforcement initiative with an organization in the private or public sector organization suc - Writingforyou

Identify an agency or organization, where you would like to implement a criminal justice/law enforcement initiative with an organization in the private or public sector organization suc


  • Submit your topic with a rationale for approval by your instructor.
  •                        Research Topic Introduction
    Due: 11:59 pm Sunday of Unit 2. This is the first section of your Final Project. Please write the introduction portion of your final research project, proposing a non-experimental research topic rooted in a law enforcement issue. (See the suggested topics provided in Unit 1 for inspiration.)

    This paper should include the following topics:

    • Identify an agency or organization, where you would like to implement a criminal justice/law enforcement initiative with an organization in the private or public sector organization such as a police department, an educational/civic–police partnership, a state or federal agency, etc. (it may also be a generic organization such as “a local police department”).
    • Provide a description of this organization (size, demographics, jurisdiction, purpose)
    • The need for this initiative.
    • Define the stakeholders of the initiative, including the target audience.

Research Topic Introduction

Due: Midnight Sunday of Unit 2.

This is the first section of your Final Project. Please write the introduction portion of your final research project, proposing a non-experimental research topic rooted in a law enforcement issue. (See the suggested topics provided in Unit 1 for inspiration.)

This paper should include the following topics:

· Identify an agency or organization, where you would like to implement a law enforcement initiative with an organization in the private or public sector organization such as a police department, an educational/civic – police partnership, state or federal agency, etc. (it may also be a generic organization such as “a local police department”).

· Provide a description of this organization (size, demographics, jurisdiction, purpose)

· The need for this initiative.

· Define the stakeholders of the initiative, including the target audience.

Rubric Non-Experimental Research Topic Introduction


Deficient (0 – 5 Points)

Proficient to Development Needed (6 – 8 Points)

Exemplary to Proficient (9 – 10 Points)

Points Earned (30 Pts.)


Overview of the law enforcement initiative and organization

Does not provide an adequate overview of the law enforcement initiative and organization or is missing.

Initiative and organization overview is presented, though may not be clear or complete.

Initiative and organization overview is clearly presented including all criteria outlined above.


Appropriate citations

References missing or not appropriate caliber.

Fewer than 4 peer reviewed references cited.

4 or more peer reviewed references cited.


Clear and professional writing and format

Errors impede professional presentation; guidelines not followed.

Few errors that do not impede professional presentation.

Writing and format is clear, professional, APA compliant, and error free.

Total Points: