Chat with us, powered by LiveChat For this challenge, you will jump into using Microsoft Word and complete a MindTap Project activity called Boss’s Challenge 2. The project will ask you to download instructions and star - Writingforyou

For this challenge, you will jump into using Microsoft Word and complete a MindTap Project activity called Boss’s Challenge 2. The project will ask you to download instructions and star


For this challenge, you will jump into using Microsoft Word and complete a MindTap Project activity called Boss's Challenge 2. The project will ask you to download instructions and starter files for you to use for this project. Within the instructions, there are screenshots of what your end file should look like. Once you are done, you will upload your completed file into Boss's Challenge 2 within MindTap.

This challenge will give you chance to test your knowledge before being trained. You will be asked to:

  • Create a Word document from an existing Word document by doing a "Save As"
  • Alter a citation style
  • Insert a header
  • Find and Replace
  • Alter spacing formats and add page breaks
  • And more…

New Perspectives Word 2016 | Module 2: SAM Project 1b

C:UsersakellerbeeDocumentsSAM DevelopmentDesignPicturesg11731.pngNew Perspectives Word 2016 | Module 2: SAM Project 1b

Dark Energy Report

preparing a research paper


Open the file NP_WD16_2b_FirstLastName_1.docx, available for download from the SAM website.

Save the file as NP_WD16_2b_FirstLastName_2.docx by changing the “1” to a “2”.

0. If you do not see the .docx file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.

With the file NP_WD16_2b_FirstLastName_2.docx still open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed in the footer.

· If the footer does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.


For your Written Communications II class, you are part of a group writing a research paper on contemporary topics in science. Your paper is about dark energy in space, and it must follow the MLA format. Change the Citation & Bibliography Style of the document to MLA.

Apply the Capitalize Each Word case to the title paragraph “Dark energy: space mystery”.

Insert a header to meet MLA standards as follows:

a. From the Top of Page page number gallery, insert a Plain Number 3 page number in the header of all pages in the document.

b. Without moving your insertion point, type Hill and then press the Spacebar.

c. Close Header & Footer Tools.

Find the word “liquid” and replace all instances with the word fluid to use the more precise term. (Hint: You should find and replace two instances.)

Create a First Line Indent of 0.5" to indent the first lines of all the body paragraphs beginning “In 1998, the Hubble Space Telescope…” and ending “…desire to understand.”

Move the second body paragraph beginning “Cosmologists, astrophysicists, and other scientists…” so that it becomes the new first body paragraph.

Find the sentence beginning “Physicists now call this antigravity force….” Move the insertion point before the period at the end of the sentence and insert a citation from a new source using the information shown in Table 1 below.

Table 1: Periodical Source

Type of Source

Article in a Periodical


Shu, Ed


Dark Energy

Periodical Title












Edit the new Shu citation to add 10 as the page number.

Create a numbered list from the paragraphs beginning “Cosmological constant – This theory…” and ending “…not be discarded yet.”

In the paragraph beginning “In short, dark energy…,” read the comment from Kristen Rollins and then reply to it with the following text:

Good idea.

In the paragraph beginning “While trying to understand…,” move the insertion point before the period at the end of the paragraph. Insert a citation that creates a new source with the information shown in Table 2 below.

Table 2: Journal Source

Type of Source

Journal Article


Brown, Paula


Dark Universe

Journal Name

Cosmos Research







In the paragraph beginning “Furthermore, of the invisible…,” respond to the comment as follows:

d. Read the comment and then delete it.

e. Change the text “17” to 27 in the first line of the paragraph.

Move the insertion point before the period in the sentence you modified in the previous step (“Furthermore, of the invisible…force or substance.”), and then insert a citation to the existing Merali, Zeeya source.

Edit the new Merali citation to add 25 as the page number.

Move the insertion point to the end of the document, and then insert a bibliography as follows:

f. Insert a page break.

g. Insert a Works Cited from the Bibliography gallery.

You notice an error in the Space Telescope Science Institute source. Edit the Space Telescope Science Institute source so that the Name of Web Page reads “What Is Dark Energy?

Update the Works Cited list to reflect the edit you made to the source.

Format the “Works Cited” heading as follows:

h. Apply the Normal style to the heading.

i. Center the heading.

