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Create a PowerPoint presentation based on your Key Assignment, Creation and Implementation of an effective Recruiting and Retention Program The presentation should have an introdu

  Length: 10-12 slides (with a separate cover slide, agenda slide, and reference slide)

Notes Length: 100-150 words for each slide.

* See uploaded key assignment and instructions for PPT.



Create a PowerPoint presentation based on your Key Assignment, “Creation and Implementation of an effective Recruiting and Retention Program”. The presentation should have an introduction page as well as a reference page at the end. You should have no more than 25-30 words on each slide. Use bullet points or short phrases. Take full advantage of the notes section and remember to cite your sources. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists.

Length: 10-12 slides (with a separate cover slide, agenda slide, and reference slide)

Notes Length: 100-150 words for each slide.





Creation and Implementation of an Effective Recruiting and Retention Program


American Military University

HRMT 605



Table of Contents Creation and Implementation of an Effective Recruiting and Retention Program 3 Introduction 3 Problem Statement 4 Review of Current Practices 4 Strategic Plan for Change 6 Strategic Approach for Implementation of the Change(s) 7 Final Recommendations 8 Conclusion 9 References 10

Creation and Implementation of an Effective Recruiting and Retention Program


Retaining top-notch employees is an enduring problem that companies face in today's fiercely competitive business setting and human resources are unquestionably among the topmost influential elements impacting any organization's triumph. Hence it becomes imperative for businesses to fabricate tactical Human Resource strategies emphasizing efficacious recruitment & preservation programs and enhancing the quality of employees as well as management enables organizations to boost their performance levels leading towards increased productivity hence attaining consistent development. To achieve organizational success, it is imperative that skilled employees be recruited and retained with high levels of motivation, but offering competitive wages and perks is no longer adequate to entice top-tier candidates in today's dynamically shifting job market. To achieve the organization's general objectives requires a thorough and tactical plan.

Moreover, with the rise of remote work and the increasing importance of diversity and inclusion, organizations must adapt their recruitment and retention strategies to the changing needs and expectations of the workforce, so effective addressing of these difficulties requires the creation of a well-outlined recruitment and retention scheme by organizations which surpasses customary tactics through establishment of novel approaches. Firms’ program must emphasize not only the attraction of top-tier candidates but also the creation of an environment that cultivates and retains them and a strong and capable workforce is essential for any organization seeking to attain its stated business strategies. Thus organizations need to focus on recruiting skilled employees they can retain while building a positive organizational culture and in this strategic HR plan we intend to analyze critical components along with successful strategies required to design & execute a productive recruitment & retention program which will improve overall quality of workforce in our organization.

Problem Statement

To better the caliber of our workers as well as our managerial staff it's important we establish an effective recruitment & retention program and due to the direct effect of this issue on an organization's capacity to draw and retain exceptional talent – which is fundamental for success in today's hypercompetitive corporate arena – thorough research becomes necessary. The ever-changing landscape of the job market combined with evolving workforce desires imply that existing methods used for recruiting and retaining employees may no longer appeal to top-tier applicants. Therefore, if not addressed effectively by the organization this issue can lead to difficulties in acquiring skilled individuals to fill vital roles leading to a talent gap that can hamper future growth potential and identifying effective strategies through thorough research is critical in solving this problem of attracting top-notch employees while retaining talented managers within the organization. With such an innovative approach in place; embedding positivity within their employees is crucial in order to sustain competition and achieve long-term success .

Review of Current Practices

Improving organizational efficiency by developing effective recruitment strategies tied to human resource planning requires overcoming challenges mentioned by Amagai et al (2022) during their literary investigation. Mobile health app user participation and loyalty were scrutinized in their investigation while simultaneously emphasizing that upholding a high level of professionalism is critical for success in this field and providing people with appropriate prompts and constructive criticism alongside peer encouragement can prove vital in boosting their engagement levels – this was emphasized by the authors. In their research on applications designed to assist individuals in specific tasks (Amagai et al, 2022), the authors identified several helpful factors relating to social support and technical reliability, while also noting barriers like a lack of supportive functions or limited practical value for users. The importance of understanding the factors that affect employee engagement & retention cannot be overstated since it directly influences an organization's capability of hiring & retaining proficient staff, and after studying obstacles to employee engagement highlighted in previous researches alongside related suggestions made by authors therein discussed, an organization could construct a thorough recruiting/retention strategy that would successfully engage high-performing workers/management.

In 2019 study by Brook and colleagues focused on improving nurse retention rates for early career nurses which is crucial for addressing high turnover rates among them and recognizing global concern over inadequate numbers of nurses available for work worldwide; this study revealed high turnover rates – particularly within first-year employees –pose significant barriers for building strong nursing teams. The objective was to evaluate successful intervention programs' attributes and their impact on fortifying retention levels so to get maximum returns from investments made, the findings by Brook et al. (2019) emphasized that it is vital for existing interventions be evaluated against standardized criteria as well as taking into account their cost-effectiveness.

Gonzaga et al's (2020) study explored at length comprehensive recruitment approaches for achieving an all-inclusive workforce within the health care sector using progressive admission criteria to graduate programs. The authors made a point on how unidimensional approaches towards achieving diverse initiatives can lead to failure hence its importance for prioritizing diverse and inclusive efforts, and in an effort to tackle this issue head-on they have presented a five-step plan that begins by ensuring firm backing from the organization via prioritizing diversity. The framework's guidance on inclusive employment tactics while maintaining high standards for employee development is beneficial for organizations that seek to provide improved culturally oriented patient care (Gonzaga et al., (2019) research indicates that addressing issues related to management efficiency while ensuring active engagement and fostering intrinsic motivation among teachers are key strategies for addressing the challenge of retaining teachers.

