Chat with us, powered by LiveChat From the course material identify three areas of interest that you want to learn more about in relation to development in late adulthood. Develop questions around those areas of interest. R - Writingforyou

From the course material identify three areas of interest that you want to learn more about in relation to development in late adulthood. Develop questions around those areas of interest. R

This assignment’s purpose is to provide you an opportunity to pick a topic that is meaningful to you and your career path. Each assignment option is weighted the same and has the same general directions as outlined below.
Choose ONE of the four options that are listed below; if the subsequent pages you will find details of each option
Elder Care Centres
Review of Children’s book about coping with death
Mourning Customs in different cultures
Lifespan Development Profile
Follow the outlined directions on your chosen topic
You are expected to write a formal paper with an introduction and a summary to your paper.
Expectations are that the assignment submitted is:
A minimum of 6 pages and a maximum of 10 pages (not including your cover and reference pages) using Times New Roman 12 pt. font and is double-spaced.
You are required to use the course material as a resource as well as a minimum of 2 other academic resources for your paper.
Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable resource
Ensure your resources are reliable and academically “sound”
Writing format – You will be expected to use APA format when referencing material

OPTION 1 – Elder Care Centres – 26%
Resources you must use:
Boyd, D., Johnson, P., & Bee, H. (2015) Lifespan Development (7th Canadian Edition). Pearson Education
A Minimum of TWO additional resources required
This option focuses on material
From the course material identify three areas of interest that you want to learn more about in relation to development in late adulthood. Develop questions around those areas of interest. Record these questions and through your tour, be it through observation or an interview with staff person in the elder care centre, provide information in your paper pertaining to your three areas of interest.
Call to make an appointment to visit an elder care centre in your community. Ensure you clearly state the purpose of your visit and request time to meet with someone for an interview and tour. Request printed literature from the elder care home or, access web-based material about the elder care home which can be used as a resource for your paper.
From your observations during the tour and from the literature obtained, answer the following questions:
Provide detailed information about the care center? Provide your personal impressions of the center from what you see, what you have learned/heard and what you have read.
What types of activities were available for the residents? How do the activities available assist in creating the most positive and supportive environment for people in late adulthood?
What types of support services were on sight (i.e. physician, nurse, therapists, equipment, and ambulance)?
What is the cost to be in the care centre and are their public funds available to offset the cost? Explain.
Is there a specific philosophy of care used in caring for those living in /attending the elder care centre? Provide information on this philosophy and how the people in the centre benefit from this philosophy being used.
Record any other observations that you feel are significant in understanding human development in late adulthood.
Organize your paper according to the following criteria:
Begin with an introduction to your paper
Discuss the three areas of interest you hope to learn more about through your tour and interview with staff at the elder care centre and share the questions you formulated to explore these areas of interest.
Provide written information from your interview and tour in relation to the questions you formulated along with the questions mentioned above
Incorporate course material into your paper as well as your two required additional resources using appropriate citations throughout your paper.
End your paper with a conclusion/summary
OPTION 2 – Review Children’s Book on Coping with Death – 26%
Resources you must use:
Boyd, D., Johnson, P., & Bee, H. (2015) Lifespan Development (7th Canadian Edition). Pearson Education
Children’s book that instructor can have access to
A Minimum of ONE additional resource required as your children’s book will be one of the two required resources.
This option focuses on material
Visit your local library, bookstore, or online access to look at children’s books written to help children deal with the death of a loved one or a family pet. Find ONE book to use for this assignment.
From the course material identify three areas of interest that you want to learn more about in relation children’s developmental ability to understand death and dying at is relates to a specific age group you have chosen and how care givers can best support children of that age through an experience of death. This can be an opportunity to focus on the age group you would like to work with when you are done your schooling. Identify the age group along with your three areas of interest and what you have learned in your research and from the material in your textbook. This would also be an opportunity to search for outside resources about your areas of interest.
Make the connection around the choice of children’s book you have found that relates to age of the child you have chosen for this paper.
Answer the following questions for the book you have chosen:
Give a summary of the story. In this summary include how death is described in the story. Share if this is a story book or a help guide for caregivers. Is there a lesson or moral to the story and if so, what is it?
What is the age of children do you believe would benefit most from the story providing rational to your answer through your research and course material?
Do you believe the book did an adequate job covering the subject of death’ provide a rational for your answer?
Would you recommend the book as a resource to a caregiver who has a child experiencing a loss; why or why not and provide rational for your answer.
Organize your answers according to the following criteria:
Begin with an introduction to your paper
Discuss the three areas of interest providing details as outlined above using citations to support your information presented in your paper.
Present an overview the book in detail responding to components mentioned above. Ensure you have provided information that will show where the book can be located
Incorporate course material into your paper as well as your required additional resource using appropriate citations throughout your paper
End your paper with a conclusion/summary
OPTION 3 – Mourning Customs – 26%
Resources you must use:
Boyd, D., Johnson, P., & Bee, H. (2015) Lifespan Development (7th Canadian Edition). Pearson Education
A Minimum of TWO additional resources required
This option focuses on material
This project is designed to show cross-cultural variations in the ways people of different cultures mourn and acknowledge the death of a loved one. The term cultural is used broadly here and may be defined by various geographic regions or a country or by various religious groups or people
From your course material begin your paper with a reflection of your own experiences or understanding of mourning and death rituals that you are familiar with and critically reflect on your experiences in relation to what you learned from your course material.
Choose TWO different “cultures” and compare the ways in which they acknowledge and mourn the death of a loved one. Introduce a cross-cultural perspective on death and bereavement.
Provide a detailed summary of each culture’s mourning rituals. Conclude with a comparison of the rituals and celebrations of the two cultures as well as a reflecting on your own personal experiences in relation to what you have learned from your research.
Organize your answers according to the following criteria:
Begin with an introduction of your paper
Provide your self reflection of your own experiences or understanding of mourning and death rituals
Present your detailed summary of the three additional cultures providing comparisons outlining similarities and differences.
Incorporate course material into your paper as well as required additional resources using appropriate citations throughout your paper
End your paper with a conclusion/summary
OPTION 4 – Lifespan Development Profile – 26%
Resources you must use:
Boyd, D., Johnson, P., & Bee, H. (2015) Lifespan Development (7th Canadian Edition). Pearson Education
A Minimum of TWO additional academic resources required
This option focuses on material; depending on which age group you choose to write about.
Choose a specific age group to write about that relates to the age of group you are most interested in working with in your career.
Early childhood
Middle and late childhood
Early Adulthood
Middle Adulthood
Late Adulthood
Provide detailed information about the primary development characteristics of the age group you chose. This is to include categories such as physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. This section is intended to provide an opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge of the developmental characteristics of an age group you plan to work with when you are done your course. Consider providing specific examples of people you may work with in this age group that identifies the characteristics you have chosen. As a guide, you should be able to identify a minimum of 3 characteristics under each of the categories mentioned above.
In writing provide detailed reflections on the benefits to you in your career to be familiar with the developmental characteristics you have written about.
Choose a theorist you believe made significant and important contributions to the research and understanding of development for your chosen age group. You will identify AND explain what the theorist’s contributions have been toward the understanding of development of your chosen age group.
Organize your paper according to the following criteria:
Begin with an introduction to your paper
Provide the information required as outlined above
Incorporate course material into your paper as well as your two required additional resources using appropriate citations throughout your paper.
End your paper with a conclusion/summary