Select the entire document and format it as follows:

j. Change the font size to 12 pt.

k. Change the line spacing to double.

Move the insertion point to the beginning of the document, and then insert a comment with the following text:

Please make sure this follows the MLA format.

Check the Spelling & Grammar in the document to identify and correct any spelling errors. (Hint: Ignore proper names. You should find and correct at least one spelling error.)

Your document should look like the Final Figure on the following pages. Save your changes, close the document, and then exit Word. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project.

Final Figure



Adele Hill

Ms. Sheehan

Written Communications II

March 22, 2020

Dark energy: space mystery

In 1998, the Hubble Space Telescope captured images of very distant stars called supernovae for the first time. The images showed that many millennia ago, the universe was expanding more slowly than it is today. Gravity was not slowing the expansion of the universe, as scientists thought, but for an unknown reason, the universe was expanding more rapidly. Scientists did not know how to explain this observation, but they did know something had to be causing the accelerating expansion.

Cosmologists, astrophysicists, and other scientists study the origin and the fate of the universe. The prevailing theory is that the universe began with the Big Bang, an explosion that released massive amounts of energy, and has been expanding since then. However, galaxies, stars, and other cosmic bodies with mass obey the laws of gravity and keep the parts of the universe together. Although the universe is expanding, the force of gravity is slowing the rate of expansion, preventing a Big Rip (Merali, 2013).

Physicists now call this antigravity force dark energy. What exactly is dark energy? “Dark energy is the biggest puzzle of modern physics. No one agrees where dark energy comes from, how it works, or if it actually exists,” explains astrophysicist Ed Shu.

Scientists now offer four possible explanations for dark energy:

Cosmological constant – This theory is related to Albert Einstein’s prediction that seemingly empty space can have its own energy. Because this energy is a characteristic of space itself, it would not be diluted as the universe expands, but would remain as a cosmological constant. Later scientists applied Einstein’s idea to dark energy, explaining that it has been steady and constant throughout time and will remain that way.

Quantum theory – Scientists speculate that space is actually full of temperary, or virtual, particles that continually form and disappear, generating energy. When scientists calculated how much energy this process contributes to space, the results were incorrect, adding to the mystery of dark energy.

Fluid theory – This idea says that some kind of dynamic energy liquid called quintessence fills space and has properties opposite to matter and normal energy. However, scientists do not know what the liquid is like, what it interacts with, or why it exists.

Theory of gravity – Einstein’s theory of gravity could be incorrect. Instead of gravity pulling all matter together, dark energy might affect matter in a different way. However, Einstein’s theory of gravity accurately describes the motion of bodies in the solar system, so it should not be discarded yet.

In short, dark energy is a mystery that requires study, observation, and data to understand. Comment by Kristen Rollins: I added a sentence to sum up the numbered list.

While trying to understand dark energy and the nature of the universe with sophisticated telescopes, scientists have concluded that all the stars and galaxies they see in the sky constitute only 5 percent of the observable universe, according to an article in Cosmos Research.

Furthermore, of the invisible parts of the universe, 68 percent is dark energy and 17 percent is dark matter, another mysterious force or substance. Scientists are not certain what dark matter is, but they know it is dark. In other words, it does not appear in the form of stars and planets that we can see, nor does it take the form of dark clouds of normal matter because dark matter does not absorb radiation. It is not antimatter because antimatter involves gamma rays and dark matter does not. Finally, dark matter is not related to black holes, regions of space with intense gravitational fields that no matter or radiation can resist (NASA Science Committee, 2015). Comment by Kristen Rollins: I think this should be 27 percent: 5 + 68 + 27 = 100. Please check this fact, delete this comment, and then change 17 to 27.

The mysteries of dark energy and dark matter indicate that the universe might be configured in a way scientists have not yet considered. According to the Space Telescope Science Institute, “The strangeness of dark energy is thrilling” (Space Telescope Science Institute, 2020). Similar puzzles have fueled past scientific inquiry. Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity was proposed in part to solve a mystery involving the orbits of the planet Mercury. The origins of quantum physics can be traced to a puzzle about how heat is radiated. The enigma of dark energy could lead to similar discoveries. As the astronaut Neil Armstrong said, “Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man’s desire to understand.”

This file created specifically for Delvone Scott