Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Were there areas within the role of a School Counselor that surprised you? If so, how? ‘Introduce students to careers and the world of work beginning in elementary grades (Pre-K?3)’ - Writingforyou

Were there areas within the role of a School Counselor that surprised you? If so, how? ‘Introduce students to careers and the world of work beginning in elementary grades (Pre-K?3)’

Respond to  2 students discussion using the rise Model

Due Friday August 25, 2023

Must Read Everything: 

Reply to at least two classmate’s posts, applying the RISE Model for Meaningful Feedback

I will also show an example below of how the response needs to be addressed.

Here's an example of how the response should look. Please don't copy it. The response to the classmate need to be just like this. 

Example Response (Response Needs to be writin just like the response below No copying)

RISE Feedback:

REFLECT: I concur with "Action plans should reflect the type of services that are needed and have an idea of the expected outcome of the services" because it is in line with Hatch and Hartline's intentional school counseling guidelines in regards to determining students needs. 

INQUIRE: Can you further explain what "closing-the-gap action plans" are?

SUGGEST: I encourage you to revisit Hatch and Hartline's MTMDSS tier interventions in order to add a citation that would illustrate your example on bullying prevention efforts. 

ELEVATE: What if you re-purposed "For example, after a needs assessment, the school is having problems with bullying" as "Following Trish Hatch's MTMDSS tier based interventions, if the school is having problems with bullying, after a needs assessment, we could… citation…"  for a more weighted argument?


Hatch, T., & Hartline, J. (2022). The use of data in school counseling: Hatching results (and so much more) for students, programs and the profession (2nd Ed.). Corwin.

****PLEASE RESPOND IN DEPTH***************************************************

Below are the two classmate discussion post that you will need to respond to


Classmate response 1- Laura Castaneda

  • Were there areas within the role of a School Counselor that surprised you? If so, how?

"Introduce students to careers and the world of work beginning in elementary grades (Pre-K–3)" (ASCA, 2023). Prior to starting the school counseling Program I knew that the role of school counselors encompassed career exploration, however I was surprised to read that students in Pre-k were being introduced to the world of work and careers. The earliest I remember learning about different careers was in middle school, however I think it is great that students are learning about different jobs early on in their life. An introduction to different careers at such a young age can play a pivotal role in shaping their perspectives and aspirations. It helps children broaden their understanding of the possibilities that lie ahead, igniting their curiosity and imagination from an early stage.

  • What levels of supports do you want to learn more about?

As a future school counselor I want to get a deeper understanding of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) programs and strategies. It seems like students have really struggled emotionally and socially after the pandemic, which has affected their academics. I would like to integrate effective techniques into my school counseling approach, which could include self-awareness, self-regulation and goal-setting. Learning more about SEL programs and strategies, will ensure that the students are equipped to succeed academically and also have the tools necessary to flourish in their social and emotional well-being. 


American School Counselor Association (2023). The School Counselor and Career Development.

Retrieved August 21, 2023, from


Classmate response 2- Ashley

Were there areas within the role of a School Counselor that surprised you? If so, how?

“School counselors recognize career education begins in pre-kindergarten and is exemplified by students who are knowledgeable about options and are prepared to enroll and succeed in postsecondary experiences without needing remediation.” (ASCA) When I first became interested in becoming a school counselor, I had no idea that students were introduced to concepts of careers as early as kindergarten. From what I can remember, I began learning about careers at school around third grade through Career Day. Students were encouraged to dress up as a career on Halloween. Parents of various roles came to teach students about the job and its requirements. I understand how early exposure shifts the direction of education as they can become more aware and focused on how education can affect their future. As I have been observing at the elementary school, I have seen the counselor teach the curriculum to all students regarding career possibilities and interests.

What levels of support do you want to learn more about?

I want to learn more about the role of a high school counselor and how they help plan the student's schedule to meet the graduation/college requirements. Most of my time has been spent observing the elementary school level, so I look forward to spending my time at middle and high school, helping them prepare for secondary education. I would enjoy helping students fill out applications, writing recommendation letters, and applying for financial aid. Some students may be interested in attending a trade school or the military, so bringing admissions officers and recruiters from these areas may benefit them.


American School Counselor Association (n.d.). The School Counselor and Career Development.

Retrieved August 21, 2023, from