Chat with us, powered by LiveChat What is COVID-19? 2. How does it spread? 3. When should an individual seek help? 4. From the list provided, list the 5 symptoms you consider to be the most concerning. 5. What should you - Writingforyou

What is COVID-19? 2. How does it spread? 3. When should an individual seek help? 4. From the list provided, list the 5 symptoms you consider to be the most concerning. 5. What should you

How do I start writing this paper
The information below will help you format your document for the completion of the Module 7 Assignment. Make sure to follow all guidelines below. Formatting of your document is part of your grade.
Font- Font size must be 12 and must be either Arial or Times New Roman. The font must be a dark color, either black or dark blue.
Margins- The margins must be one-inch. Please note that most word programs are preset to 1-? inches.
Spacing- All papers must be double spaced with no additional lines between paragraphs
Spelling and grammar- All typed assignments are graded on spelling and grammar, and the grading is progressive. The more mistakes you make, the more points you will lose. If you have ten or more spelling and grammatical mistakes in a paper, the paper will receive a 0.
Title page- Papers need to have a title page that has the title, your name, my name, and the class name, day and time.
Reference page- all your sources, even those included in the assignment instructions, must include in-text citations and a list of references. These references must follow APA style formal. is a good resource for APA formatting.
As you answer to each question in this assignment, please make sure to keep the headings for each part of the assignment and the question numbers
You will be graded on content of your answers as well as grammar, spelling, and formatting. Please read each question carefully and answer the questions thoughtfully.
Part A. COVID-19 Basics
For the first set of questions please go to: and click on “Learn More About COVID-19″.
1. What is COVID-19?
2. How does it spread?
3. When should an individual seek help?
4. From the list provided, list the 5 symptoms you consider to be the most concerning.
5. What should you do if you are feeling sick? Be specific and provide detailed information.
6. Describe how you would care for someone else who is sick. Once again, I want detail.

Part B. COVID-19 Risk Groups and Surveillance
7. Go to: Based on the information you learned using this website, list and describe 3 groups of people who are considered at higher risk for infection. Why are these individuals at higher risk of infection? Explain your answer.
Visit: and review the information available to help you answer questions 8 and 9.
8. What do we mean by surveillance?
9. On the day you did this assignment, what was the total number of cases of the virus in the US? How many deaths from the virus in the US? Please include the date in your answer.
Part C. COVID-19 in Maryland
The following questions are specific to COVID-19 in Maryland. Go to the Maryland state department of health:
10. On the day you completed this assignment, how many cases were there in Maryland? How many deaths?
11. List the date you are doing this assignment. How many confirmed cases are there in any other state except Maryland? How many deaths? Note: You are going to have to put on your thinking cap to find these data!
12. Critical thinking question: Looking at the data on the site, what statement can you make about the incidence of COVID in Maryland?
13. Below the graph for confirmed cases, you will see another graph which allows you to examine the data in terms of gender, race and age. Based on this information, please list the gender, race, and age group that appear to be at highest risk.
14. Critical thinking question: Why do you think there is such a large racial disparity in the infection rate? Explain your answer.
15. Critical thinking question: Looking at the county data, which county appears to the hardest hit? Why do you think this is? Explain your answer.

Part D. Finding your own source
For the next set of questions, you are to find your own credible source of information about the virus.
16. How do you know this source is credible? Explain your answer.
17. How does the information on this site differ from the information on the CDC’s website. Provide examples.
Part E. Reflection
18. Keeping in mind all the information you have looked at, what obligations (if any) do we have to each other to prevent the spread of the virus?
19. What obligation do state and federal governments have to protect the health and welfare of its citizens? Explain your answer.
20. After examining all above data (think back to all websites you visited for this assignment), do you think laws should be passed governing individual behavior (for example: wearing a mask)? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
21. Based on the above data you have reviewed, does your personal behavior put you and others at an increased risk for COVID infection? Explain your answer.
22. What have you learned about your ability to read and understand scientific data while completing this assignment? Provide examples.
Part F. References
(All websites you have visited, including any additional sources identified must be in your reference list, in APA style)
You are required to include both in-text and a list of citations, even if you are using information from the provided links or your textbook. Citations must be in APA style.
You have unlimited attempts to complete this assignment until its due date.
Only your last submission will be graded (make sure that answers to both questions are included in your last submission)
Answer all questions in their entirety.
Check your grammar and spelling, this is part of your grade.
Answers to questions must be submitted as an attachment (accepted formats: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .pdf)
Answers submitted using the”comments” box will earn an automatic zero