Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Identify any public health issue you are interested in ( eg. human trafficking, street drugs, obesity, clean water, Food safety, etc.) Get a research paper on your selected topic from a - Writingforyou

Identify any public health issue you are interested in ( eg. human trafficking, street drugs, obesity, clean water, Food safety, etc.) Get a research paper on your selected topic from a


Identify any public health issue you are interested in ( eg. human trafficking, street drugs, obesity, clean water, Food safety, etc.)

Get a research paper on your selected topic from a peer review journal.

Answer the following:

1. Write the title of the article, which year the paper was published, and in which journal.

2. Why do you think this is a public health issue?

3. Identify the magnitude of the issue.

4. List any prevention and intervention measures available and also suggest any prevention or intervention measure you can think of. 

5. Attach the article PDF with the assignment.