Chat with us, powered by LiveChat This assignment is intended to help you use leadership skills to gather project members from cross-functional departments and skill sets and lead them in the fulfillment and i - Writingforyou

This assignment is intended to help you use leadership skills to gather project members from cross-functional departments and skill sets and lead them in the fulfillment and i


This assignment is intended to help you use leadership skills to gather project members from cross-functional departments and skill sets and lead them in the fulfillment and implementation of a mock project.

Discover the various responsibilities of a project manager by organizing a project. See Chapter 19, sections 19.9 and Cases. 

Apply project management tools and a PM outline type of your choice to structure and plan the project by defining, planning, and controlling. The project will be a continuation of how to improve the process you chose in Weeks 1 and 2.

Create a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation (supported by Excel and Word as needed), with detailed speaker notes, that includes the following:

  • Project description
  • Project Management Charts (Critical Path, Gant Chart, etc.)
  • Improved Process Flowchart from Week 1
  • Meeting cadence/rhythm and timing
  • Metrics to measure the project’s success
  • Financial and budgetary considerations
  • Description of the project reporting structure

Cite references to support your assignment.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.


Health Care – Flow Chart

Yvette Garcia

Prof. Norris

June 26, 2023

As-Is Process Flowchart Evaluation

Health Emergency Department Workflow As-Is Process

It was efficient. As the healthcare facility's patient load has grown, waiting times have increased, lowering patient satisfaction. The cashier receives customers from the registration office to pay consultation fees and patients from the pharmacy to pay for their home medication as more people use Health. The as-is process's reliance on patient identification numbers at the cashier causes long turnaround times from patient arrival to home release or in-patient.

Process Improvement Flowchart

The measurement metric for the process improvement include

The time is taken between

i. Registration to Triage

ii. Triage to Cashiers

iii. Cashiers to Doctor

Patient registration, evaluation by a doctor, and decision regarding further testing or prescription dispensing should all take place within 15 minutes under the new system.

Health Emergency Department Workflow flowchart


To achieve the company's bottom line, process improvement is an essential process that focuses on making constant adjustments to organizational procedures. The Health organization is one of the most vibrant and rapidly expanding community hospitals, with patient numbers increasing exponentially every day. Patient satisfaction has been on the decline over the past few months as a result of the emergency department's initial workflow process during the building's development. According to the comments, the longest waiting time for patients to see a doctor or nurse for an initial evaluation is in the triage area. Based on the volume of patients seen each day, the complaints painted a picture of a visit to the emergency room taking anywhere from one to three hours.

Health Organization Care As-Is Process

Before the triage nurse could evaluate the patient and recommend them to the doctor in the as-is process, the patient had to register at the registration office and pay the consultation fee at the cashiers. The process was streamlined when the hospital had few patients per day. However, increasing foot traffic has caused bottlenecks at cash registers where consumers pay for doctor consultations and prescriptions (Nagendrababu et al., 2021). The evaluation found that cashiers caused healthcare facility delays. The ED cashier processes the patient's medication and registration fees. A drugstore checkout point that separates registration fees from prescription payments would reduce patient numbers and vulnerability.

Process Improvement technique

The effectiveness of the revamped procedure is measured using statistical process control (SPC). Using the established three process measurements, the process performance index will be used to determine control charts and process capabilities.

Health Organization Care Improved Process

The process improvement aimed to see every patient in 15 minutes. The new layout had cashiers at the front desk and drugstore. A second cashier might manage more clients without increasing wait times. Under the new method, patients can travel to triage before paying consultation fees, saving time at the cashiers. Thus, the improvement process would help the health service organization transition from a money-oriented to a patient-centered paradigm of care. The process change would reduce emergency room wait times and bring the hospital closer to its mission and patient care goals.


Nagendrababu, V., Murray, P. E., Ordinola‐Zapata, R., Peters, O. A., Rôças, I. N., Siqueira Jr, J. F., … & Dummer, P. M. H. (2021). PRILE 2021 guidelines for reporting laboratory studies in Endodontology: a consensus‐based development.  International Endodontic Journal54(9), 1482-1490.




Yvette Garcia


July 2, 2023

Statistical Process Control Methods

OPS/574 v1

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Statistical Process Control Methods

Process Evaluation

Evaluate your process using 1 of the following:

· Use the lean concept to find ways to eliminate waste and improve the process

· SPC or Six Sigma to reduce defects or variances in the process

I choose to apply the Six Sigma approach for the analysis of the typical registration time based on a 12-month dataset. As a system for process improvement, the Six Sigma DMAIC process (define, measure, analyze, improve, and control) was used to raise processes or products to Six Sigma quality levels. This thorough strategy was picked because, in contrast to other evaluation techniques, it is more rigorous.

The document review process was an area that I felt needed improvement. Customers anticipate receiving faultless documents with all required software. A strict document review procedure was put in place to guarantee that engineers produced documentation that would be free from errors. I had to measure the essential elements of the current process as part of this evaluation, while paying particular attention to time and accuracy.

The time between the technical writer receiving the document from the engineer and signing it thereafter was a crucial measurement that was needed to gather. I also kept track of how many revisions the novelist and technical writer went through together while developing the manuscript. We gathered all the necessary information, examined it, and found that there was a lot of back-and-forth during the document review process, which resulted in significant time waste.

