DUE Wednesday MAY 10, 2023 by 8:00 PM USA time
*Answer prompt A-D
**For a response label the answer with the letter corresponding to which prompt your answering
***All answers should be based on School Guidance and Academic counselor perspective
**** Answer with minimum of 150 each prompt
***** No Plagiarizing
Here's the Writing Prompts below:
A. Share an “aha” moment from the week.
B. What skills, techniques, and/or strategies are you observing related your pedagogical studies (i.e., social/emotional, college/career, and academic)?
C. What practices would you like to research further? Why? In what areas or topics would you like to receive Professional Development?
D. What do you think is the most important characteristic of a school counselor? What’s the most essential characteristic school counselors have that supports a caring/supportive school climate for all students?