Chat with us, powered by LiveChat There are many attributes that a leader must acquire to be successful. I think a leader should focus on being consistent and having excellent communication skills. Other qualities a leader s - Writingforyou

There are many attributes that a leader must acquire to be successful. I think a leader should focus on being consistent and having excellent communication skills. Other qualities a leader s

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There are many attributes that a leader must acquire to be successful. I think a leader should focus on being consistent and having excellent communication skills. Other qualities a leader should uphold are loyalty, delegation, building relationships honesty, and integrity. From the text, the hierarchical system starts with being task-oriented. Being a task-oriented leader shows attributes like clarifying, planning, monitoring operations, and problem-solving. Next is relations-oriented, which is being supportive, developing ideas, recognizing issues, and empowering the group. Change-oriented is next which means advocating change, envisioning change, encouraging change, and facilitating collective learning. Lastly, there is external which is networking, external monitoring, and representing.
To enable public managers to function better in a troubled and complex constitutional democracy, public leadership theory is grounded in three tenets: authentic, transformational, and distributed leadership. These three fundamental principles serve as the foundation for a new public leadership theory that acknowledges the increasingly complex structures and relationships within and between public organizations, the added complexity and constraints of a democratic system with ambiguous goals that public leaders must contend with, as well as the distinct legal foundations and core values from those of their non-public counterparts. The combination of these three points of emphasis into one leadership theory offers a firm basis for training public managers, upon which they can exercise leadership, and upon which expectations of leadership outcomes can be based.
The ability to lead is essential for effective public governance, which includes effective planning, efficiency, transparency, and accountability. Leadership in the public sector is especially important. It affects not only job performance and employee satisfaction, but also the performance of governments and public bodies.
In my experience, I think that a leader needs to have integrity, compassion, as well as motivation driven. The principal(leader) at my school is a cheerleader for both his staff and his students. He will help you in all he can, but at the same time let you know where improvement is needed. Having a positive attitude also helps the environment of the staff. A fun fact about my principal is that he makes it a point to learn the names of every student in the school.