Chat with us, powered by LiveChat As a sport facility owner, how would you deal with each of the ?following intentional torts should they occur in your private recreation ?facility: Assault: Threat by a cus - Writingforyou

As a sport facility owner, how would you deal with each of the ?following intentional torts should they occur in your private recreation ?facility: Assault: Threat by a cus

in 250 words answer the following with resources:

As a sport facility owner, how would you deal with each of the  following intentional torts should they occur in your private recreation  facility:

  • Assault: Threat by a customer on an employee
  • Battery: A player striking/punching a referee during a recreational basketball game
  • Defamation: Written and spoken untruths by a manager about an employee
  • Invasion of Privacy: An employee opening a customer's locker without their permission