Chat with us, powered by LiveChat With the data uploaded into StatCrunch (see the Module One non-graded StatCrunch activity for more information) and the health question you will explore identified, it is time to complete the fol - Writingforyou

With the data uploaded into StatCrunch (see the Module One non-graded StatCrunch activity for more information) and the health question you will explore identified, it is time to complete the fol

 With the data uploaded into StatCrunch (see the Module One non-graded StatCrunch activity for more information) and the health question you will explore identified, it is time to complete the following tasks:

  • Describe the data set using summary statistics.
  • Identify any limitations you think the data has.
  • Identify the variables you will use in your study.

Refer to the Milestone Two Table PDF for this assignment.

To complete this assignment, review the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric PDF document.

Stat crunch:

IHP 525 Milestone Two Table

Information on data set to include in your description

Which variables are you investigating?

Identify each variable as continuous/quantitative or categorical, and list the descriptive statistics that are used to describe that type of variable.

Compute these descriptive statistics for the variables you are investigating and present them here or in a separate table below.

What does each statistic tell you about the data for the given variable?

A. Assess the collected data. Use this section to lay out the source, parameters, and any limitations of your data. Specifically, you should: 1. Describe the key features of your data set. This is where you want to say where the data came

from—describe the sample and how the data was collected. Next, define each of your variables—what do they measure about the subjects? Then describe the distribution of each of your variables using the descriptive statistics you computed. Be sure to assess how these features affect your analysis.

2. Analyze the limitations of the data set you were provided and how those limitations might affect your findings. Justify your response.

  • IHP 525 Milestone Two Table


IHP 525 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric

Overview: In the Final Project Data Analysis, you have the opportunity to demonstrate your skill at selecting and calculating appropriate biostatistical measures. In Milestone Two, you will select and calculate summary statistics to describe the data set.

Prompt: One way to describe data is to describe the shape, location, and spread of the data. In Milestone Two, you will select summary statistics to calculate for your data. You will also describe the source of the data and the sampling technique you think might have been used. You also need to consider limitations of the data set and the impact such limitations might have on the findings you will share later in the project. Refer to the Data Analysis Data Description for a description of the data set provided and uploaded in Module One.

Specifically, include the following critical elements:

I. Introduction A. Assess the collected data. Use this section to layout the source, parameters, and any limitations of your data. Specifically, you should:

1. Describe the key features of your data set. Be sure to assess how these features affect your analysis. 2. Analyze the limitations of the data set you were provided and how those limitations might affect your findings. Justify your response.

Also complete the Milestone Two Table to show the summary statistics you selected and the calculations.

Rubric Guidelines for Submission: In a Microsoft Word document, create a table of the summary statistics you will run on your data set (based on the table provided). Include 1–2 paragraphs describing the sample and limitations of the data set. The document should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one- inch margins, and APA format for any citations.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Introduction: Data: Key

Features Describes key features of data set and assesses how features affect analysis

Describes key features of data set and assesses how features affect analysis, but response contains inaccuracies or omits key details

Does not describe key features of data set and assess how features affect analysis


Introduction: Data: Limitations

Analyzes limitations of data set provided and how those affect findings, justifying response

Analyzes limitations of data set and how those affect findings, but does not justify response, response contains inaccuracies, or justification is illogical

Does not analyze limitations of data set and how those affect findings


Summary Statistics Calculations

Includes a table with appropriate and accurate summary statistics of the data set

Includes a table containing summary statistics and calculations but the calculations are inaccurate or the chosen stats are not appropriate

Does not include a table with appropriate and accurate summary statistics of the data set


Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related

to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas


Total 100%

  • IHP 525 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
    • Rubric