Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Using information from the assigned reading and the instructions below, Write instructions tor a procedure related to a topic of interest. Remember to use correct grammar and - Writingforyou

Using information from the assigned reading and the instructions below, Write instructions tor a procedure related to a topic of interest. Remember to use correct grammar and

 Using intormation from the assigned reading and the instructions below, Write instructions tor a procedure related to a topic of interest. Remember to use correct grammar and spelling. You may use second person pOint-of-view (you) as necessary since this assignment requires giving directions to the user of the instructions. See the example instructions located here for models that demonstrate possible ways to format different types of instructions. See the Schedule of  Organize the instructions as follows: ntrodiuction: Incude at least two to three sentences that include an overview of the procedure. See the "Writing Instructions" article in this module for additional information. Equipment ad Supplies: Include a list of items the user will need to complete the procedure described in your instructions. See the "Writing Instructions" article in this module for additional information. List Steps: Using any of the structure and format discussed in the "Writıng Instructions" article located in this module, list each step necessary to complete the procedure. Graphics/Visual Elements: If applicable to your chosen topic for this assignment, include graphics or other visual elements such as photographs that would be necessary or useful for completing the procedure you describe. Warnings or Nores: If applicable to your chosen topic for this assignment, include warnings or Supplementary notes. 


20191_ENC2210_Assignment 3 Instructions Procedure Instructions.pdf


Procedure Instructions (Assignment # 3)

Using information from the assigned reading and the instructions below, write instructions for a

procedure related to a topic of interest. Remember to use correct grammar and spelling. You may

use second person point-of-view (you) as necessary since this assignment requires giving

directions to the user of the instructions. See the example instructions located here for models

that demonstrate possible ways to format different types of instructions. See the Schedule of

Activities for due date and submission link location.

Organize the instructions as follows:

Introduction: Include at least two to three sentences that include an overview of the procedure.

See the “Writing Instructions” article in this module for additional information.

Equipment and Supplies: Include a list of items the user will need to complete the procedure

described in your instructions. See the “Writing Instructions” article in this module for additional


List Steps: Using any of the structure and format discussed in the “Writing Instructions” article

located in this module, list each step necessary to complete the procedure.

Graphics/Visual Elements: If applicable to your chosen topic for this assignment, include

graphics or other visual elements such as photographs that would be necessary or useful for

completing the procedure you describe.

Warnings or Notes: If applicable to your chosen topic for this assignment, include warnings or

supplementary notes.

Topic Suggestions:

Select a topic that you are very familiar with and does not require research or use of outside

sources. As the author of these instructions, your purpose is to breakdown a process so that


someone who has never completed it before would be able to follow your instructions and

complete it successfully. Remember to think about audience and purpose. Consider your user as

someone who has little to no experience with your topic, a user who is at a beginning-level as far

as skills. Here are some topic ideas:

• Write instructions for completing a typical task at your place of employment: cashing out

a register at a retail business; cleaning and closing-up a kitchen at a restaurant; backing-

up a network at an office.

• Write instructions for cooking a dish that is a family favorite or go-to meal that you make

frequently: pancakes, cookies, pizza, or chicken. Make sure that you are the original

author of the recipe rather than taking one from a cookbook or Website and simply

altering it. That would be considered plagiarism (as discussed in Module 1).

• Write instructions for a typical task you may complete at home or school: washing

dishes; detailing your car; registering for a class; joining a college club through IRSC’s


Reports must adhere to the following format requirements:

• Use 12-point font, double space, indent paragraphs, and send per the syllabus


• Use bulleted or numbered lists as necessary.

• Keep word count to 500 (+/- 50 words).

• MLA is not required unless outside sources are used.

• Refer to the Schedule of Activities for assignment due dates and submission information.

Optional Usability Testing Discussion Board:


Usability testing is a method where users of an item actually use it and then report any issues that

might come up while they are using it. For example, if you wrote instructions for how to change

a tire, you could have someone actually follow the instructions you wrote in order to complete

that task. Usability testing is commonly used by companies who design and develop products.

You can learn more about usability testing at the government Website Though this

course assignment does not require students to run usability tests on their procedure instructions,

for those students who wish to do so and help each other out, this module includes an Optional

Usability Testing Discussion Board as well as Usability Testing Feedback Form. Post your

request for usability testing in the discussion board, and feel free to use that area of the course

site to talk about this assignment. While the instructor will monitor the discussion board, students

should not post questions or comments directed specifically at the instructor on this board. As

explained in the syllabus, all correspondence should be conducted within your Blackboard

Course Messages system.