Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Write 170-220 words for this section of the document. Resources and Costs ???????? Copy your costs from the Unit 1 assignment and then make alterations: ??? - Writingforyou

Write 170-220 words for this section of the document. Resources and Costs ???????? Copy your costs from the Unit 1 assignment and then make alterations: ???

Use the attached as for info

  • Project Overview and Requirements         
    • Copy your executive summary from your Unit 1 assignment.  You may update this if you feel more specificity would be helpful to  the client.
    • In a second paragraph, explain project requirements.  This is essentially a list of features and desired functionality of the  final deliverable, accompanied by some detail and presented in paragraph  form.
    • Write 170–220 words for this section of the document.
  • Resources and Costs         
    • Copy your costs from the Unit 1 assignment and then make alterations:                 
      • Look for specific products as needed. Specify them by name (manufacturer and product, provider and specific service, etc.).
      • Adjust prices so that your cost estimate is closer to what you think you will need.
      • Add a line for contingency funds: First, figure out a total and then add 10% to arrive at a grand total.
    • Again, use embedded Excel and ensure that all parts of the embedded table can be seen in the Word template. All calculations must be done by formula.
    • Beneath the embedded table, provide a list of all  pertinent full URLs (not text links) for purchases/services. Make sure  the URLs lead directly to the offerings and pricing.
  • Schedule         
    • Project Management Track:                 
      • Develop a Gantt chart using Microsoft Project. Start with the overview you wrote for the Unit 1 Assignment and include:                         
        • Tasks and subtasks (at least 12 total lines)
        • Timing: Duration and start/finish dates. Be realistic.
        • Predecessors
        • Resources (people or team names)
      • Review and save it in Gantt chart view so that the table and bar chart are both showing.
      • In the Implementation Plan document under  Schedule, type a quick note that the schedule is available in the Gantt  chart. (Project does not embed in Word. Do not take screenshots — just  refer the reader to the other file.)
    • IT Specialist Track:                 
      • Copy your schedule overview Word table from Unit 1 and add sufficient detail. Include:                         
        • Tasks and subtasks (at least 12 items) so that they are expected to be completed.
        • Timing: Estimate start and end dates.
        • Expected completion: Specifically  identify what part(s) are planned for completion before the end of the  course. This can be made clear in the table or explained in a sentence  below the table.
  • Performance Measures and Quality Plan         
    • Explain how project performance (input and output) and  quality (meeting client needs) will be measured. If you need ideas to  get started, check the Reading part of this unit.
    • Mention at least four separate ideas:                 
      • At least one must address data security.
      • At least one other must deal with costs using an  established quantitative measurement such as ROI, TCO, Net Cash Flow,  Internal Rate of Return, or some other financial model. Again, show the  math, even if you use an online calculator to find a result.
    • Write 150–180 words for this section.
    • Present this information in paragraph form, a bulleted list, or a Word table (it is your choice).
  • Risk Management Plan         
    • Identify risks that could logically affect your project  during development or after deployment. If you need ideas to get  started, check the Reading part of this unit.
    • Mention at least four separate risks:                 
      • One must address fluctuations in the Triple Constraint. If you need clarification, check this unit's Reading.
      • At least one other risk must deal with data security.
    • For each risk:                 
      • Provide a mitigation or contingency plan for each.
      • Classify each as high, medium, or low risk.
    • Write 150–180 words for this section.
    • Use a Word table to present this information.

Executive Summary

TerraWeb is a user-friendly tech solution that aims to simplify the deployment of AWS resources using Terraform. The platform caters to non-technical users, empowering them to easily provision and manage AWS resources without requiring in-depth cloud knowledge. By abstracting complexities and providing pre-configured templates, TerraWeb streamlines the resource provisioning process, reduces operational costs, and enhances collaboration between technical and non-technical teams. The primary value of TerraWeb lies in its ability to bridge the gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders, ultimately promoting efficient and standardized AWS resource deployments. It takes out to challenges of knowing how it written rather the result.


As a candidate finishing my master's degree in information technology management, I have acquired in-depth knowledge of cloud computing, programming, architecting, and infrastructure management, making me a qualified specialist for TerraWeb. I possess professional and hands-on experience in AWS services, Web Design, Python, and Terraform, having implemented similar projects during my academic journey and real-world application. Additionally, my expertise in team coordination, knowledge of programming, and solutioning will ensure the successful completion of TerraWeb within the designated timeframe.


The purpose of TerraWeb is to address the challenge of deploying AWS resources for non-technical users. Many organizations face delays and inefficiencies due to the technical knowledge gap between IT teams and non-technical stakeholders. TerraWeb aims to simplify the resource provisioning process, allowing non-technical users to deploy AWS resources confidently. By offering pre-configured templates and a security intuitive interface, TerraWeb will significantly reduce the risk of misconfigurations and security breaches. If the client does not approve this project, resource deployments will continue to rely heavily on technical teams, leading to delays and potential cost overruns due to additional support requirements.


· Non-Technical Users: They will use TerraWeb to deploy and manage AWS resources without technical assistance.

· Technical Teams: They will collaborate with non-technical users through the platform, streamlining the resource deployment process.

· Management: They will benefit from increased operational efficiency and cost savings resulting from standardized and automated resource deployments.

· AWS Service Provider: The platform will drive AWS adoption and usage, potentially increasing revenue for AWS.

Resources and Cost Estimate

Schedule Overview

Completion Plan

As the IT Specialist, my intention is to complete the entire development of TerraWeb. My current skill set includes proficiency in cloud computing, AWS, Terraform, and web development. If needed, I will access relevant documentation, online resources, and seek guidance from experienced colleagues to address any technical challenges that may arise during the development process. My academic background and hands-on experiences have prepared me to handle the project effectively and ensure its successful completion.




Item Estimated Cost ($)
Labor (Development) 600
Software/Tools 100
Hosting/Cloud Services 150
Licensing and Consultation 150
Total 1000




Milestone Expected Duration
Planning and Design 1 weeks
Development 3 weeks
Testing and Refinement 2 weeks
Total Project Duration 6 weeks