Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Why is it important to understand who the consumers are before making patient information or patient portals available for them to access information? 2. ?What is the difference betwe - Writingforyou

Why is it important to understand who the consumers are before making patient information or patient portals available for them to access information? 2. ?What is the difference betwe

 (1/2 page. APA format)

1.  Why is it important to understand who the consumers are before making patient information or patient portals available for them to access information?

2.  What is the difference between a digital immigrant and a digital native and what does this have to do with consumer health informatics?

Introduction to Healthcare Informatics, Second Edition

Chapter 14:

The Legal Electronic Health Record

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association


Explain the legal health record for disclosure

Compare and contrast a paper-based legal health record, a hybrid legal health record, and an electronic legal electronic health record

Determine the stakeholders and their roles for electronic legal health record definition projects

Relate the steps involved in defining the legal health record

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

Objectives (continued)

Articulate the importance of developing a legal health record policy

Interpret the attributes that can impact the legal health record definition and e-discovery

Analyze patient record documentation regulations for correct utilization within legal health record policies and procedures

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

Legal Health Records (LHRs)

Describes the data, documents, reports, and information that comprise the formal business record(s) of any healthcare organization that are to be utilized during legal proceedings

No standard terminology

Recommend using legal health record defined for disclosure

Dynamic process

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

LHR Governance

Laws—passed by legislatures

Rules and Regulations—interpretations of laws

Judicial Decisions—courts interpreting the laws

Precedence—Previous decisions

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

Legal Processes

e-discovery—processes related to electronically maintained information

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP)

Govern the procedures for civil trials

Often also used to guide state court civil procedures

State laws vary for subpoenas, court orders, discovery, and similar processes

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Federal Rules of Evidence

Govern what and how electronic records may be used in a trial

Roles of record custodianship for purposes of evidence in a trial

Electronic records have many more requirements than paper records

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

LHR Stakeholders

C-suite and practice managers

HIM professionals

Information technology staff

Record custodians

Privacy, compliance, and security officers: risk managers and quality managers


Legal counsel

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

Legal Health Records





Health record custodian

Designated record set

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

Purpose of LHR Definition

Clarifies the roles of all records and their uses

Sets foundational policy for record management operations

Must be continually reviewed and updated as their constituent record components evolve

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

LHR Definition Project Steps

Determine the LHR stakeholder team

Determine strategy and plan; get executive sponsorship and empowerment

Gather LHR-related knowledge

Develop a master source system matrix

Create a document matrix of LHR components

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

LHR Definition Project Steps (continued)

Assess and catalog EHR systems for their LHR attributes

Determine the need for new and revised related policies and procedures

Determine the LHR maintenance plan

Create a presentation and conduct education and training for appropriate workforce members

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

LHR Defined for Disclosure

Determine what business records or components of records will be released upon legal request

Use a spreadsheet or other tool to keep track of source systems and documents

HIPAA Designated Record Set is a good starting point for the LHR

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LHR Policy Imperative

Determines what data and information can or should be released pursuant to a request from a third party

No policy leaves the organization at risk related to request for data and information that the organization is not prepare to release

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

Litigation Response Policy

The processes invoked if the potential for lawsuits or litigation is detected

Maximize defensive posture

Responses to subpoenas and court orders

Protecting against spoliation (malicious alteration, concealment, or destruction of evidence)

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

Uniform Rules for e-Discovery

Amendments to the FRCP specifically designed for electronically store information

Apply to federal courts, but can be followed as guidance

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

Litigation Response Policies and Procedures

Failure to define these can increase liability and financial risk

Starts with documentation of the steps and personnel already performing these tasks

Customize practices to fit your specific requirements

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

EHR System Functionality Relevant to the LHR

Audit logs

Authorship and authentication of entries and electronic signatures

Business continuity

Business rules

Data, document management, and nonrepudiation

Retention, data permanence, and migration plans

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

EHR System Functionality Relevant to the LHR (continued)


Legal hold


Electronic health record output


Snapshots and screen views

Privacy attributes

Version controls

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

Patient Record Documentation


Patient-requested amendments



Copy and paste forward

Late entries

Resequencing and reassignment

Templates, boilerplates, canned text, and structured input

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

e-Discovery Overview

LHR needs to be defined

Disclosure—output and release upon request of appropriate health record documents

