Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Explain how the argument relates to your major, (business administration) * Ensure that your topic is debatable. Are you able to see at least two perspectives to this argument? (Yes, li - Writingforyou

Explain how the argument relates to your major, (business administration) * Ensure that your topic is debatable. Are you able to see at least two perspectives to this argument? (Yes, li

My topic is telecommuting and why it is good. I need help on the writing plan. Please answer each question and provide resources if you are citing some thing.

Eng – snhu writing plan help please

Writing Plan
1. Describe the argument to be addressed in your persuasive essay.

The topic is pro telecommuting / remote working. How it is good.

1. Explain how the argument relates to your major, (business administration)
* Ensure that your topic is debatable. Are you able to see at least two perspectives to this argument? (Yes, list pros Because I am for this topic and maybe list two reasons against it.)
2. Identify the potential challenges you may encounter in supporting your argument with a specific audience.
* First, state the audience you will be writing to. (My audience is my professor and peers.)
* Then address the challenges of supporting your argument with this audience.
3. Establish a goal that you hope to accomplish with this essay. (My goal is to successfully Per sway the writer that telecommuting is good. Please elaborate when writing.
4. What will this essay need to successfully meet your goal?
5. Determine three key points that will be helpful in supporting your argument and provide rationale.
Three key points I want you to focus are 1) Well balanced work and personal life. 2) Employees are happier there for productivity is higher. 3) how the government also believes in remote working because it is helping save the planet with not wasting gas and people driving)
1. Provide a brief description of at least two sources that support the key points of your argument.
* First, list the authors and the titles of each source. These sources may be books or articles you identified in a previous assignment.
* Then provide a brief description of how each may reinforce your argument.
2. Explain how you plan to effectively integrate evidence into the writing plan.