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SWK-204- Social Work Research

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SWK-204- Social Work Research

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Lesson 14 Discussion

There are three key areas of need in my community that social workers can address to improve the lives of people here (Parker, 2020). First, there is a need to improve the level of access to resources and services in the community. Many people here face financial insecurity, lack of transportation options, and a shortage of quality health care facilities (Parker, 2020). These issues impact the ability of individuals and families to meet their basic needs and thrive. By increasing access to essential services such as food banks, health care centers, and job opportunities, social workers can help create a more equitable and stable environment for community members.

A second critical area requiring immediate attention is that of mental health (Reamer, 2022). Stigma around mental health concerns is pervasive in my area, making people reluctant to get treatment or make use of available services. In addition to lobbying for better mental health policy, social workers may help raise public awareness about mental health issues, link individuals to relevant resources, and increase access to care (Reamer, 2022).

Lastly, there is a need to build stronger social connections (Parker, 2020). Social isolation can be particularly detrimental to the well-being of individuals living in this community. Social workers can work to build community ties by organizing events, facilitating conversations, and providing support services. They can also help strengthen familial bonds by assisting with conflict resolution and providing case management services.

Overall, I believe that adding new services and programs to address these areas of need would have a powerful positive impact on the lives of people living in my community. By increasing access to resources, addressing mental health concerns, and creating meaningful connections, social workers can help build a brighter future for those living here. These interventions can not only help individuals but also benefit the community as a whole by reducing the burden on emergency services, hospitals, and law enforcement agencies. By addressing these areas of need, social workers can help create a healthier and more vibrant community for everyone. In order to better serve our communities, we must acknowledge the value of social work interventions and rally behind the efforts of social workers.

Parker, J. (2020). Social work practice: Assessment, planning, intervention and review.  Social Work Practice, 1-264.

Reamer, F. G. (2022).  The philosophical foundations of social work. Columbia University Press.

Lesson 14 Assignment

Needs Assessment on Youth Mental Health in a Community

In recent years, concerns about children and young people's mental health have risen to the level of a major public health issue. There is a growing demand for therapies to address the epidemic of mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and suicide, among children and adolescents. By responding to questions provided in the text, this paper will carry out a community needs assessment concerning the mental health of young people.

What is the need or gap?

Lack of adequate mental health treatments for children and teens is a community need. There has been an increase in the number of cases of mental illness among young people, but not enough funding to address the problem. When it comes to the mental health of children and young adults, there is a dire need for more efficient community-based interventions for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.

What data exists about the need or gap?

Many analyses have shown the widespread nature of teenage mental health problems in local communities. Around 9.4 percent of children ages 2 to 17 had a diagnosable illness in the areas of emotional, behavioral, or developmental health in the previous year (Benton et al., 2021).  According to the 2020 YRBSS (Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System), one in five high school students had seriously considered suicide in the last year.

What data are needed in order to develop a plan to fill the gap?

More data is needed to understand the specific mental health issues that affect children and youth in the community. Information on the age, gender, race, and socio-economic status of children and youth with mental health disorders is also essential (Lobenstein et al., 2022). Data on the effectiveness of existing mental health interventions and resources available to children and youth in the community is needed to identify gaps in mental health services.

What resources are available to do the needs assessment?

Resources available to conduct the needs assessment include community health organizations, schools, and mental health professionals. Data can be collected through surveys, focus groups, and interviews with children and youth, parents, teachers, and mental health professionals.

Who should be involved in the analysis and interpretation of the data?

Stakeholders such as mental health professionals, parents, school administrators, community health organizations, and policymakers should be involved in the analysis and interpretation of the data. These stakeholders bring different perspectives and expertise, which can aid in developing comprehensive and effective mental health interventions.

How will the information be used and for what purpose?

The information collected will be used to develop and implement evidence-based mental health interventions to address the mental health needs of children and youth in the community. The data will help identify gaps in mental health services, guide resource allocation, and prioritize interventions based on the specific needs of the community (Preston et al., 2023).

How will the results be communicated to community partners?

