Chat with us, powered by LiveChat You will perform an Internet based research on any three of the given topics and present a report using MS Word and Excel software. This should bring out the skills you learned in th - Writingforyou

You will perform an Internet based research on any three of the given topics and present a report using MS Word and Excel software. This should bring out the skills you learned in th

*** Need to be done by Friday August 11th at 11PM EST. ***



This is a special assignment to learn about integration of Microsoft Office applications. You will perform an Internet based research on any three of the given topics and present a report using MS Word and Excel software. This should bring out the skills you learned in the training modules of all the two applications.

Topics: Impact of Computers on the following areas: 1. Education, 2. Science & Technology, 3. Medical Advancements, 4. Business Growth, and 5. Social Media (pick any three).

Step by step instructions:

  1. Pick any three of the areas given above (for example – Education, Medical Advancements and Social Media)  and do research on the area on the web to prepare the materials for the report. 
  2. The Word document should be about three pages for each area including the pictures and charts organized like chapters in a text book. All the citations and references for the three chapters should be in the last page under "Works Cited". See the given example.
  3. Excel workbook should contain three sheets with one sheet for each area. Area name should be the name of the sheet (for example – Education). See the given example.
  4. Each sheet should contain historical data of growth achieved by the area in the last five years. The data could be taken from the web but you must enter the data in the sheet. At least one chart should be created using the data for each area. Use any data to show the growth in that area like Increase in Sales or number of Customers, Reduction in medical cases, Increase in number of users for Facebook, Twitter and so on. You can show the growth over a 5 year period in that area. 
  5. The chart you created should be inserted as part of the Word document and explained in detail.
  6. The entire document should have a uniform look and should include the charts created in Excel. Use the example given below and create the Word and Excel files and submit them by due date for feedback and a chance to re-submit for more points.


Example files attached: 


Word: Integration_Assignment_Word_sample.pdf 

Excel: Integration_Assignment_Excel_sample.xlsx 

medical advancement

Historical Data and Graph for 3D Printing Usage in Medical Field
Year North America Europe Asia Pacific ROW
2015 1576 1347 1321 412
2016 1598 1467 1445 524
2017 1638 1501 1487 578
2018 1668 1637 1602 622
2019 1712 1686 1638 678
To resize chart data range, drag lower right corner of range.

North America 1576 1598 1638 1668 1712 Europe 1347 1467 1501 1637 1686 Asia Pacific 1321 1445 1487 1602 1638 ROW 412 524 578 622 678

business growth

Historical Data and Graph for E-commerce Growth


Historical Data and Graph for Online Education Growth





Most of the life aspects today are highly dependent on technology for operation. In my research,

I have keenly looked into the impacts of computers on medical advancements, business growth

and education.

John Doe


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Impact of Computers on Medical Advancements …………………………………………….. 3

Chapter 2: Impact of Computers on Business Growth…………………………………………………….. 7

Chapter 3: Impacts of Computers on Education ………………………………………………………….. 9

Works Cited ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11


Chapter 1: Impact of Computers on Medical Advancements

1.1 Introduction

The continuous technology advancement and development of computers has resulted in

the development of many applications that are changing medical practices. The integration of

new software in this field develops a communication network among healthcare facilities,

physicians, staff members, and related agencies, thus providing them with the prospect of

paperless operations.

1.2 Use of Computers in Medicine

Storing huge data

Data means everything in the medical and healthcare industry because there is immense

data available, which when examined can provide a significant understanding of the state of the

entire industry at any given time (Greenwood). For instance, doctors and physicians can make

precise tests and treatment for patients using their records. Besides, doctors and physicians

nowadays use handheld devices to record real-time data for patients and immediately update

their health history (Sweeney, Kaavya and Saul 588). This ensures centralization of patient

information thus improving the quality of healthcare.

Remote monitoring

Many patients usually struggle significantly while moving around hospitals or making

regular visits to healthcare facilities. This challenge not only consumes their time but also their

finances. The advancement of computers has enabled remote supervision technology whereby

patients can find and consult doctors or physicians with ease in the comfort of their residences,

thus saving them money and time. Similarly, a doctor can attend to or monitor the condition of


particular patients remotely. Furthermore, computers have led to the development of robotics and

other applications in medicine, which are used to attend to patients with critical conditions even

in the absence of doctors (Park). For instance, robotics has been significantly used to attend to

COVID-19 patients thus minimizing the risk of transmission. It is also possible to track the

patients’ heart rate, sleep patterns and monitor their calories remotely using innovative mobile


Medical experimentation

Computer technology has greatly altered how medical examinations are done. Rather

than spending years to get results, experiments now can be done within a few weeks or months.

