Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Explain how one of the soft skills your classmate identified for career success is also important for academic success.? Reflect on the life lesson your classmate described and how yo - Writingforyou

Explain how one of the soft skills your classmate identified for career success is also important for academic success.? Reflect on the life lesson your classmate described and how yo


In your peer responses,

  • Explain how one of the soft skills your classmate identified for career success is also important for academic success. 
  • Reflect on the life lesson your classmate described and how you could apply that life lesson to your academic success at UAGC. 

Four skills that will be necessary in my field of choice are communicating, listening, emotional intelligence and critical thinking.

Communication, I would say it would be the most important as a therapist. In order to properly relate my message to my patience I will need to achieve the skill of communicating. Whether it be through body language or verbal communication. Everything we do revolves around communication, and understanding that even when we are not speaking we are still communicating is very important.

Following with listening skills, As my neighbor to most important skill to be able to obtain. I was listening is what follows after communication the way that messages are interpreted as part of the communication process. And in order to be able to effectively complete my first skill listening effectively will make sure that my messages are not taken out of context.

Emotional intelligence, I find a extremely critical skill for my career. Having ability to manage your own emotions in ways to help relieve stress and be able to empathize with others will help me a lot as a therapist.

My final skill critical thinking will help me as a therapist to apply analyzing, synthesizing as well as evaluating information that I gather from my sessions. So that I can use to circle back to my first though communicate with the patients in a way where they feel heard.


My four skills that's help me along the process was being able to problem solve half of the skills as being a teacher. As an early childhood teacher, I have always wanted to be important so that's when I'm teaching the children, coworkers they will understand where I'm coming at times. It's important from me that's my parents agree and understand the process of me teaching their children fourth hours out of the week.

For someone to have strong work ethic skills I had to learn working along or by yourself was a hard thing to learn and process. As I prepare myself by using my work ethic was being in the classroom with eight children everyday getting to know their different personalities. Once you are in a class with 8 children for 6 hours will have you stress out at times. Once you learn how to manage the problem with being an teacher you can managed the problem at times.

I self-management skills my children problem by when are having a bad day or upset or if they are having a bad day how to maintain their feeling. As being an preschool teacher you have to managed setting an great example for your students and peers are well. Being self-management means correctly someone rather they're right or wrong and set a better example for them to follow the right path.

An interpersonal skill is for a person to set example of you being an good leader for everyone and having a good teamwork for others. I try to strategies different lesson plan throughout the week for the children, As i offer help for my student so that's I can prepare them to accomplish anything that's they set their mind to. My goals are to push my students to accomplish anything that's they want to do in life and to make sure that's they walk across the stage to get their high school diploma as well.