Partners in the community will be informed of the needs assessment findings via reports, presentations, and other forms of media dissemination. The data will be interpreted and disseminated with the help of community partners to maximize its usefulness.

In summary

The data gathered from the evaluation may then be used by community partners to create and execute effective mental health programs for local kids and teens. The data will be used to better allocate funds, prioritize therapies, and enhance the efficiency and quality of mental health care. Better health outcomes and an enhanced quality of life for everybody may be achieved by effectively communicating and engaging with stakeholders to address the mental health needs of children and adolescents in the community.

Benton, T. D., Boyd, R. C., & Njoroge, W. F. (2021). Addressing the global crisis of child and adolescent mental health.  JAMA pediatrics175(11), 1108-1110.

Lobenstein, M. M., Park-Mroch, J., Crowley, L. L., Bean, C., & Voss, M. W. (2022). A Review of Youth Mental Health Curricula in Peer-Reviewed Studies Addressing Access, Equity, and Belonging.  Journal of Extension60(2), 1.

Preston, A., Rew, L., & Young, C. C. (2023). A systematic scoping review of psychological capital related to mental health in youth.  The Journal of School Nursing39(1), 72-86.

Lesson 15 Discussion 1

According to Bradbury et al. (2019), action research is a methodology that involves conducting research to address specific problems within a community. The data collected in an action research study is critical to informing the problem-solving process and developing effective solutions to the identified problem. Kemmis, McTaggart, & Nixon (2019) identified various types of data that can be collected in an action research study, including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods data.

Qualitative data, which can be obtained through interviews, focus groups, and in-the-field observations, helps researchers better comprehend how different groups of people have dealt with the issue at hand. Quantitative data, on the other hand, can be collected through surveys, questionnaires, and standardized tests, and provides numerical data that can be used to measure the frequency, intensity, and distribution of the problem being addressed. Mixed methods data involve collecting both qualitative and quantitative data, which provides a comprehensive understanding of the problem being addressed and allows for triangulation of data to increase the study's validity.

The presentation of data must be relevant, compelling, and accessible to stakeholders, according to the article. The data can be presented through charts, graphs, tables, and other visual aids that make the data more digestible for stakeholders (Bradbury et al., 2019). If the data collected in the action research study shows a significant problem that affects the community, it can motivate stakeholders to make the necessary changes to address the problem. The data provides evidence that can help stakeholders understand the extent of the problem and its impact on the community, which can lead to more informed decision-making and action planning to address the problem (Kemmis, McTaggart, & Nixon (2019).

In conclusion, the data collected in an action research study is critical to the problem-solving process and can have a significant impact on the community, as noted by Bradbury et al. (2019) and Kemmis, McTaggart, and Nixon (2019). The presentation of data and its implications must be effectively communicated to stakeholders to motivate them to make the necessary changes needed to address the problem identified.

Bradbury, H., Glenzer, K., Ku, B., Kjellström, S., Aragón, A. O., Warwick, R., … & Gray, P. (2019). What is good action research: Quality choice points with a refreshed urgency.  Action Research17(1), 14-18.

Kemmis, S., McTaggart, R., & Nixon, R. (2019). Critical participatory action research. In  Action learning and action research: genres and approaches (pp. 179-192). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Lesson 15 Discussion 2

Disseminating the findings of an action research study is crucial for informing the community of the study's results and promoting best practices (Moreland & Denham, 2018). To maximize the study's reach, multiple methods can be employed, including conference presentations, publications, community presentations, social media, and press releases

1. Conference Presentations: Presenting the findings at academic or professional conferences allows for a wide audience of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to learn about the study's results. Conferences provide an excellent opportunity to network and gain feedback from other researchers and practitioners (Moreland & Denham, 2018; Fine et al., 2021).

2. Publications: Publishing the study's results in academic or professional journals is another way to reach a wider audience. Journal articles provide an opportunity to highlight the study's methods, results, and implications for practice and policy (Moreland & Denham, 2018).

3. Community Presentations: Hosting community presentations in schools, libraries, or community centers can disseminate the study's results to community members who may not have access to academic journals or conferences (Moreland & Denham, 2018). Community presentations provide an opportunity for researchers to engage with the community and receive feedback on the study's implications.

