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Individual Essay – Sustainable Urban Policy

Length Limitation: 1000-1500 words 

Document Style: 12 pts Times New Roman, double spacing 

Reference: APA7

Details in the attachment

Assignment: Individual Essay – Sustainable Urban Policy Purpose: Apply the knowledge from lectures to a real case of a city, analyzing its organization, current limitations in terms of sustainability, and proposing solutions to address these issues. Length Limitation: 1000-1500 words Document Style: 12 pts Times New Roman, double spacing Reference: Should follow Academic Guidelines

1. Presentation of the City

• Choose a specific city of your choice. • Provide an overview of the city, including its location, size, population, and

key characteristics. • Describe its historical, cultural, or economic significance, if applicable. • Highlight any unique features or challenges the city faces.

2. Organization of the City • Discuss the organizational structure of the city, including its governance and

decision-making processes. • Explain how urban planning and policy frameworks influence the city's

development. • Identify any major stakeholders involved in shaping the city's sustainability

initiatives. 3. Current Limitations in Sustainability

• Identify and discuss the key sustainability challenges and limitations the city faces.

• Analyze specific aspects related to the five functions discussed in class: building environment, food systems, transportation, urban living, and waste management.

• Provide evidence, examples, or statistics to support your analysis. • Highlight the negative impacts these limitations have on the city's

environment, society, or economy. 4. Proposed Solutions

• Present innovative and feasible proposals to address the identified sustainability issues.

• Discuss the pros and cons of each proposal, considering potential benefits, costs, and challenges.

• Support your proposals with relevant research, best practices, or successful case studies from other cities.

• Analyze the potential impact of these solutions on the city's sustainability, considering environmental, social, and economic factors.

• Address any potential conflicts or trade-offs between different proposed solutions.

5. Conclusion • Summarize the main findings of your analysis regarding the city's

organization, sustainability limitations, and proposed solutions. • Reflect on the significance of addressing these sustainability challenges for the

future development and well-being of the city and its residents. • Conclude with a final thought or recommendation for further actions to

advance sustainable urban policies in the chosen city.