Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Develop at least 5 realistic process models in BPMN for the services provided through this platform. You need to demonstrate the use of a wide range of BPMN elements discussed in the subject - Writingforyou

Develop at least 5 realistic process models in BPMN for the services provided through this platform. You need to demonstrate the use of a wide range of BPMN elements discussed in the subject

engineering writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

The final report should cover at least the following:
A. Service identification and specification
i. Identify at least 5 service providers. For each service provider, identify at least 3 services.
ii. Specify those services using the Business Service Representation Language.
B. Enterprise Architecture (EA) Design using TOGAF/ArchiMate
i. Your EA design needs to cover at least 3 phases in TOGAF: Business Architecture, Information Systems Architecture and Technology Architecture, and the three layers in ArchiMate: Business Layer, Application Layer, and Technology Layer.
C. Business Process Design and Analysis
i. Develop at least 5 realistic process models in BPMN for the services provided through this platform. You need to demonstrate the use of a wide range of BPMN elements discussed in the subject. You need to provide the sources from
which you developed the process model these might involve documents you found on the web, procedure manuals and so on. There must be clear evidence that your BPMN process model encodes process descriptions contained in these textual resources. ii. Use the semantic effect annotation technique for business process models based on the ProcessSEER technology discussed in the subject to annotate this model. Effect annotations must be written in both English and first-order logic. You need to provide both the immediate effects of tasks/activities and the cumulative effect scenarios obtained at various points in the process. You need to present the annotations both as text annotations on your BPMN models and on separate pages of text to process model (in the latter case, use a numbering or indexing scheme to correlate annotations to various points in the process model).
D. Service Design and Analysis using SoaML
i. Your design should cover at least service architectures, service interfaces, service contracts (including their behaviour), and service compositions.
E. Microservices design and implementation
i. Select at least 3 services from your platform, and design and implement them using the microservices approach.
ii. Clearly demonstrate your design and implementation in the report.
F. Service/process analytics
i. Select at least 3 business processes (in Part C) from your platform and execute them to generate event logs. For process execution, you can write your own simulation or use an existing process execution engine.
ii. Use appropriate process mining tools to perform process mining and analytics on these event logs.
iii. Clearly demonstrate how all of the above tasks were performed in details and their outcomes.
G. Member contribution for the whole project (with each members signature)