Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Use the following questions to guide your analysis of the writer’s appeals to ethos and pathos. 1. What image does the writer project of themselves in this argument? What is the write - Writingforyou

Use the following questions to guide your analysis of the writer’s appeals to ethos and pathos. 1. What image does the writer project of themselves in this argument? What is the write

Use the following questions to guide your analysis of the writer’s appeals to ethos and pathos. 1. What image does the writer project of themselves in this argument? What is the writer’s

investment in the issue?

2. How does the writer convey that he or she is knowledgeable about the issue?

3. Where does the writer acknowledge alternative views? What makes you think the writer is fair

in the summary or recognition of these views?

4. Which of the strategies for engaging the audience’s emotions and imagination does the writer

use: concrete language, specific examples, narratives, and/or connotative and metaphoric language?

5. How are the writer’s appeals to ethos and pathos tailored to the argument’s original audience and

site of publication?

6. For you, the reader, how important are the ethos of the writer and the writer’s emotional and

imaginative appeals in winning your consideration of this argument?


Use the following questions to guide your analysis of the writer’s appeals to ethos

and pathos.

1. What image does the writer project of themselves in this argument? What is the writer’s investment in the issue? The writer projects themselves as a person who is supporting feminism and by

placing the writer himself or herself at a stand that women need to be protected, this

will project the writer as an ethical person. The writer invest about the public need to

have their own stand whether they want to stand by and do nothing or help them by

increase the awareness of rape case through the image.

2. How does the writer convey that he or she is knowledgeable about the issue? The phrase “I’m the guy who takes a stand” indicates the writer is knowledgeable on

the issue as he has sufficient knowledge to make a stand instead of being

ambiguous on this matter.

3. Where does the writer acknowledge alternative views? What makes you think the writer is fair in the summary or recognition of these views? It is being stated as "Where do you stand" and men can stop rape. By these phrases

it can be prove that men can also be the person who save and stop sexual assault

but not as the person who rape.

(Man can choose to become the person who stops the crime instead of being a

bystander or worse the perpetrator.)

4. Which of the strategies for engaging the audience’s emotions and imagination does the writer use: concrete language, specific examples, narratives, and/or connotative and metaphoric language?

The writer uses a specific example of a woman being trapped by a drunk guy in a

bar and what action a person should conduct in this situation, which is to call the

woman’s cell in order to relieve her from the drunk guy.

5. How are the writer’s appeals to ethos and pathos tailored to the argument’s original audience and site of publication?


Pathos: The author uses closed-ended questions (Yes or No) to influence the men to

choose the right way to protect women from rape (Yes, I’ll stand out/ No, ignore)

6. For you, the reader, how important are the ethos of the writer and the writer’s emotional and imaginative appeals in winning your consideration of this argument? Emotional of the writer: The writer asks the reader to choose a stand in this

argument, by asking this question which means the reader brings this emotion about

rape to the readers and it will lead the readers to think about whether they have to

place themselves on what stand so they will consider this argument therefore

different people might have different emotion base on rape case.

Ethos of the writer: By telling the readers that the writer will choose a stand which will

help the woman, the writer has high ethical standards and strong awareness that

women need to be protected. This will influence the readers to think about the

argument through the stand of the writers.


Non verbal: The image

– alcoholic beverages at the background

– the guy holding the glass

– demographic: 2 black guys, 1 black girl, 1 white guy

(elaborate what they are doing: two guys looking/interacting with the black woman,

the guy facing away from the woman, in which at the moment he should choose a

stand/make a decision – help the woman out or ignore the situation and walk out)