Chat with us, powered by LiveChat You teach in a regular education classroom of 25 students. Among them are one student who has a learning disability, two students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), one En - Writingforyou

You teach in a regular education classroom of 25 students. Among them are one student who has a learning disability, two students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), one En

Develop a 45-minute lesson plan at an elementary grade level and content area of your choice, based on the following scenario and using the format below.
Scenario: You teach in a regular education classroom of 25 students. Among them are one student who has a learning disability, two students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), one English language learner (ELL) student, and one gifted and talented student.
1. Central Focus of Lesson: Select state standard(s) for your identified elementary grade level and content area. Based on the selected standard(s), describe the focus of the content in this lesson plan and how content meets the needs of identified students in the scenario.
2. Learning Objectives: Develop learning objectives for the 45-minute lesson based on the criteria below:
o Specific, measurable, and observable
o Grade-level and content-area appropriate
o States what students will know and be able to do
o Aligned to state and/or Common Core standards
o Modified for the specialized learners identified in the scenario
3. Materials: Identify and provide as appropriate the materials and instructional resources needed for the teacher and students. Resources may include technology, handouts, guest speakers, or other. Describe how the materials support and enhance the lesson.
4. Classroom Arrangement and Grouping: Describe the classroom arrangement and grouping strategies you will use during this lesson. Include the following:
o A description of how this design influences a positive learning environment and supports the identified students in the scenario
o A description of how the physical layout and classroom arrangement supports the instructional approach defined in your lesson plan
5. Instructional Approach: Provide a detailed outline of the lesson based on the following:
o Set the stage for learning: How do you plan to get the students’ interest and attention?
o Lesson delivery: How do you plan to deliver the lesson? What types of innovative teaching strategies will you use? How will you integrate technology where appropriate? How will you incorporate technology to make the lesson more engaging?
o Guided practice: How do you plan to walk students through the lesson? How will you know it is time to move to independent practice?
o Differentiation strategies: How will you modify the content, process, and products, or the learning environment to meet the needs of each of the diverse learners described in the scenario? How will you check for student understanding during the lesson?
o Accommodations: What accommodations will you have in place to ensure that each of the diverse learners described in the scenario learn the materials?
o Modifications: What will each of the diverse learners described in the scenario be expected to learn? Will you need to reduce the length of the assignment or make other adjustments?
o Closure: How will you end the lesson?
o Independent practice: What type of practice activities will you provide for the diverse learners described in the scenario to complete outside of class time?
6. Assessment: Create one formative and one summative assessment that align to the selected state and/or Common Core standard(s) and the lesson objective(s). Include technology in at least one of these assessments.
Note: This assignment is a required signature assessment and cannot be changed or deleted, and must be submitted by Week 5.