Chat with us, powered by LiveChat In the past three units, you have learned about ancient Greece and Rome, the rise of Islam and the Byzantine Empire and the diversity of trade-based empires in Africa. For this - Writingforyou

In the past three units, you have learned about ancient Greece and Rome, the rise of Islam and the Byzantine Empire and the diversity of trade-based empires in Africa. For this

 In the past three units, you have learned about ancient Greece and Rome, the rise of Islam and the Byzantine Empire and the diversity of trade-based empires in Africa. For this assignment, you will explore one of these civilizations in more detail.

See the attached document for complete instructions and grading rubric.

HIS101 – World Civilizations I

Unit 5 Assignment: Civilizations on Three Continents

Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

Points: 100


In the past three units, you have learned about ancient Greece and Rome, the rise of Islam and the Byzantine Empire and the diversity of trade-based empires in Africa. For this assignment, you will explore one of these civilizations in more detail.


• Choose one of the civilizations that interests you the most.

• Research the civilization and answer the following questions: o Where is the civilization located? o What factors lead to the civilization’s success? (such as military strength,

trade, religion) o What relationships did the civilization have with other civilizations? o What led to the civilization’s fall?


• The paper should be 2-3 pages in length, not including the Title and Reference Pages.

• Submit a Word document in APA format.

• Use both your textbook and outside resources for your research ( or are a good place to start). Be sure to use APA formatting to cite your resources.

Evaluation Rubric for Unit 5 Assignment

CRITERIA Deficient Needs Improvement

Proficient Exemplary

(0-12 points) (13-21 points) (22-29 points) (30-35 points)

Analysis of the Rise of a Civilization

The paper does not include an analysis of the civilization’s rise.

The paper attempts to analyze the civilization’s rise but fails to fully answer the questions.

The paper includes an analysis of the rise of the civilization but is lacking details.

The paper contains a clear and detailed analysis of the rise of the civilization.

(0-12 points) (13-21 points) (22-29 points) (30-35 points)

Analysis of the Fall of a Civilization

The paper does not include an analysis of the civilization’s fall.

The paper attempts to analyze the civilization’s fall but fails to fully answer the questions.

The paper includes an analysis of the rise of the civilization but is lacking details.

The paper contains a clear and detailed analysis of the rise of the civilization.

(0-4 points) (5-7 points) (8 points) (9-10 points)

APA Format The paper contains no citations and is not APA compliant.

The paper attempts to use citations, but APA formatting is not followed.

The paper contains some APA formatting errors.

The paper is APA compliant and uses proper formatting throughout.

Resources The paper contains no resources.

The paper uses resources, but they are not reliable.

The paper has one resource.

The paper uses both the textbook and outside resources for information.

Length The paper is less than half a page.

The paper is one page.

The paper is between one and two pages.

The paper is 2 or more pages.