E-discovery—process of discovering the relevant parts of a patient’s record that may be used for litigation

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association




Introduction to Healthcare Informatics, Second Edition

Chapter 15:

Consumer Health Informatics

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association


Define consumer health informatics

Describe characteristics of the online health information consumer

Identify current and past consumer health informatics technology

Discuss ubiquitous computing

Characterize the differences between validity and reliability

Explain privacy and security issues for online health information

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association


Concept of Consumer Health Informatics

Consumer Involvement


Online Diagnosers

Patient Portal

Meaningful use

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

Consumer Health Informatics

Standardized definition





Explicit Themes

Implicit Themes

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association


© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

Explicit Themes

Types of consumers

The term health as opposed to disease or illness

Tools and applications

Rationale for CHI

Nondependency on a healthcare professional for health information

Intersection with other disciplines

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

Implicit Themes

Content is created by experts

Information is available in a searchable repository

The acquisition of health information is a solitary and personal activity

Consumers do not seek health information from other consumers

The desired information is pulled or retrieved by the consumer

There is no push of information to the consumer

Limited to staying healthy; not about finding information about disease or illness

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association


Health literacy

Computational literacy

Visual literacy

e-Health literacy

Computer literacy

Technology literacy

Health People 2020

Digital Immigrant or Digital Native

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Online Health Consumer


Use of Internet


Cell Phone/Smart Phone

Educational Level

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

Initial Topics of Interest

A specific disease or medical problem

A specific medical treatment or procedure

Doctors or other health professionals

Hospitals or other medical facilities

Health insurance, including private insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid

Environmental health hazards

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

Current Topics of Interest

Food safety or recalls

Drug safety or recalls

Pregnancy and childbirth

Memory loss and dementia or Alzheimer’s

Medical test results

Management of chronic pain

Long-term care for an elderly or disabled person

End of life decisions

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

CHI Technology

Self-help books

Online health articles or sites

Bulletin boards and online discussion groups

Automated appointment reminders

Automated systems for learning more about health conditions

Wearable sensors, such as glucose monitors

Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

Ubiquitous Computing of Online Health Information


Healthcare Organizations and Hospitals

Medical Libraries

Disease Societies and Associations


Mobile Technology

Social Networking Sites

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

Personal Health Records


Barriers to Adoption

Disparities in Access to Health Information



© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

Barriers to Adoption

Physicians question reliability of patient-reported data

Question of who would pay for the costs of the PHRs

Interoperability needed to exchange data

Patient privacy and security

Encryption and problems of authentication

Legal implications of health provider relying on inaccurate patient-entered PHR data

Providers concern for use of electronic PHR to elicit prescriptions for narcotics

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association


Personal Health Record (PHR)

Maintained and updated by the patient

Paper or electronic format (USB, CD, and such)

Microsoft Health Vault

Barriers to implementation

Benefits to the PHR

Patient generated data

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

Blue Button

Veterans Administration

Patient Portals

Veterans, Uniformed Service Members, Medicare Beneficiaries

Information Available

Current Medicines

Drug Allergies


Laboratory Results


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Patient Portal

HIPAA mandate for access to information

Meaningful Use Stages 1 and 2

Features and functionalities

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Validity and Reliability



HON Code of Conduct (HONcode)

Sources for Determining Validity and Reliability

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

The Current HONcode

Authoritative—expertise of the authors

Complementarily—uphold the doctor-patient bond

Privacy—ensure privacy and security of personal data

Attribution—give credit to sources of information

Justifiable—corroborate assertions of improvement and betterment

Transparency—clarity of content and inclusion of webmaster’s e-mail address

Financial disclosure—disclosure of

Advertising policy—a clear distinction between advertising and verifiable content (HON 2011)

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

Trusted Sources for Determining Validity and Reliability Online Information

MedlinePlus Guide to Healthy Web Surfing

Finding Reliable Health Information Online

Finding Reliable Health Information Online

MedlinePlus Quality Guidelines

Medical Library Association List of 100 Websites You can Trust

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association

Privacy and Security

Privacy Policy Statement

Type of information collected


Personally identifiable information (PII)

Links to other sites


Third-party websites and applications


Mobile and Online Health Information

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association


Consumer Empowerment

Validity and Reliability

Privacy and Security

Patient Portal Requirements

© 2017 American Health Information Management Association


