Chat with us, powered by LiveChat What can you do to implement these programs?All or partialWhat challenges may occur for your facilities?How can you overcome them? Written Assignment: – Write an information doc answer - Writingforyou

What can you do to implement these programs?All or partialWhat challenges may occur for your facilities?How can you overcome them? Written Assignment: – Write an information doc answer

ØWhat can you do to implement these programs?ØAll or partialØØWhat challenges may occur for your facilities?ØØHow can you overcome them?

Written Assignment:

– Write an information doc answering the above questions regarding your current facility or a facility you have worked for in the past.

••At least 2 full pages

What can you do to implement these programs?

All or partial

What challenges may occur for your facilities?

How can you overcome them?

Written Assignment:

– Write an information paper answering the above questions regarding your current facility or a facility you have worked for in the past.

At least 2 full pages

Operation Live Well

Healthy Base Initiative

Performance Triad (P3)

Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F)

Tactical Human Optimization Rapid Rehabilitation and Reconditioning (THOR3)


Current Programs

Falls under Operation Live Well

Brings healthy living initiatives to SMs and families on installations

Focuses on healthy living, active living, and tobacco cessation to improve recruitment, retention, readiness, and resiliency of the military

Promotes good nutrition:

Opportunities to encourage healthy eating through programs targeting military spouses, children and families

Smaller food outlets ability to buy and serve healthier items

Kiosks, food trucks

Expands availability of healthy foods at dining halls

Assessment: HBI used the military Nutrition Environment Assessment Tool, or m-NEAT, to assess the environment at food locations across installations (Garrison Dietician assessment)

Menu labeling: Two labeling systems were included under HBI: Go for Green, primarily used in APF (Warrior Restaurant/Galley) and Better for You*, used in NAF (MWR/Food Courts)

* Better for You is good to know but does not pertain to DFAC operations.

Healthy Base Initiative

FM 7-22

Updated to focus on a holistic approach to fitness and readiness

H2F creates a brigade level team of healthcare providers to improve access to care and incorporate holistic health and fitness into the operations of the brigade

“The goal of H2F is to build physical lethality and mental toughness to win quickly and return home healthy.”

Holistic Health and Fitness

Three components to nutritional readiness

Foundational (proactive)

Health promotion, chronic disease prevention, healthy eating patterns, and body composition

Operational (active)

Operation dependent fueling, nutrient timing, hydration, dietary supplements

Therapeutic (reactive)

Recovery, medical conditions, medical nutrition therapy

H2F Nutritional Readiness




What can you do to support H2F?

Foodservice Personnel:

Aim to optimize the performance, readiness, and health of service members through food (fuel)

Promote nutrient-dense menu choices

Actively prompt patrons to choose higher-quality foods more often by working with H2F dietitian to:

Market the importance/impact of nutrition

Displaying intentionally placed education materials

Offering more nutrient dense food options and limit performance-limiting options

Tactical Human Optimization, Rapid Rehabilitation and Reconditioning

A multidisciplinary approach to promote the longevity of the Special Operations Forces (SOF) Operator

Strength & Conditioning

Mental Performance

Physical Therapy

Performance Nutrition


SOCOM Preservation of Force & Family (POTFF)

USASOC Human Performance Program (HPP)

THOR3 : Internal branding for USASOC HPP

THOR3 Performance-Based Approach

Foodservice Personnel:

In the same way as you can with H2F, aim to optimize the performance, readiness, and health of service members through food (fuel)

Work with performance dietitian

In a THOR3 you may have a greater ability to implement more performance improving foods and recipes than you would in a conventional Army dining facility

THOR3 Nutrition Overview

Optimal nutrition intake:

Speeds recovery from training or injury

Improves mission readiness

Promotes the health of the Operator

Aims to:

Increase fresh, whole foods with a variety of colors

Ensure adequate nutrient intake

ARSOF Policy 7-18

Signed 7 Mar 18

ARSOF menu standards and guidelines developed by SOCOM Performance Dietitians to optimize physical and mental performance in SOF Warfighters

Improved food service Warrior Restaurant operations to focus on performance-based menus utilizing colorful, flavorful recipes and cooking techniques

Updated standards to cold box lunches

Reduce cost and waste across ARSOF Warrior Restaurants

Effective across ARSOF 1 OCT 18 (FY19)

Note: Please refer to the signed ARSOF Policy 7-18 for all approved guidelines.

ARSOF Policy 7-18

Signed 7 Mar 18

ARSOF menu standards and guidelines developed by SOCOM Performance Dietitians to optimize physical and mental performance in SOF Warfighters

Improved food service Warrior Restaurant operations to focus on performance-based menus utilizing colorful, flavorful recipes and cooking techniques

Updated standards to cold box lunches

Reduce cost and waste across ARSOF Warrior Restaurants

Effective across ARSOF 1 OCT 18 (FY19)

Note: Please refer to the signed ARSOF Policy 7-18 for all approved guidelines.


More ammo = better!

The greater number of bullets (max 3) indicates a better quality food item

Based on results of HPP coding algorithm categories

Incl. degree of processing, amount of fiber and sugars plus amount/type of fat

(Beverage Labels)

THOR3 Coding System

THOR3 Coding System

Type of food

The color indicates the macronutrients in that item

Combination foods = protein + carbohydrates




Combination Foods

Ex. Seafood, Poultry, Lean Beef, Deli Meat, Tofu

Ex. Vegetables, Fruits, Grains, Starches, Desserts

Ex. Oils, Nuts, Seeds, Avocado, Butter, Olives

Ex. Carbohydrate + Protein Foods such as: Milk, Yogurt, Chili with Beans

Go for Green

Joint DoD Nutrition Education Program

Provides a quick visual guide for diner product selections based on nutritional value profiles

Program posters and table toppers provide explanation of the color coding system:

Green: High performance fuel

Least processed and most nutrient dense

Yellow: Moderate performance fuel

Provide good nutrients but may be more processed or less nutrient dense than green coded foods


Red: Performance limiting fuel

Most processed and least nutrient dense

Can still provide important nutrients and is only performance limiting when too much is consumed

Enjoy in moderation with flexibility in your eating patterns

Go for Green Calculator – Sodium


DA PAM 30-22 Food Program Operating Procedures (17 July 2019)

AR 30-22 Army Food Program (17 Jul 2019)

MyPlate Guidance System (2020)

Policy # 7-18 ARSOF Performance-Based Menu Standards and Guidelines (07 Mar 2018)

Dietary Reference Intake & Recommended Dietary Allowance (18 Jul 2019)

Dietary Guidelines for Americans (01 Jan 2021)

Nutrition for Foodservice and Culinary Professionals (18 May 2009)