Once the problem was located, we worked to make several process steps more efficient by streamlining them. We evaluated the process's functionality and logical flow after putting these improvements into place. Adding a Quality Assurance person who would carefully watch the process at each level and maintain the improved document review mechanism in order to assure the sustainability of these changes.

We carefully analyzed the data and found that the document review process required too many iterations, which wasted time. Again, as we became aware of this problem, we combined several process components to improve efficiency. We then assessed its usefulness and coherence, and to guarantee that it would remain effective, a Quality Assurance specialist was added to the team to monitor each step of the procedure.

Evaluation of Control Chart and Process Metrics

Complete the following in Excel:

· Calculate the defined process metrics including variation and process capability.

· Develop and display a control chart for the process.

Evaluate the control chart and process metrics using Statistical Process Control (SPC) methods. Determine whether the process could benefit from the use of Six Sigma, Lean, or other tools. (Include all calculation and charts.)

It is clear from the analysis of all the data at hand that the timeline for document creation is not being followed. In some cases, documents are supplied later than expected, while in other cases, they are already past the deadline. The data visualization graph gave a clear picture of the number of documents that failed to reach the necessary standards as well as those that just about did through visual representation. It is significant to remember that different reasons could cause some documents to be delayed while others are unaffected. As a result, while fulfilling all requirements, we find ourselves on the verge of failing to produce documents on time.

Executive Summary

Write a 700-word executive summary that includes the following:

· A summary of the Process Evaluation (using either Lean or SPC or Six Sigma)

· A summary of the Evaluation of Control Chart and Process metrics based on SPC methods

· A summary of your evaluation of whether the process would benefit from the use of Six Sigma, Lean, or other tools

· A description of the SPC project and recommendations for improvements

This executive summary gives a general overview of the process evaluation that was done in this exercise. Use of the Statistical Process Control (SPC) techniques were used to evaluate the control chart and process metrics, and determines whether the process would benefit from the application of Six Sigma, Lean, or other tools. There are also suggestions for enhancements based on the SPC projects disregarding the set timetable. In this scenario, some documents are supplied later than expected, while in other cases, they are already past the deadline. Furthermore, the data visualization graph gave a clear picture of the number of documents that failed to reach the necessary standards as well as those that just about did through visual representation.

Process Evaluation:

The Six Sigma approach was used for the process evaluation. To bring processes or products up to Six Sigma quality levels. With that, a more rigorous improvement approach called Six Sigma uses the DMAIC process ( Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control). The purpose of this evaluation goal was to spot process inefficiencies and find areas where improvements may be made for a more streamlined process.

Using SPC Methods, evaluate the control chart and process metrics:

Control charts were created and process metrics were examined using SPC methodologies to obtain insights into the performance and stability of the process already in place. The control chart gave the process data visual representations that made it possible to spot patterns, shifts, or variances. We may evaluate process stability and pinpoint problem areas by observing the control chart patterns.

The analysis of process metrics identified that the schedule for document development was not being met. While some were almost delivered late, several documents routinely exceeded the deadline required. These metrics demonstrated the need of addressing the underlying problems that existed and were generating delays as well as offered useful information about the process' adherence to standards.

Evaluation of Process Improvement Tools:

The evaluation shows that by applying Six Sigma techniques to the process would be quite beneficial. Six Sigma focuses on lowering process variance, getting rid of flaws, and boosting productivity. The main causes of document generation delays can be methodically found and eliminated by using Six Sigma, resulting in constant devotion to the schedule and quality standards.

The process could also profit from Lean approaches in addition to Six Sigma. Lean places a strong emphasis on cutting waste and streamlining procedures. Lean can assist in reducing lead times and improving efficiency in document creation by identifying non-value-added tasks and streamlining that process.

Observations for Development:

Several suggestions for process improvements can be made based on the findings from the SPC project:

Establish explicit principles and criteria for document review and implement a consistent document review process, by making sure all required software and error-free documents are produced. The need for iterations going back and forth will be minor as a result, thus saving time. Streamline communication between technical writers and engineers: providing clear communication routes and outlining roles and duties. We can even promote successful collaboration and help to reduce pointless encounters. This will enable effective document development and cut down on exchange that causes delays. Process automation introduction: Examine the application of automation tools and technologies being used for processes for creating documents. Automation can speed up turnaround times, improve efficiency, and reduces human error.

By establishing a system for constant monitoring of process metrics and performance indicators would enable continuous monitoring and improvement in the processes. Reviewing control charts and process data frequently to spot any deviations or chances for additional optimization will help in streamlining. As a result, proactive problem solving and ongoing process improvement will be possible.

In conclusion, the methodologies of process evaluation, control chart analysis, and SPC have offered insightful information on the document production process. Discovering what procedures can be improved to guarantee prompt delivery of faultless documents was made possible by using Six Sigma concepts and adding Lean approaches. As a result, the suggested enhancements will not only lead to greater efficiency, but help to have shorter lead times, and enhanced process performance. This also includes standardizing document review procedures to put into place, streamlining communication, automating some of the processes, and continuously monitoring.

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