Chat with us, powered by LiveChat You now have a compelling problem/need statement written, so you’re well on your way to applying for that grant. But the funders are going to need a lot more information than what you put i - Writingforyou

You now have a compelling problem/need statement written, so you’re well on your way to applying for that grant. But the funders are going to need a lot more information than what you put i


You now have a compelling problem/need statement written, so you're well on your way to applying for that grant. But the funders are going to need a lot more information than what you put in those few paragraphs.

Now you need to find out more of the specifics that you'll need to put into the actual grant application. At this stage you will need to complete two things:

  1. Choose one of the funders identified in the first part of the course to do some additional research on and create a list of required items to apply for that grant.
  2. Develop goals and objectives for the program that can be used in the grant application.

Part 1

Research the application requirements for two of the funders identified at the beginning of the course. In a Word document, write 1–2 paragraphs on why you believe each funder has the requirements they do, what, if any, differences there are in application requirements, and what might account for those differences.

Part 2

You will develop clear goals that define what the Resource Center intends to accomplish through the development of the tutorial program, as well as establish measurable objectives that will highlight your organization's progress toward established goals.

The goals and objectives provide an assessment of the tutorial program's success to both the organization and the funder. When goals and objectives are not clearly defined, it can not only have an impact on the program's outcomes, but it can also impact negatively program staff, participants, and funders.

Based on the problem statement you created, you'll want to answer the following questions:

  • What are the key areas of the nonprofit are you seeking to change?
  • Who (which segment of the population or community) will be affected or involved with the change?
  • How will the change be measured (an increase or improvement, or a decrease and reduction)? And by how much?
  • When will this change take place? Months? Years? Or by what specific date?

Use the template, Worksheet 4.1A – Goals and Objectives in Winning Grants Step by Step to develop goals and objectives by focusing on outcomes. First, develop a general goal for the program, then describe the objectives that tie to that goal. Use one of these tables for each goal you have:

Worksheet 4.1A: Goals and Objective Exercise (Example Worksheet)Goal:Objective 1Objective 2Objective 3Direction of changeArea of changeTarget populationDegree of changeTime frameFollow this standard form as objective statements are developed: To (direction of change) + (area of change) + (target population) + (degree of change) + (time frame).

As you fill out these Goals and Objective tables, keep the following questions in mind:

  1. Are the goals stated as results? Do they relate to the problem statement? Do they represent the key changes the organization hopes to see?
  2. Are the outcome objectives stated as results that relate to a program goal? Are they stepping stones to achieving success (the goal)? Can everyone understand them?
  3. Can progress in meeting the objectives be measured and assessed?
  4. Do the objectives describe the population and a specific time frame for change?

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Research the steps to apply for a grant.

8/9/23, 4:54 PM Week 6 Assignment – How to Apply for a Grant 1/5

Week 6 Assignment – How to Apply for a Grant 8/14/2023

110 Possible Points In Progress NEXT UP: Submit Assignment

3 Attempts Allowed 7/24/2023

Attempt 1 Add Comment


You now have a compelling problem/need statement written, so you're well on your way to applying for that grant. But the funders are going to need a lot more information than what you put in those few paragraphs.

Now you need to find out more of the specifics that you'll need to put into the actual grant application. At this stage you will need to complete two things:

1. Choose one of the funders identified in the first part of the course to do some additional research on and create a list of required items to apply for that grant.

2. Develop goals and objectives for the program that can be used in the grant application.

Part 1 Research the application requirements for two of the funders identified at the beginning of the course. In a Word document, write 1–2 paragraphs on why you believe each funder has the requirements they do, what, if any, differences there are in application requirements, and what might account for those differences.

Part 2 You will develop clear goals that define what the Resource Center intends to accomplish through the development of the tutorial program, as well as establish measurable objectives that will highlight your organization's progress toward established goals.

The goals and objectives provide an assessment of the tutorial program's success to both the organization and the funder. When goals and objectives are not clearly defined, it can not only have an impact on the program's outcomes, but it can also impact negatively program staff, participants, and funders.(

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8/9/23, 4:54 PM Week 6 Assignment – How to Apply for a Grant 2/5

Based on the problem statement you created, you'll want to answer the following questions:

What are the key areas of the nonprofit are you seeking to change? Who (which segment of the population or community) will be affected or involved with the change? How will the change be measured (an increase or improvement, or a decrease and reduction)? And by how much? When will this change take place? Months? Years? Or by what specific date?

