Chat with us, powered by LiveChat 3-day food diary with all foods consumed (Choose 3 consecutive days, one being a weekend or holiday to record food consumption) - Writingforyou

3-day food diary with all foods consumed (Choose 3 consecutive days, one being a weekend or holiday to record food consumption)


Diet Analysis Project PPT Instructions

Develop a 15-20 slide powerpoint in APA, or MLA format to present a personal diet analysis plan using the Livestrong MyPlate Calorie Counter (The title page, and reference page are part of the slide count). The diet analysis powerpoint must contain the following components:

  1. 3-day food diary with all foods consumed (Choose 3 consecutive days, one being a weekend or holiday to record food consumption).The 3-day diary will serve and assist with generating a meal plan checklist for the final diet analysis project using the MyPlate tool.
  2. Biophysical characteristics (age, gender, height, weight, ethnicity, physical activity),
  3. Total calorie intake with dates
  4. Two HUN1201 Nutrition general course outcomes that relate to the plan
  5. Initial improvement plan with supporting citation.
  6. Summary describing all required components

 You can use the program Cronometer ( instead. Like Livestrong, you will have to  subscribe to a free account. Enter your three-day dietary information under "Food" and upload the analysis as part of your report. 

Diet Analysis Project

HUN 1201 

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Detailed Dietary intake

Analysis covers dietary intake from November 1-3, 2018

Plan is based on a 1,200 calorie allowance

This plan is derived from my goal of losing 1 pound per week


November 1, 2018

 November 1, 2018 Your Total
Meal Item Brand Item Name Your Servings Calories Sugars Carbs Fats Protein Cholesterol Sodium Dietary Fiber
breakfast   brewed coffee 1.00 2 0g 0g 0g 0g 0mg 4mg 0g
breakfast   pancake mix 3.00 1,194 7g 247g 6g 34g 0mg 5,027mg 18g
breakfast   whole egg 2.00 144 0g 1g 10g 13g 372mg 142mg 0g
lunch   Juice Smoothie, NAKED JUICE, MIGHTY MANGO 1.00 151 30g 36g 0g 1g 0mg 10mg 0g
lunch Terra Potato Chips 1.00 130 0g 19g 6g 2g 0mg 115mg 3g
lunch   granny smith apple 1.00 97 16g 23g 0g 1g 0mg 2mg 5g
dinner   Curried Chicken 1.00 284 2g 12g 16g 25g 0mg 743mg 5g
dinner   Juice Smoothie, NAKED JUICE, MIGHTY MANGO 1.00 151 30g 36g 0g 1g 0mg 10mg 0g
dinner   Rice, white, glutinous, cooked 2.00 338 0g 73g 1g 7g 0mg 17mg 3g
Calories Sugars Carbohydrates Fat Protein Cholesterol Sodium Dietary Fiber
2,491.00 85.83g 447.57g 37.82g 82.83g 372.00mg 6,067.89mg 34.38g
Calories Allowed 0.00
Calories Consumed 2,491.00
Calories Burned 0
Net Calories 2491

November 2, 2018

 November 2, 2018 Your Total
Meal Item Brand Item Name Your Servings Calories Sugars Carbs Fats Protein Cholesterol Sodium Dietary Fiber
breakfast   PBJ 1.00 340 19g 46g 14g 13g 0mg 370mg 7g
breakfast   brewed coffee 1.00 2 0g 0g 0g 0g 0mg 4mg 0g
lunch Sprite Sprite 0.83 116 32g 32g 0g 0g 0mg 54mg 0g
lunch McCain Wedges Fried Potatoes 1.25 188 0g 26g 8g 3g 0mg 313mg 3g
lunch   fried chicken leg 3.00 852 0g 8g 48g 90g 316mg 296mg 0g
dinner   Brown Stew Chicken 1.00 477 11g 21g 27g 34g 116mg 3,915mg 2g
dinner   cooked white rice 1.50 363 0g 80g 1g 7g 0mg 0mg 1g
Calories Sugars Carbohydrates Fat Protein Cholesterol Sodium Dietary Fiber
2,337.70 61.99g 212.77g 97.46g 146.11g 431.84mg 4,950.29mg 12.26g
Calories Allowed 0.00
Calories Consumed 2,337.70
Calories Burned 0
Net Calories 2337.7

