Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Write an objective summary using the sample in the resource manual as a template Please use your W(5) H(1) Excel sheet to help you write your 3 objective summaries.? EACH research arti - Writingforyou

Write an objective summary using the sample in the resource manual as a template Please use your W(5) H(1) Excel sheet to help you write your 3 objective summaries.? EACH research arti

Your Objective Summaries #1, #2, and #3 (W. 7)

Answer the 6 questions who, when, where, why (all together in 1-2 sentences) then HOW and WHAT in 2-3 sentences EACH – we need detail), then write an objective summary using the sample in the resource manual as a template

Please use your W(5) H(1) Excel sheet to help you write your 3 objective summaries. 

EACH research article must have its own objective summary. 

You MUST use the designated colored font for each component:
hint: copy this color chart into your Word document where you will write these, so you remember!
WHAT = Lighter BLUE

Student Sample Objective Summary

Darling et al. (2021) conducted a study between 2001 and 2018 to examine the efficiency of qualified interventions in preterm birth, small for gestational age, low birth weight, neonatal death, cesarean deliveries, maternal care satisfaction, and coast effectiveness programs. A systematic review was used to collect data from the United States, France, Spain, and the Netherlands. The studies consisted of mostly non- Caucasian women from low-income population ranging from 12 to 46 years of age and being between 20 to 32 weeks' gestation. Interventional programs were implemented into three categories: group prenatal care, augmented prenatal care, or a combination of both group and augmented prenatal care (Darling et al. 2021). The researchers found that certain interventions, such as prenatal care and augmented care, or a combination of both, may decrease adverse outcomes in small-for-gestational-age and preterm birth, and could aid in increasing maternal care satisfaction. Interventions that worked on enhancing coordination of care were found to result in providing more effective cost savings. The researchers also found disparities in the quality of access to care in the vulnerable population. There was insufficient evidence of suitable quality to confirm that the interventions were successful at enhancing clinical outcomes in prenatal care for at risk populations (Darling et al. 2021).



Remember our quiz on Academic Integrity?

What is plagiarism?

Using someone’s WORDS or IDEAS

without citing

Using someone’s

WORDS or IDEAS without citing

Using someone’s

WORDS or IDEAS without citing

Today, you will…

When in doubt:


PLEASE Remember:

to avoid even the APPEARANCE of plagiarism:

Open your resource manuals to p. 23 and find answers to these questions!


1. What should you NEVER do

2. When in doubt, what SHOULD you do?

3. Explain the “tips”


1. Define plagiarism 2. What should you NEVER do 3. When in doubt, what SHOULD

you do? 4. Explain the “tips”


1. Define plagiarism 2. What should you NEVER do 3. When in doubt, what SHOULD

you do? 4. Explain the “tips”


1. Define plagiarism 2. What should you NEVER do 3. When in doubt, what SHOULD

you do? 4. Explain the “tips”


1. Define plagiarism

2. What should you NEVER do

3. When in doubt, what SHOULD you do?

4. Explain the “tips” in your own words

Turn to p. 24

Jot down your thoughts about WHEN you need to cite

Turn to p. 25 and read the Common Rationalizations for NOT Citing

Have you ever rationalized NOT citing for any of these reasons?

Did any of these rationalizations surprise you?


Turn to p. 25 and read the Common Rationalizations for NOT Citing

Have you ever rationalized NOT citing for any of these reasons?

Did any of these rationalizations surprise you?


Where would you find

HOW to cite?

What pages would you use?

Look up Page 33-40

in your resource manual

In-text citations need

Who wrote/thought it When

Two ways to cite: (p. 33-38 in manual)

author names are part of the sentence (narrative format)

author names and date of publication are not part of the sentence

(parenthetical format)


Who wrote/thought it When


One Author (narrative) Research by Smith (2004) found… (parenthetical) Recent research (Smith, 2004) found…

Two Authors (narrative) Research by Wager and Petty (1994) found… (parenthetical) Research has shown that racing can be

dangerous (Wager & Petty, 1994).

Which way of citing is used here?

Narrative or Parenthethical?

According to Forbes (2020), Americans consume an average of 11 pounds of chocolate per person per year.

Which way of citing is used here?

According to Moore et al. (2018), it is possible to narrow mental-health disparities among Black American students.

Narrative or Parenthethical?

Which way of citing is used here?

Research suggests that it is possible to narrow mental-health disparities among Black American students (Moore et al., 2018).

Narrative or Parenthethical?

Note the citation is INSIDE the sentence!!!


Now, let’s talk about the 6 elements that will have you summarizing like a PRO!!

While, of course, citing properly!

Please turn to page 16 in the Foundations manual

Find the answers to all 6 questions below!


Dall’ora et al. (2015) conducted a study between June 2009 and June 2010 to examine the association between nurses working long shifts and burnout, job dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with work schedule flexibility and intention to leave a current job among hospital nurses. The researchers sent quantitative surveys to 31,627 registered nurses from 12 European countries. These included 118 questions about care quality and safety, last shift worked, and the participants and their jobs. The response rate was 62%, and over 8,600 nurses were found to have experienced high burnout: 27% of them experienced emotional exhaustion, 10% experienced high depersonalization, and 17% of the nurses experienced low personal accomplishment (Dall’ora et al., 2015). The study also found an association between nurses working longer than 8 hours and decreased job satisfaction. Nurses working ≥12 hours also experienced a higher rate of burnout, higher overall job dissatisfaction, and dissatisfaction with work flexibility, resulting in the intention to leave the job (Dall’ora et al., 2015).


Was what you read:



• Wait, what do these words REALLY mean?


Was what you read:


Scenario: chat bar

Your friend finds out that their partner was seeing someone else, and comes to you for advice on whether or not to end the relationship.

What would you advise, and why?

Fact or Opinion?

Is your advice


What do the words mean?


• Subject to change based on your opinions and experiences


What do the words mean?


• Subject to change based on your pure opinion

• Will not change based on your opinion or experiences


What do they mean?


• Subject to change based on your pure opinion

• Will not change based on your opinion


So, which is better for RESEARCH?


• Subject to change based on your pure opinion

• Will not change based on your opinion



• Subject to change based on your pure opinion

• Will not change based on your opinion



This week, you will be writing an OBJECTIVE summary.

To prepare, you will use the form you COMPLETED for homework,

when you found the HOW and the WHAT and then the WHO, WHERE, WHEN, and WHY

But first, one more!

Find answers to the 6


You will do this one in groups!

Dr. Manya C. Bouteneff (2019), Professor at Monroe College, conducted research in 2019 on New York State’s Public schools with over 40% poverty in order to learn what practices may lead to successful outcomes for these students. For this mixed-methods study, she used New York State annual English Language Arts exam scores to identify which of these schools were most successful with students in poverty, and then interviewed their principals to determine to which practices they attributed their success. She coded the interviews in order to find patterns in their responses. The top two main factors she found were: a.) the use of data to focus instruction; and b.) relationships with students, and overall school culture (Bouteneff, 2019).

You will now be writing your own first OBJECTIVE SUMMARY!

Workshop directions

Step 1

Pull up the sheet with answers to the 6 questions

Step 2. Workshop directions

Look at the model Objective Summary on Page 21

Use it like a template to write yours!


Drop it in the chat bar for quick feedback!