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How do the authors compare/contrast different research methods? Are the research method and design in alignment with the study? How are the research method and design appropriate for the

This qualitative exploratory case study explored healthcare professionals’
perceptions of educating patients on the value-based healthcare system. Educating
patients about value-based healthcare could provide an excellent opportunity for
healthcare professionals to improve patients’ health, wellness, and outcomes. The results
of this research study increased the existing qualitative literature and provided motivation
for healthcare professionals and leaders to include education about the value-based
healthcare system during medical appointments and each patient-provider interaction to
improve patient understanding and healthcare outcomes.
This chapter included an outline for future researchers interested in replicating the
current study and incorporated an examination of the qualitative exploratory case study
design, a reiteration of the research questions, and a description of the participants and
location. The qualitative method utilized the exploratory case study design for this study
to determine healthcare professionals’ perception of the education provided to patients
regarding value-based healthcare. Included in this chapter is information associated with
participant permission, informed consent, and confidentiality.
The qualitative research method was selected to explore healthcare professionals’
perceptions of educating patients on the value-based healthcare system. The exploratory
case study research design was relevant to the research study as it allowed the researcher
to obtain an in-depth personal accounting of healthcare professionals providing education
to patients regarding the value-based healthcare system in an all-encompassing manner
(Creswell, 1998). The qualitative method was chosen to provide a complete and unbiased understanding of the healthcare professionals’ perspectives regarding educating patients
on the value-based healthcare system.
The qualitative method and explorative case study design were utilized to obtain
an understanding of the perceptions and experiences of healthcare professionals
educating patients on value-based healthcare. Human subjects are essential components
in qualitative research, selected to share experiences and perceptions and provide an
understanding of a topic or situation. The qualitative research study method was selected
as the most appropriate method to share healthcare professionals’ experiences,
perceptions, opinions, and approaches regarding educating patients on the value-based
healthcare system. Exploring participant’s perceptions and experiences were appropriate
methods to utilize in qualitative research (Leedy & Ormrod, 2005). The qualitative
research method provided the researcher the opportunity to analyze a designated group of
individuals and specific archival documents. The qualitative method was selected as the
most appropriate design to study the perceptions and experiences of healthcare
professionals. Qualitative research allows the researcher the autonomy to explore a
problem or situation while allowing for the inclusion of things discovered along the way
(Glaser & Strauss, 2017).
The use of the qualitative research method was essential to obtaining an
understanding of healthcare professionals perception of educating patients about valuebased
healthcare. Comprehension was obtained through the careful construction of
research questions (Stake, 2006). The construction of the research questions offered anindication of the most suitable research method and design utilized for the research study.
The qualitative approach utilized by the researcher ensured flexibility and trust in the data
collected for this exploratory case study.
Selecting an appropriate research study was coupled with choosing the
appropriate research method and design. The significance of identifying the goal of the
research study involved identifying how the research study would be constructed and
how the findings would be displayed. Quantitative research involves defining a
phenomenon by collecting numerical data that are analyzed utilizing mathematical based
methods (Creswell, 1994). The quantitative method was not selected for this research
study, as that method utilizes numbers and statistics to corroborate or refute a problem.
The problem being addressed in this research study required narrative descriptions, as it
sought to explain the data collected without numbers or statistics. This study focused on
the perceptions and experiences of healthcare professionals educating patients on valuebased
healthcare with in-depth rich narratives, not specific numbers or statistics.
The goal of the researcher was to explore the perceptions of healthcare
professionals educating patients on value-based healthcare to obtain new insights or gain
additional understanding of the perceived problem. The qualitative method utilized was
determined as appropriate for this research study that required an inductive approach to
uncover the perceptions and new information obtained from the data collected. With
regard to the proposed problem and research questions, the qualitative method was
identified as the best approach to obtain an in-depth, data rich understanding and gain
additional insight into the problem of healthcare professionals educating patients on
value-based healthcare.
How do the authors compare/contrast different research methods?
Are the research method and design in alignment with the study?
How are the research method and design appropriate for the purposes of the study?