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MGNT915 Final Assessment: Research Report

Please refer to the pdf for details of the assessment.

Do not choose AirBnb, Ikea, Singapore Airlines and Amazon. 

MGNT915 Final Assessment: Research Report

Final report submission due: 11th August 2023, 11pm UAE time.

Task: Students need to select an organization in the Middle East region and discuss a change

management initiative considering the reasons for change, change management approach, and

recommendations for improvement.

The written report should address the following:

1. Introduction (around 50 words)

2. Description of your case study organisation and its context and environment (around 600 words)-

briefly describe the case study organisation, and the contextual and environmental factors that have

caused/contributed to change in that organisation.

3. Analysis of change and change management approach (around 500 words)- analyse the change

that the organisation has implemented (or is implementing), the approach it has adopted in and

managing change and the theory that you think underpins its approach.

4. Limitation(s) in change implementation/management approach (around 250 words) – based on

your analyses in sections 2 and 3 (above), analyse gap(s) that may exist between what the

organisational, contextual and situational factors require and the approach the organisation has


5. Recommendations for the Organisation (around 600 words) – based on the findings of section 4

(above) and what you have learned in MGNT915, recommend practical steps that you believe the

organisation should take/have taken to enact effective/successful and sustainable change. The

section should also need to consider theories and concepts to support the recommendations.

6. Conclusion (around 100 words)

7. References

Other guidelines:

• Your submission should use the standard report format.

• 2000-2100 words, excluding reference list and appendices.

• You cannot select any of the organisations selected by teams for Assessment 2. Also,

information about the selected organization should be publicly available.

• Use section headings.

• An executive summary is NOT required.

• Use 1.5 line spacing, Arial or Times New Roman font, size 12, with 2.5 cm margin on each


• Use a minimum of 10 recent (2015 and later) peer reviewed journal articles, in addition to

the textbook and non-academic sources that you may need to use.

• Include a full reference list (not included in the word count) as per the UOW Harvard style.

Marking rubric:

Knowledge and understanding of the case study company and key change management issue

including contextual factors (20%)

Ability to apply key change management concepts, theories and/or models (30%)

Quality and strength (justification) of recommendations including depth of practical understanding


Analytical and critical thinking (10%)

Use of research and data (5%)

Writing skills and structure of the report (including word count, Harvard referencing) (5%)