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Nurses are the workers in health organization who provides health facilities to patients who suffered from health diseases as well as who suffered from the pandemic(Williams et al., 2022). N

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Nurses are the workers in health organization who provides health facilities to patients who suffered from health diseases as well as who suffered from the pandemic(Williams et al., 2022). Nurses are trained health workers who provide health facilities during the time of pandemic and at any time when there is a patient with a health disease. At the time of COVID-19, there were problems in finding nurses as there were huge patients in the hospitals who were ill. A large number of patients and illness causes the lack of nurses and those nurses who are in service has to face extreme pressure as a result of poor preparedness for the pandemic(Ozan et al., 2022). The high volume of critically ill patients make the huge crowd in hospital and the lack of nurses and poor preparedness from the management side for the pandemic is the major problems for the loss of the economy of the country.
Impact of COVID-19 on the health sector
Due to the pandemic, there is a huge loss in the health sector. The lives of many people have gone because of the unprecedented pandemic which also has had a huge impact on business. There were limited resources available in the health center but due to the pandemic, such health workers become insufficient for the country. Many nurses and doctors themselves suffer from COVID which results in less number of health workers(Singh et al., 2020). Not only this, many nurses left their job due to the fear of COVID which also ultimately decreases the number of health workers and cause huge loss in the health sectors. There is extreme pressure on the nurses who are actively engaged in health work. The limited available health resources of the country are also the major problem for the loss of health facilities and resources which is a drawback for the health sectors. Still, there are problems in different parts because the corona is still not fully solved.
Impact of COVID on the economy
The economy of the world was decreasing at the time of COVID.The whole economy crashed because of the pandemic. There were no organization runs and there was no business in the country which runs properly, as a result, there is a huge impact on the economic condition of the nation. All the borders were completely closed and it is strict borders which had directly impacted the economy of the nation(Sydorenko & Sheremet, 2021). Every nurses and doctors were also in huge trouble and full of fear at the time of the pandemic but they worked very hard for the patients and they also worked with full determination and motivation for the improvement of the health sectors. All the trading, as well as manufacturing business, were closed which results in the loss of the economy of the nation. The economic condition of the country was in huge problem at the time of the pandemic.

Ethical and sustainable leadership is a key factor in the organization
For the short term as well as long term of the health sectors, ethical consideration is essential things required for the development of the organization(Penney, 2020). Not only this, Leadership is the essential thing in the organization which can drive the organization in development. In every sector, leaders with qualitative leadership are required for the organization’sdevelopment. Leaders know ethics and ethical consideration are the most important things for the development of health sectors and are helpful for nurses. During the pandemic, there were no proper planning and preparedness which causes problems in the health sector. For the proper planning and research of the health sectors, leadership is the most important factor which play the role in the health sectors. The long-term and short-term problems of the health and economic conditions are highly impacted by the development of the leadership role and leaders of the organization. Sustainable and good leadership is the base for the development of health sectors(While, 2022). Leaders should give priority to the health workers and nurses in the hospitals as well as leaders should behave very smartly and ethically with the management for the proper functioning of the plan. The pandemic has impacted the health sectors and economy in the long term impact which has impacted the business organization differently.
Nursing staff faced different problems during the time of pandemic which is a great loss in the health sector. This is controlled by the great leading approach and leadership quality of the people in the development of the nation. At the time of COVID-19, there were large numbers of health problems thathave impacted the health and economic condition badly. The condition of the health and economy of the country flourished with the help of good leaders who can work for the organization. Leadership is a good thing that helps the organization appropriately deal the problems and solutions