Use the template, Worksheet 4.1A – Goals and Objectives in Winning Grants Step by Step to develop goals and objectives by focusing on outcomes. First, develop a general goal for the program, then describe the objectives that tie to that goal. Use one of these tables for each goal you have:

Worksheet 4.1A: Goals and Objective Exercise (Example Worksheet)

Goal: Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3

Direction of change

Area of change

Target population

Degree of change

Time frame

Follow this standard form as objective statements are developed: To (direction of change) + (area of change) + (target population) + (degree of change) + (time frame).

As you fill out these Goals and Objective tables, keep the following questions in mind:

1. Are the goals stated as results? Do they relate to the problem statement? Do they represent the key changes the organization hopes to see?

2. Are the outcome objectives stated as results that relate to a program goal? Are they stepping stones to achieving success (the goal)? Can everyone understand them?

3. Can progress in meeting the objectives be measured and assessed? 4. Do the objectives describe the population and a specific time frame for change?

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Research the steps to apply for a grant.

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8/9/23, 4:54 PM Week 6 Assignment – How to Apply for a Grant 3/5

Week 6 Assignment – How to Apply for a Grant

Criteria Ratings Pts

Overall goals. view longer description / 38.5 pts

Objectives for reaching the goal. view longer description

/ 38.5 pts

38.5 to >34.65 pts Exemplary

Stated goals are clearly connected and relate to the problem statement. Goals are stated as results and represent the key changes that the organization hopes to see through the grant-funded program.

34.65 to >30.8 pts Competent

Stated goals are mostly connected and relate to the problem statement. Goals are stated as results and mostly represent the key changes that the organization hopes to see through the grant-funded program.

30.8 to >26.95 pts Needs Improvemen t

Stated goals are not entirely connected and may not relate to the problem statement. Goals are not all stated as results and do not necessarily represent the key changes that the organization hopes to see through the grant-funded program.

26.95 to >0 pts Unacceptabl e

Stated goals are disconnected and do not relate to the problem statement. Goals are not all stated as results and do not represent the key changes that the organization hopes to see through the grant-funded program.

38.5 to >34.65 pts Exemplary

Each stated goal has objectives stated as a result for each of the areas: direction of change, area of change,

34.65 to >30.8 pts Competent

Each stated goal has objectives stated as a result for each of the areas: direction of change, area of change,

30.8 to >26.95 pts Needs Improvemen t

Most of the stated goals have objectives stated as a result for each of the areas:

26.95 to >0 pts Unacceptabl e

Most of the stated goals do not have objectives for each of the areas: direction of change, area of change,(

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8/9/23, 4:54 PM Week 6 Assignment – How to Apply for a Grant 4/5

Week 6 Assignment – How to Apply for a Grant

Criteria Ratings Pts

Completed tables. view longer description / 22 pts

Writing mechanics. view longer description

/ 11 pts

target population, degree of change, and time frame. Each objective is also a clear stepping stone to achieving the goal.

target population, degree of change, and time frame.

direction of change, area of change, target population, degree of change, and time frame.

target population, degree of change, and time frame.

22 to >19.8 pts Exemplary

One table is submitted for each stated goal and each has at least one objective for every area on the table.

19.8 to >17.6 pts Competent

One table is submitted for each stated goal, and most tables have one objective for every area on the table with 1-2 exceptions.

17.6 to >15.4 pts Needs Improvemen t

One table is submitted for each stated goal, but the tables are incomplete and do not have objectives for every area on the table.

15.4 to >0 pts Unacceptabl e

Not all stated goals have a completed table, or the tables have only a few objectives scattered throughout.

11 to >9.9 pts Exemplary

Information in the table contains three or fewer grammatical errors.

9.9 to >8.8 pts Competent

Information in the table contains 4-6 grammatical errors.

8.8 to >7.7 pts Needs Improvemen t

Information in the table contains 7-9 grammatical errors.

7.7 to >0 pts Unacceptabl e

Information in the table contains 10 or more grammatical errors.


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8/9/23, 4:54 PM Week 6 Assignment – How to Apply for a Grant 5/5

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Week 6 Assignment – How to Apply for a Grant

Criteria Ratings Pts

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