Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Find and research sources of up-to-date sources of security information, either on the Internet or through periodicals (some of which are listed in the book) and discuss current threats - Writingforyou

Find and research sources of up-to-date sources of security information, either on the Internet or through periodicals (some of which are listed in the book) and discuss current threats

Find and research sources of up-to-date sources of security information, either on the Internet or through periodicals (some of which are listed in the book) and discuss current threats and vulnerabilities. Discuss how employee education can be used to reduce the discussed threats.


Writing Requirements:

  • APA format
  • 2 pages in length (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)
  • 2 peer-reviewed sources from Learning Resource Center
  • Use the APA template located in the Course Information folder to complete the assignment.