November 3, 2018

 November 3, 2018 Your Total
Meal Item Brand Item Name Your Servings Calories Sugars Carbs Fats Protein Cholesterol Sodium Dietary Fiber
breakfast   Plantains, cooked 8.00 1,432 172g 384g 2g 10g 0mg 62mg 28g
breakfast   brewed coffee 1.00 2 0g 0g 0g 0g 0mg 5mg 0g
breakfast   whole egg 2.00 144 0g 1g 10g 13g 372mg 142mg 0g
lunch McCain Wedges Fried Potatoes 1.00 150 0g 21g 6g 2g 0mg 250mg 2g
lunch   cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, and condiments 1.00 292 6g 29g 13g 15g 41mg 628mg 2g
dinner Thai Thai Grocery Shrimp Green Curry with Rice 1.00 160 0g 35g 0g 4g 0mg 15mg 0g
dinner   apple juice 1.42 172 36g 42g 0g 0g 0mg 15mg 1g
dinner   cooked white rice 2.00 484 0g 106g 1g 9g 0mg 0mg 1g
Calories Sugars Carbohydrates Fat Protein Cholesterol Sodium Dietary Fiber
2,835.82 214.52g 617.60g 32.27g 52.85g 413.40mg 1,116.12mg 33.81g
Calories Allowed 0.00
Calories Consumed 2,835.82
Calories Burned 0
Net Calories 2835.82
Glasses of Water
2018-11-01 2.00
2018-11-02 2.00
2018-11-03 3.00

Food Groups and Calories Report

FRUITS recommend 2 cups of fruit for a woman my age. I think I definitely do well with this because I drink a lot of natural fruit juices. I really enjoy the brand Naked which manufactures 100% fruit smoothies and I drink this throughout the day. I do consume regular fruit now and then as well.


According to I should be having 3 oz. of grains daily. I definitely exceed this target. I eat rice daily and when I do have it, it takes up almost half my plate. I need to cut back on the amount I consume and substitute rice for other grains.


The recommendation is 2 ½ cups of vegetables per day. I don’t meet the amount on even a weekly average. My husband has started though to put the vegetable in the juicer and mask the taste of them with different fruits and I have been enjoying it thus far.

Total Calories

My analysis revealed that I consume too many calories on a daily basis. Livestrong recommended a goal of 1200 calories daily based on my height and weight and my goal of losing 1 pound per week. Over the 3 day period I consumed 2554.3 calories on average. On Thursday November 1, I consumed 2491 calories and I was way over my normal limits which was all due to the consumption of the pancakes for breakfast. Had it not been for the pancake I would have been at 1297 and be close to my target of 1200 calories. On Friday November 2, I consumed 2337 calories, it was still over my target of 1200 but was the best of the three days. Had it not been for the fired chicken at lunch which came to a total of 852 calories I would have been much closer to my goal. On Saturday November 3, I consumed 2835 calories which was the worst of the three days, this was because of my consumption of the 8g of plantains which had a high caloric amount of 1432 calories. To minimize such high calories I could reduce to 2g of plantains which would be 360 calories and my calorie intake would have been 1803. Overall I do realize that I need to adjust my dietary intake and the amount of certain foods I eat in order to fulfill my goal of losing 1 lb. per week.

Nutrient Report



Lipids (Fats)



Vitamins and Minerals






Proteins requires that I meet a target goal of 90g protein. On average for the 3 days I consumed 93g of protein. I need to ensure that I am getting 90g of protein daily because on my intake fluctuates daily. On Saturday I had 52.85g compared to Friday where I am in excess at 146.11g, so I definitely need balance. Protein is a very important building block for the entire body and the body uses protein to build and repair tissues (Blake, 2016). I met protein intake by eating mainly eggs and chicken.