4. Social Media: Social media platforms can be used to share study findings and engage with a wider audience. Researchers can use social media to share study results, link to published articles, and engage in conversations with the broader community (Moreland & Denham, 2018).

5. Press Releases: Issuing press releases can disseminate study results to the broader public, including local news outlets and social media platforms. Press releases can highlight the study's significance and promote the study's implications for practice and policy.

In conclusion, using multiple methods to disseminate the findings from an action research study can maximize the reach of the study's results and inform a broader audience. Each method has its strengths and limitations, and combining multiple methods can be beneficial to reach diverse audiences. Social work researchers and practitioners should consider using a combination of these methods to maximize the impact of their study's results and promote best practices in their communities (Moreland & Denham, 2018).

Fine, M., Torre, M. E., Oswald, A. G., & Avory, S. (2021). Critical participatory action research: Methods and praxis for intersectional knowledge production.  Journal of counseling psychology68(3), 344.

Moreland, A., & Denham, J. (2018). Disseminating the research findings. Research Methods in Physical Activity and Health, 324–329.

Lesson 15 Assignment

Article Title: Bullying prevention and intervention in schools: Implications of participatory action research

Authors: Wulandari DA, Na’imah T, Dwiyanti R.

The article titled "Bullying prevention and intervention in schools: Implications of participatory action research" by Wulandari (2022) is a study that explores the effectiveness of a participatory action research approach in preventing and intervening in bullying incidents in schools in Indonesia. The study involves a collaboration between the researcher, school staff, and students, using a PAR approach to identify and address the causes and consequences of bullying in the school setting. The study utilizes a mixed-methods design, combining qualitative and quantitative data collection methods, including surveys, interviews, focus group discussions, and observations. The data were collected from a total of 300 students from two different schools in Indonesia. The study's focus on a participatory approach involving collaboration between school staff and students adds value to the existing literature on bullying prevention and intervention in schools.

The study's findings suggest that the PAR approach can be a useful tool in preventing and intervening in bullying incidents in schools. The success of the intervention programs using a PAR approach can be attributed to the active participation of the students, which enabled them to identify the causes and consequences of bullying and come up with solutions that are effective for their specific school setting. Moreover, the study's finding that students who participated in the PAR approach showed increased confidence, self-awareness, and a sense of empowerment is significant since it suggests that involving students in the process of addressing bullying can lead to more sustainable and effective interventions. The study's results have implications for the social work community as well, as they provide valuable insights into the potential benefits of involving communities in addressing social problems.

Compared to other types of research conducted on the same topic, this action research study stands out in its focus on a participatory approach involving collaboration between school staff and students. While other studies have examined the effectiveness of anti-bullying programs, this study adds value by providing insight into how involving the students themselves in the process can lead to more sustainable and effective interventions.

The findings of this action research study have significant implications for the social work community, as it provides valuable insight into the effectiveness of a participatory approach to addressing social problems, such as bullying in schools. Social workers can use the information provided in this study to inform their practice and develop interventions that involve community members in the identification and resolution of social issues. The participatory approach of this study is particularly valuable for social workers, as it recognizes the importance of involving those who are affected by the social problem in the intervention process. Moreover, the study's approach of involving students in the process of identifying and addressing bullying incidents is a powerful tool that social workers can use to promote community engagement in addressing various social problems. By empowering community members to take an active role in addressing their own issues, social workers can foster a sense of ownership, responsibility, and investment in the intervention process, leading to more sustainable and effective solutions. The study's approach can be applied to a range of contexts beyond schools, such as community development, healthcare, and other social work settings.

In conclusion, the article "Bullying prevention and intervention in schools: Implications of participatory action research" by Wulandari (2022) provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of a participatory action research approach in preventing and intervening in bullying incidents in schools. The study's findings have an added benefit to the social work community, providing a model for involving communities in addressing social problems.

Wulandari, D. A. (2022). Bullying prevention and intervention in schools: Implications of participatory action research. International Journal of Social Science and Human Research, 05(04).


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