Chat with us, powered by LiveChat The U.S. government established a non-profit organization PVA (Paralyzed Veterans of America) to help U.S. veterans with spinal cord injuries or illnesses. Since 1946, PVA has coll - Writingforyou

The U.S. government established a non-profit organization PVA (Paralyzed Veterans of America) to help U.S. veterans with spinal cord injuries or illnesses. Since 1946, PVA has coll

accounting writing question

The U.S. government established a non-profit organization PVA (Paralyzed Veterans of America) to help U.S. veterans with spinal cord injuries or illnesses. Since 1946, PVA has collected money to help various interests, including advocacy for veterans’ health care, research and training in spinal cord injuries and disabilities, and support for veterans’ benefits and rights. VPA collect funds in various ways, but most of the fundraising arises from direct mail camps. They send free address labels or greeting cards to potential donors through the mailing address and ask for contributions to get gifts.
The VPA sends frequent mails to more than four million people to request some donations. In 2016, VPA received approximately $100 million in donations, but spent more than $40 million on postage, management, and gift costs. Every year, the VPA spent $20 million on people who never responded. Now, PVA is looking for a data mining method to help them decide who should receive what mails, raise more donations, and donate more people while reducing the cost of sending irritating letters to people who will never contribute any donation.
Analysis Plan
Quantifiable Factors
Quantifiable factors affecting the operational process are number of children living at the home, the percentage of veterans living in the same zip code of the donor, numbers of gift card promotions given a lifetime to date, and gift-giving a lifetime to date. The scatter plot of children and gift amounts shows a strong negative correlation because most donors do not have children living with them. So far, there is also a strong negative correlation between the numbers of gift card promotions given throughout life and the gifts given so far.
Figure 1: Correlation Between Gift Amount and Number of Children Living at Home
Figure 2: Correlation Between Gift Amount and Number of gift card promotion given lifetime to Date
Figure 3: Correlation Between Gift Amount and Number of gift card promotion given lifetime to Date
However, the scatter plots of the gift amount with the percentage of male veterans, and the number of lifetime promotions have no or weak correlation.
Figure 4: Correlation Between Gift Amount and % Male Veterans
Figure 5: Correlation Between Gift Amount and Number of Promotion Receive Lifetime
problem statement
The VPA sends frequent mails to more than four million people to request some donations. In 2016, VPA received approximately $100 million in donations, but spent more than $40 million on postage, management, and gift costs. Every year, the VPA spent $20 million on people who never responded. The PVA’s concern is to find out how to raise donations from donors while figuring out how to reduce the cost of $40 million in the middle, including postage, administrative, and gift spending.
The PVA need analyze the data to learn how to lower operating costs and the costs of delivering mail, postage, and gifts to non-responders. After performing exploratory data analysis, I figured out that the maximum and minimum donation amount is $200 and $1 respectively from 3648 donors, whereas the average donation amount is $15.72, and the median is $14.00. The average donation amount is slightly higher than the median donation amount, but close together. The average is above or below the median, and how much can help understand the distribution of the donation amount. For example, if an average donation amount is much higher than the median donation amount, fewer donors donate significantly more than the group. If we look at Table 1, the average donation amount is $1.71 higher than the median donation amount. Here, we can say that most donors donate more than $15.
Table 1: Descriptive Analysis of the Gift Amount
The skewness of donation amount is $4.67; positive skewness means the data is distributed more to the right and has a longer right tail, as we can see in figure 6, while negative skewness is the same, but on the left.
Figure 6: Distribution of Gift Amount
In addition, Kurtosis of the gift amount is $46.21; Kurtosis more than three means heavier tails or outliers than a normal distribution. Data sets with Kurtosis of less than three have small tails or no outliers in the data set.
In Figure 4, we can observe no relationship between the numbers of gifts and the numbers of promotions obtained for a lifetime, which means merely increasing promotions will not increase the amount of donations. However, in Figure 2, there is a strong negative correlation between the numbers of gifts and lifetime gift card promotions. An increase in promotions will reduce donations, which means sending too many promotions will not increase contributions. Many donors donate more money and regularly when they get fewer offers. A possible solution might be to stop sending too many promotional messages to regular donors and people who have never donated. There is nothing wrong with delivering the promotion to frequent donors in each fundraising cycle; however, it increases operating costs and may not boost their potential donation amount. These strategies are just a few examples that VPA can study, why they have high operating costs, and what they can do to be more productive in their actions in the future.