Chat with us, powered by LiveChat In this assessment, you will reflect on your internship experience and answer the following questions about a situational response, what you would do differently, what else you would ha - Writingforyou

In this assessment, you will reflect on your internship experience and answer the following questions about a situational response, what you would do differently, what else you would ha

: In this assessment, you will reflect on your internship experience and answer the following questions about a situational response, what you would do differently, what else you would have liked to accomplish, and enhancing departmental synergies at your host company. 

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SPT 710 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric

Overview: The real-world working environment is dynamic and complex, and some things can only be experienced in an authentic setting. Your academic training has prepared you with both the foundational and more specialized information you need to join the sports industry as a valued player.

Prompt: In this assessment, you will reflect on your internship experience and answer the following questions about a situational response, what you would do differently, what else you would have liked to accomplish, and enhancing departmental synergies at your host company.

Specifically, address the following critical elements:

III. Reflection A. Describe a situation or event that took place during your internship that you had to respond to. How might you respond differently to that

situation in the future? Explain why. B. If you had the opportunity to do this experience over, how and why would you approach it differently? C. What would you like to have accomplished that you were unable to do because of time, other priorities, and so on? For example, was there a

project or another opportunity you were involved in that you were unable to finish? Support your response with examples. D. Considering your host company’s structure, propose how the entity could enhance interdepartmental synergies. Support your response with



Guidelines for Submission: For this milestone, submit a 4- to 6-page paper (in addition to a cover page and references) with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. In your paper, address each of the critical elements listed above, citing appropriate academic references as necessary. Use APA citation style.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Reflection: Situation

Describes response to a situation or event that took place during the internship and how the response to that situation might be different in the future and why

Describes response to a situation or event that took place during the internship and how the response to that situation might be different in the future but does not explain why or explanation is illogical

Does not describe response to a situation or event that took place during the internship and how the response to that situation might be different in the future


Reflection: Approach

Explains how, if redone, the approach to the internship might be different and why

Explains how, if redone, the approach to the internship might be different but does not explain why or lacks sufficient detail or logic to support answer

Does not explain how, if redone, the approach to the internship might be different and why


Reflection: Accomplished

Explains what personal accomplishments were not done because of lack of time, other priorities, etc., supported with examples

Explains what personal accomplishments were not done because of lack of time, other priorities, etc. but is not supported with examples or support is cursory

Does not explain what personal accomplishments were not done because of lack of time, other priorities, etc.


Reflection: Synergies

Proposes how the host company could enhance interdepartmental synergies, supported with examples

Proposes how the host company could enhance interdepartmental synergies but is not supported with examples or they lack clarity or are illogical

Does not propose how the host company could enhance interdepartmental synergies


Articulation of Response

Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas


Total 100%

  • SPT 710 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric
    • Rubric