Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Why the U.S. Has Spent 200 Years Flip-Flopping Between Isolationism and Engagement. What is the title of your first secondary source? Samp - Writingforyou

Why the U.S. Has Spent 200 Years Flip-Flopping Between Isolationism and Engagement. What is the title of your first secondary source? Samp

Your research question:What lessons from women’s struggles for equality in the past can help inform current and future women’s rights issues?Choose your first secondary source, then answer the questions below. Make sure you explain your answers in your own words rather than quoting directly from your source.

Copy the source listing for your first secondary source from the list above and paste it here. Make sure you include the author, date, title, and web address (URL). You can refer to this source listing as you answer the questions below.
Sample text: Margaret MacMillan. March 16, 2018. Why the U.S. Has Spent 200 Years Flip-Flopping Between Isolationism and Engagement.
What is the title of your first secondary source?
Sample text: Why the U.S. Has Spent 200 Years Flip-Flopping Between Isolationism and Engagement
Evaluate Secondary Source 1:
1. Who wrote this source?
Sample text: Margaret MacMillan
2. When was it written?
Sample text: This article was originally written in March 2018 and updated on January 31, 2019.
3. Why was it written?
Sample text: This writer compiled this source as an overview of United States foreign policy throughout history to show how and why the country has struggled to settle on an acceptable role in world affairs.
4. In your own words, explain the main idea of this source.
Sample text: The main idea of this source is that, since gaining independence, the United States has been unable to settle on being isolationist or interventionist in foreign policy. The author concludes that this is an ongoing balancing act for the country today.
5. What makes this a secondary source?
[For this question, you need to explain what a secondary source is and how this particular source fits into that category. You may also compare the definitions of secondary and primary sources and then explain why this source is secondary. Review page 2.2 for further help tackling this question.]
6. Is the writer neutral, or does the writer advance a particular point of view or perspective? Explain your answer by referring to specific examples from the source.

As you answer this question, look at why this source was written and consider its main idea. Does the writer or speaker make a claim or take sides? Do they have a limited perspective? Are they trying to convince you to agree with their point of view?
Sample text: This author is neutral. She provides the facts of the United States’ historical struggle between isolationism and engagement, but she does not advocate for either option. She notes that the U.S. still flip-flops as it navigates the changing landscape of world affairs, but she does not share her opinion on which one is a better policy.
7. In your own words, explain which facts or details from the source will help you answer your research question.