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Use your own field of study as a launching pad to find

Major or field of study : Business Administration

Use your own field of study as a launching pad to find a topic or main point, narrow a specific focus, and develop a focused and interesting claim and discussion ideas of your major and potential opportunities


Locate two useful and relevant sources for your research project's report and argument sections. 

  1. One popular online source
  2. One scholarly source found through the university's library databases

Complete the provided chart for your selected sources to evaluate their appropriateness for inclusion in your project. Then reflect on your source's appropriateness and your process for evaluating the source.

Source Appropriateness Evaluation Chart


Department of Language & Literature, North Carolina Central University

ENG 1210.OL1: English Composition II

Professor Amara Hand, MA


Source Appropriateness Evaluation

Article information in APA-style citation:

Intended Audience:

Author expertise & affiliations:

Supporting/supplemental research:

Author’s purpose & stance

Text source credibility & affiliations (e.g., a sponsoring org’s website):

Supporting/supplemental research:

Does the source support/challenge your position?

Article’s main claim

Supporting/supplemental research:

Argument’s persuasiveness (What evidence does the author provide? How credible are the author’s sources? Are the author’s assumptions warranted?)

Conclusions (Is this an accurate and trustworthy source? Do the claims result from logical presentation of evidence? Does the author take a stance, and if so, how may that stance impact my use of this source?

Source Appropriateness Evaluation

Article information in APA-style citation:

Intended Audience:

Author expertise & affiliations:

Supporting/supplemental research:

Author’s purpose & stance

Text source credibility & affiliations (e.g., a sponsoring org’s website):

Supporting/supplemental research:

Does the source support/challenge your position?

Article’s main claim

Supporting/supplemental research:

Argument’s persuasiveness (What evidence does the author provide? How credible are the author’s sources? Are the author’s assumptions warranted?)

Conclusions (Is this an accurate and trustworthy source? Do the claims result from logical presentation of evidence? Does the author take a stance, and if so, how may that stance impact my use of this source?