Lipids (Fats)

Fats are essential for organ protection and temperature regulation (Blake, 2016). My daily allowance was 40g. My average daily intake was 55.85g. I was doing quite well for 2 of the 3 days, consuming less than my daily allowance. On Friday I raked up 97.46g of fat which was very surprising. The fried chicken is what placed me over the edge at 48g. This reveals again the need for balance.


My recommended daily allowance for carbohydrates was 120g. This was a bit surprising to me given the fact that the latest Dietary Reference Intakes recommends a minimum of 130g for adults based on the demand that the brain has for glucose in order to function properly (Blake, 2016). I consumed an average of 866.21g of carbohydrates. I didn’t meet the goal not one day. This area definitely will require more effort. On November 1 I had pancakes for breakfast and I did not realize that the pancake alone exceeded my daily allowance they were 247g. On November 2 the rice I consumed was 80g of carbs and on November 3 the plantains I had were 384g. I have a tendency to make a lot of plantains and as I go throughout the morning I eat a piece here and a piece their and before I know it I consume more than I should. So I definitely plan to take it easy with my plantain cravings. Though the body requires carbohydrates for energy, consuming too much can lead to conditions such as diabetes (Blake, 2016).


Vitamins and Minerals


My daily allowance was 1,440 mg of sodium. For the 3 days I averaged 4,044.77mg of sodium this is way too high. I was good with my sodium intake on Saturday the 3rd I only had 1,116.12 mg. On the other hand on the 2nd I ate 1 serving of brown stew chicken and it accumulated to 3,915mg of sodium. I eat this kind of food on a weekly basis and I never took the time to consider how much sodium it contains this was the most shocking part of my analysis. No doubt it will be difficult to cut this meal completely from my diet but I do plan to limit how much I consume in one setting. The pancakes I had on November 1st didn’t do me any justice either I racked up an embarrassing 5,027mg of sodium from just that breakfast item. I am amazed that pancakes are so high in calories and sodium. Consuming too much sodium can lead to certain medical issues such as hypertension (Blake, 2016). My father is currently suffering from uncontrolled hypertension, so with that predisposition I definitely need to thread carefully in order to avoid the same diagnosis. I certainly plan on paying closer attention to the sodium content on my food labels.


The Livestrong website does not provide a full analysis of other minerals and vitamins. However, I know that I consume a fairly decent amount of the other essential vitamins and mineral. Potassium is important for heart contractility and the balance of sodium and potassium gate channels within the body (Blake, 2016). I am not a fan of bananas which are high in potassium but I do have my fair share of potatoes and other fruits.


I know for sure I do not get enough calcium. I do not like to drink milk and I am not consistent with my leafy green vegetable intake either. I know though that calcium is essential to build strong bones and prevent conditions such as osteoporosis (Blake, 2016). I do plan to give this category more attention.


My iron intake also warrants attention. I only get iron from like poultry and now an then when I decide to consume a salad but it is very insistent. My mom is severely anemic and I see how she get fatigued and complains of shortness of breath with the simplest task that she carries out. My hemoglobin levels are barely holding up and I keep hiding from dieting properly to help the problem. Iron is essential for the making of hemoglobin which transports oxygen (Blake, 2016).


Blake, Joan Salge, Nutrition & You: Guide Students to a Deeper Understanding of Nutrition, (New Jersey: Pearson, 2016).

Livestrong Foundation. Myplate. Retrieved from /

United States Department of Agriculture. Myplate

Retrieved from

Physical Activity

I didn’t put in any physical activity because I didn’t do any exercise all 3 days. I am not a very active person. I work in the emergency room. Whenever I am at work I do a lot of brisk walking to get my job done. On my phone I have an app that calculates my steps and when I am at work I easily clock over 6,000 step before I am half way into my 12 hr. shift. The problem comes now when I get my days, I am so exhausted all I do is eat and sleep. I have taken up Zumba there are classes at my gym on Mondays and Wednesdays, whenever I am off work and I feel like it I go to the class. I know I need to do more exercise but the drive just isn’t there. I know I have to take this more seriously though. Within the last 2 years I went from a size 2 to a size 8 in jeans. My goals as of now on is to do at least 25 mins of cardio each day. I think I will get a jump rope that is something I really would enjoy.