This is significantly contributed by the fact that it is now possible through computers to simulate

human reactions to a certain drug, instead of waiting for human volunteers to come up and test

the drugs. This also eliminates that harm that would be caused to the volunteers in case the drug

turns detrimental (Park). For instance, a chimp adenovirus innovation that is closely connected to

the human version has changed the experimentation rate. During the Ebola outbreak, researchers

learnt that experiments could be significantly catalyzed. Because of anxiety and urge for instant

containment, researchers developed innovative solutions using computers that led to the

development of Ebola vaccine within a short time.

3D printing

Currently, reproduction of bones and some internal body parts has been made possible

through 3D printing technology. These artificial organs can be implanted into human bodies to

replace the ailing organs. Surgeons are also applying 3D printing technology to gain an improved

insight into the operation of the internal parts of the human body. The technology makes it easy

for them to have a closer look at the issue and develop numerous possible solutions or operation


that can be done before conducting the actual surgery on the patients. 3D printing has also led to

the revolutionizing prosthetics. It is now cheaper to get a customized prosthetic hand or leg with

a 3D printer, for instance, for a kid that requires different models as they grow, rather than going

out every year to get a new hand or leg fitted (Greenwood). Besides, with its immense

development, 3D printing is cutting the cost of making such artificial organs significantly every


According to Alsop, the global healthcare 3D printing market was expected to grow by

15.6% from 2014 to 2020. This has happened and even surpassed this estimation. The initiatives

of the governments to grow the medical infrastructure and increasing venture in research and

development are some of the most important factors that have led to this rise. The current

technology’s ability to minimize the anaesthesia risks experienced during prolonged surgeries

has also raised the demand for 3D printers. By 2020, the 3D Print market surpassed the one

billion US dollars mark. There has been a steady increase in demand for 3D printing medical








2015 2016 2017 2018 2019


Asia Pacific


North America


devices in Europe, North America, Asia Pacific and the Rest of the World (ROW) as the graph

below shows (figures in billion US dollars).

1.3 Conclusion

There are more advanced and more accessible diagnosis and treatment today than ever

before, largely contributed by daily technological innovations. Similar innovations have enabled

medical practitioners to explore even better treatment avenues; hence, the health industry is

taking steps towards improved effectiveness every day. Computer technology has helped to

transform the traditionally unsustainable healthcare systems into sustainable ones, facilitate the

connection between healthcare providers and patients and provide faster, cheaper and more

effective solutions for illnesses. With the current rate of technological advancements,

technologies could help win the battle against the novel coronavirus pandemic, cancer and AIDs,

leading to healthier individuals and societies.

Note: The graph used in this chapter is taken from the

Excel Spreadsheet created for this project.




Chapter 2: Impact of Computers on Business Growth

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Influence of Computers in Business


2.3 Conclusion


Chapter 3: Impacts of Computers on Education

3.1 Introduction

3.2 The Role of Computers in Schools


3.3 Computer Use by Grade Level

3.4 Conclusion


Works Cited

Alsop, Thomas. “Global 3D Printing Spending by Region 2019.” Statista, 2 Mar. 2020,

Duffin, Erin. “E-learning and digital education: Statistics & Facts.” Statista, Feb 6, 2020,

Echeverria, A. "The impact of Computers & Education measured beyond traditional

bibliographical metrics Echeverria, Alejandro; Nussbaum, Miguel; Albers, Casper J.;

Heller, Rachelle S.; Tsai, Chin-Chung; Van Braak, Johan." Computers & Education 140

(2019): 103592.

Greenwood, Beth. “The Impact of Computers on a Medical Practice.” Work, 9 Nov. 2016,

Janchenko, Gary, Anthony Rodi, and Michael J. Donohoe. "IMPACT OF COMPUTERS IN


TOOL?" Issues in Information Systems 19.4 (2018): 10-15.

Kris Kristijan “How Computers Changed Business Forever.” TFOT, 13 Dec. 2018,

Nagy, Judit, et al. "The role and impact of Industry 4.0 and the internet of things on the business

strategy of the value chain—the case of Hungary." Sustainability 10.10 (2018): 3491.


Park, Kristin. Computers and Medicine in the 21st Century: A Digital Communications

Perspective. Diss. 2020.

Sabanoglu, Tugba. “Global Retail e-Commerce Market Size 2014-2023.” Statista, 30 Nov. 2020,

Saebi, Tina, Lasse Lien, and Nicolai J. Foss. "What drives business model adaptation? The

impact of opportunities, threats and strategic orientation." Long range planning 50.5

(2017): 567-581.

Skilton, Mark, and Felix Hovsepian. The 4th industrial revolution: Responding to the impact of

artificial intelligence on business. Springer, 2017.

Sweeney, Megan, Kaavya Paruchuri, and Saul N. Weingart. "Going mobile: resident physicians'

assessment of the impact of tablet computers on clinical tasks, job satisfaction, and quality

of care." Applied clinical informatics 9.3 (2018): 588.