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Drive-thru Fast-Food Systems Do research on at least 5 drive-thru fast-food restaurants whose mission is similar but whose processes differ in some way

Create a list of requirements. Details on the Project:  Project2 Requirements22.pdf Project2 Requirements22.pdf – Alternative Formats

You must use the following Template for your solution:  Project2 Paper Template.docx Project2 Paper Template.docx – Alternative Formats
A 20% penalty will be applied if this template is not used.

Do not claim credit for the words, ideas, and concepts of others.
Do not copy and paste information or concepts from others or from the Internet and claim it as your work. It will be considered Plagiarism and you will receive zero for your work. 

Group #: 3-22

Short title of paper 4

[ Enter Title of Paper here ] [ Enter Group # and the names {Last, First} of all Group members ]


[Replace this Note with an Introduction. Do not include an Abstract in this paper. The introduction should be approximately one-or two paragraph of between 150 and 500 words (see assignment details). In the introduction, briefly describe the assignment and list the restaurants you have chosen.]

Requirements List

[Using the Requirement list submitted on the 1st day of residency, create and post the proposed requirements of your hybrid restaurant Processes/Systems.]

Restaurant: ______________

[Copy and paste this section to create a Major Section for each of the 3-5 Restaurant you researched as well as your hybrid restaurant (see assignment details). Remove this note, enter the name of each restaurant as a heading for each major section, and enter details about the Processes/Systems/Sub-Systems chosen. Do not include the Requirements from the Requirement’s list unless you determine that one (or a few) requirement is critical to success of the restaurant. Provide answers to the questions your research might answer (see assignment details). This section may include many paragraphs. Paragraphs should consist of 5 to 8 sentences]


[Remove this note. Summarize the important areas of your research. The findings may include many paragraphs but will not necessarily be of significant length.]

References Last Name, F. M. (Year). Article Title. Journal Title, Pages From – To. Last Name, F. M. (Year). Book Title. City Name: Publisher Name.

Note: References are in Alphabetic order by last name. I highly recommend that you use the Reference Tab in WORD to create References and then Cite these references and add the Bibliography/Reference page at the end of the document.

1. Click Manage Sources, click New and enter details for each reference. Make sure the Style is set to APA before creating a new reference.

2. Find each area with your paper where you want to cite a reference and Click Insert Citation to choose the reference.

3. Create a blank page at the end of your paper and Click Bibliography and Click Insert Bibliography.


Drive-thru Fast-Food Systems Do research on at least 5 drive-thru fast-food restaurants whose mission is similar but whose processes

differ in some way (i.e., one restaurant may specialize in drive-thru and have limited inside dining while

another restaurant may specialize in large inside dining and limited drive-thru; one may specialize in

self-service kiosks while another has limited or no self-service kiosks). Examples might include:

Chic-fil-a, Dairy Queen, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, Burger King, Long John’s Silvers, Captain

D’s, Popeyes, etc. Again, these are to be fast-food restaurants with a drive-thru option.

Identify the systems and processes that are used by the restaurants you researched, with special emphasis

on where automated systems are used as well as when they are not used (i.e., the process typically starts

when the customer enters the drive-thru lane or enters the restaurant lobby; what happens before the

clerk takes the order; what happens while the clerk takes the order; is an automated system used; how is

the order confirmed; what happens just after the clerk confirms the order; etc.). There should be a

limited number of systems, each of which may have multiple processes.

Some examples of systems might include:

➢ Communication Management

➢ Customer Feedback & Satisfaction Management

➢ Customer Service Management

➢ Delivery Management

➢ Employee Management

➢ Inventory Management

➢ Kitchen/Menu Management

➢ Order Management

➢ Marketing Management

➢ Operations and Site Maintenance Management

➢ Payment Management

➢ Quality Management

➢ Rewards & Loyalty Management

➢ Reporting/Analytics

➢ Safety and Sanitation Management

Some examples of processes for two of these systems might include:

➢ Order Management System

➢ At counter

➢ Kiosk

➢ Mobile

➢ Delivery Management System

➢ Over-counter

➢ At-window

➢ Curbside

➢ Home delivery

This project has three parts.

1.0 Using the 5 restaurants researched, document at least 40 unique requirements (total) for the

Systems and Processes. This list will be included in the written paper.

➢ A Requirement is a short, focused, statement that states what the system “must”,

“should” or “can”.

➢ A Requirement is NOT a specification that identifies the exact hardware, software or

service provided (PMI, 2021). Part of this paper is about the Requirement (pre-design)

and not about the exact products that are available.

➢ Sort your requirement list by the system so that requirements are grouped together.

2.0 Propose a hybrid restaurant based on the 5 restaurants you researched and the Requirements that it

should possess. This hybrid restaurant and the updated requirements for this hybrid restaurant will

be included in the written paper.

3.0 Write a 10-page Word document, double-spaced, detailing the 5 restaurants and their Systems and

Processes as well as the Hybrid restaurant and its Systems and Processes. The cover page and

reference page are not included in the 10-page requirement. Do not include an abstract.

Research must include professional sources but can also include YouTube videos on the Processes and

Systems chosen. The URL of the source must be included in the Reference.

Your paper must include multiple topic sections/paragraphs, each with a specific focus as defined below.

Make sure your paper flows logically. In your paper, provide the following:

1. An Introduction paragraph that summarizes the project details, identifies the 5 Restaurants, the

Systems chosen, and any other important information the reader will need to know before

reading the rest of the paper.

2. Six major sections that summarize and analyze your research of each of the 5 restaurants and

their systems and processes, as well as the Hybrid restaurant and its systems and processes. Each

major section must include an appropriate section Heading, with the name of the restaurant in the

heading. Cite all sources and if you copy source material, enclose it in double-quotes. Questions

your research might answer include (do not copy and paste these questions – just use them as a

guide in developing your content):

a. What is the process / systems / sub-systems purpose?

b. What operations does it performs?

c. What are its inputs (resources, interfaces, when used)?

d. What are its outputs (interfaces, data)?

e. How does the technology integrate within the system?

f. How important is the technology to the system?

g. The system’s complexity, cost, and feasibility.

h. Any constraints or risks found during the research.

i. How the various technologies integrate to accomplish the system goals.

2. Conclude your paper with a Findings section that summarizes the important areas of your

research. The Findings sections serves as the conclusion.

You must include at least 7 references with citations. Not all references need to be scholarly and can

include videos, websites, blogs, etc.

Example of Requirements Requirements (for this example, “must” implies highest priority; “should” implies medium priority; and

“can” implies lowest priority)

➢ The Order Management System must provide at-counter, Kiosk and mobile processes.

➢ The Delivery Management System must provide over-counter and at-window processes.

➢ The Delivery Management System should provide a curbside process.

➢ The Delivery Management System can have a home delivery process.