When teacher opinions and student behavior are integrated into school district requirements via structural design of the learning environment it creates an effective support system to keep teachers committed over time. The implementation of these insights can assist organizations in designing effective strategies for hiring top talent together with creating a supportive work culture which fosters long-term commitment from employees while ensuring job satisfaction (Holmes et al., 2019). The significance of devising as well as executing HR management schemes targeting skilled employees' attraction and retention was emphasized in Rodríguez-Sánchez et al's (2020) study (Rodríguez-Sánchez et al, 2020).

Strategic Plan for Change

The creation or adjustment of HR practices necessitates the use of a strategic plan consisting of many critical components and the first step towards enhancing organizational HR practices involves conducting a detailed examination of current practices to identify areas that require attention. During this analysis we will evaluate recruitment procedures, determine how engaged employees are within their roles, explore different ways to retain skilled workers and ultimately investigate how effective current work-life programs are, so through analyzing the present state of affairs and identifying deficiencies or discrepancies in specific areas organizations can understand what changes are needed. Successful implementation of effective HR policies in other organizations could serve as motivation and inspiration for those looking to do the same, and employee empowerment through flexible work options is one of many pioneering human resource techniques implemented by companies like Google and Microsoft.

Successful practices from other organizations offer useful insights that businesses can learn from and modify appropriately for their particular needs additionally, an effective strategic plan involves defining clear and quantifiable goals that will facilitate achieving the intended outcome. To achieve effective implementation, it is essential to set clear targets with timelines in addition to providing sufficient resources and support, for ensuring that there is sufficient awareness among all stake holders including managers and employees regarding proposed modifications pertaining to their benefits and possible results a carefully crafted communication policy must be mentioned within this plan. To obtain insights and make appropriate adjustments throughout the implementation process it is common practice to use survey's or focus group's as feedback mechanism.

Strategic Approach for Implementation of the Change(s)

Implementing the required changes to HR practices strategically necessitates following several vital steps and a comprehensive implementation strategy serves as the cornerstone of any successful change initiative. It outlines specific actions with defined timeframes and assigns roles to those responsible, so all relevant stakeholders should be informed of this plan in order to guarantee clarity and consistency across the entire organization. Establishing a dedicated implementation team and allocating resources help in ensuring that there is access to required support and expertise during the whole process, and to achieve successful implementation of these changes with minimal risk involved in the process and allowing room for adaptation and learning along the way can be done through adopting a phased approach. In order to achieve success in implementing a plan it's important to divide it up into smaller steps which are easier to manage and enable every step ahead of time

Adopting this approach enables organizations to monitor their advancement closely and make improvements as needed through gathering feedback, so in order for a company or organization undergoing changes to thrive, continuous worker involvement coupled with clear lines of communication are vital in addressing problems/misgivings, offering support/training, as well as creating an atmosphere where constructive changes can occur. In order to track how effective or impactful the implemented changes have been it is important to set up key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics, and in order to measure overall effectiveness organizations often monitor several key metrics including employee satisfaction levels, talent retention rates, recruitment success, and their total organizational performance. Organizations can use regular monitoring and evaluation of these metrics to assess progress towards goals while also identifying areas where improvements can be made in order for changes to succeed (Pratap et al., 2020).

Final Recommendations

An effective way for companies to improve their HR practices is through developing work-life balance initiatives along with competitive human resource management strategies that are tailored towards recruiting and keeping talented staff members and regularly monitoring implemented policies allows businesses to assess their impact over time. Following recommendations on improving employee satisfaction may lead to better retention of talented individuals which may spark higher organizational success thus giving your company an upper hand over competitors and a positive workplace culture is associated with greater productivity as well as better congruity of worker objectives with those of the organization (Stan 2018) . The most unfavorable circumstance that can arise is when even after implementing recommendations they do not yield desirable outcomes, which could potentially cause disengagement among employees leading towards higher resignation rates impacting negatively on organizational image as well as competition. Organizations must devise meticulous plans & implement them effectively alongside assessing their efficiency frequently so that desired results are achieved as much as possible (Kalenda et al, 2018).


In the dynamic organizational landscape of today it is vital to prioritize work-life balance and put in place efficacious HR management strategies, organizations that invest in attracting top talent while holding onto existing personnel are more likely to achieve their objectives while maintaining a competitive advantage. The process of implementing strategic changes in HR practices starts with conducting an in-depth analysis of the current state and drawing inspiration from best practices and taking a phased approach while setting clear goals are essential to achieving success. Successfully executing an efficient strategy will result in upgraded employee morale and increased talent-retention levels that contribute towards developing superior organizational performance along with avoiding any risk associated with poor execution.


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Brook, J., Aitken, L., Webb, R., MacLaren, J., & Salmon, D. (2019). Characteristics of successful interventions to reduce turnover and increase retention of early career nurses: A systematic review. International journal of nursing studies, 91, 47-59.

Gonzaga, A. M. R., Appiah-Pippim, J., Onumah, C. M., & Yialamas, M. A. (2020). A framework for inclusive graduate medical education recruitment strategies: meeting the ACGME standard for a diverse and inclusive workforce. Academic Medicine, 95(5), 710- 716.

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