Check the title in the attachment as the topic, use the attached outline and for the writeup
At least 4 pages
At least 4 peer-reviewed sources
Reflection on Leadership and Creative Solutions Implementation
Business Creativity
Significance of Creative Problem Solving
(Assess the significance of creativity and creative problem solving in business.)
Theories of Business Creativity
(Determine the theories of creativity, problem solving, and thinking and describe how these work in concert to achieve the creative problem-solving process. )
Methods of Evaluation
(Summarize and assess the methods of evaluation for producing ideas, provide some examples.)
Benefit Analysis
(Describe the benefits of developing various perspectives to problem-solving.)
Organizational Change
(Argue why change is both a creative and a rational process.)
Business Ethics
(Evaluate ethical considerations of change management.)
(Summary on the conclusions you could draw from the above topics, emphasizing how different or similar your views are in relation to leadership and creative solution implementations in the business field.)