Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Compare and contrast employee vs. customer roles as outlined in the textbook, with your own examples of each. Youre welcome to be creative: paper, video, infographic and others all - Writingforyou

Compare and contrast employee vs. customer roles as outlined in the textbook, with your own examples of each. Youre welcome to be creative: paper, video, infographic and others all

marketing writing question

General Instructions:
You will complete one assignment each week: below you will see the two or three options you can choose from. Some options will allow you to use creative skills–if you don’t want to do that, you always have the straightforward option of writing a paper.
Each assignment is intended to take you 1-2 hours of concentrated work to complete. If you want to do something more involved/complex for the assignment, consider bringing on a classmate to partner with you–reaching out to others early on this is important. Each person will need to submit the assignment separately and indicate that you worked together.
Focus on getting the content correct over getting the form perfected. For example, I would rather an awkward Zoom-recorded video of you reading from notecards without any editing that gets the ideas and applications correct than a professionally-edited video that lacks content depth, or gets concepts and applications wrong.
If you are not sure you’re doing the right thing for the assignment and want to discuss your idea for the assignment with me, reach out to me on or before Monday (the assignment is due Wednesday).
Each week you will submit your assignment with a compelling title (we are in marketing, lets practice it!) and a list of 3 key takeaways (e.g., main points you learned or covered in the assignment). You will be graded on whether your assignment illustrates correct understanding of the selected concept(s), demonstrates correct application of concept, and adds something beyond what is provided by the course.
Week 5 Options
Compare and contrast employee vs. customer roles as outlined in the textbook, with your own examples of each. Youre welcome to be creative: paper, video, infographic and others all accepted.
5 points for a good title (Title should indicate the specific content rather than the specific assignment youve chosen to tackle. 5 points for an interesting and compelling title. 3 points for a mediocre title like Rayas Week 1 Assignment.)
5 points for careful communication (Fewer than 5 little mistakes for full points?little mistakes dont interfere with understanding. Errors that hamper understanding (e.g., pictures over words in slides) reduce points.)
10 points for takeways. (Takeaways are things that you learned. 10 points for well-thought out and unique-to-your-assignment take-aways. 8 points for generic but accurate takeaways. 6 points for takeaways that are incorrect, incomplete, or missing.)
10 points for getting the concepts defined correctly. (Full points?name and define precisely the concept(s) youre focused on. Vague or inaccurate definitions will lose points.)
10 points for applying the concept(s) correctly (Full points for examples that work, details that are correct)
10 points for going beyond what is provided by the course materials (This is about contribution. Full points for doing something that is unique, creative, or unexpected. Including only re-iterating ideas or methods covered in the book or lectures will still net you 8 points.)
Requirements: n/a