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Demonstrate the use of emerging technology drivers such as Electronic Business, Data Mining and Networking solutions. CLO5: Interpret the management challenges faced by information systems b

operating systems project and need support to help me learn.

College of Computing and Informatics
Project Report
Deadline: Sunday 12/02/2023 @ 23:59
[Total Mark for Project is 14]
Student Details: CRN:
Name: ID: Name: ID: Name: ID:
Youmustsubmittwoseparatecopies(oneWordfileandonePDFfile)usingtheAssignmentTemplateon Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format.
Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between words, hide characters, use different character sets, convert text into image or languages other than English or any kind of manipulation).
You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question.
Pg. 01
Learning Outcome(s):
Learning Outcome(s): CLO4: Demonstrate the use of emerging technology drivers such as Electronic Business, Data Mining and Networking solutions.
CLO5: Interpret the management challenges faced by information systems being implemented in organizations today, and how they affect business and society.
Description and Instructions Project Description:
The purpose of this project is to allow the students to integrate the material covered in the course and envision how the collection of technologies and concerns discussed in class improves an area or several areas of societal importance.
Total Marks = 14
Project Report
10 marks
4 marks
Group Size = 2- 4 members.
One group member (group leader) should submit all files: Project Report and
Presentation Slides on blackboard. Marks will be given based on your submission and quality of the contents.
Pg. 01
1 mark
2 marks
4 marks 14
Project Report
Grading Criteria:
1 Problem identification and Description 2
4 Plan implementation with 10 years feasibility report
6 Presentation Total
Grading Criteria:
Complete content (Introduction, body, and conclusion)
Effective use of time (max. 8-10 mints)
2 marks
1 mark
Stakeholder identification in addressing the problem and exploiting opportunities
2 marks
Solution development with at least 2 digital technologies from the contents of Weeks 4 to 10
3 marks
Give recommendations to the audience regarding the development of proposed solution
2 marks
Voice projection and loudness/ Eye contact/ Confidence and 1 mark attitude
Pg. 01
Learning Outcome(s):
Learning Outcome(s): CLO4: Demonstrate the use of emerging technology drivers such as Electronic Business, Data Mining and Networking solutions.
CLO5: Interpret the management challenges faced by information systems being implemented in organizations today, and how they affect business and society.
There are 5 topics to choose from for this project. Consider a specific problem /opportunity in the topic area at this moment in time and think about how the implementation of the digital technologies you learned in this course can solve the problem in the next ten years. You may extrapolate how you think the current technologies might evolve in the next ten years and apply that to your solution. Creative solutions are allowed and encouraged. Make sure to apply at least two of the digital technologies that you learned in this course and consider the ethical, societal, and business issues highlighted throughout the course. Note that by selecting one topic area you are not necessarily eliminating the other topic areas. In fact, the specific problem you select may relate to several topic areas.
(Choose a topic based on the interests and motivations of your group members.)
Topic 3: Mental Health
Loneliness and social isolation are a key problem in society. How might technologies be designedfor instance, transportation and resource security/scarcityto enhance connections in communities, reduce loneliness, and improve mental well-being? As a reminder, select a specific demographic (e.g., single elderly people, high school students in rural areas, etc.) for your project.
Requirements: project
College of Computing and Informatics Project Report Deadline: Sunday 12/02/2023 @ 23:59 [Total Mark for Project is 14] Student Details: CRN: Name: Name: Name: ID: ID: ID: Instructions: You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format. It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files. Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between words, hide characters, use different character sets, convert text into image or languages other than English or any kind of manipulation). Email submission will not be accepted. You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover page. You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark. You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question. Late submission will result in ZERO mark. The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark. Use Times New Roman font for all your answers.
Pg. 01 Project Description and Instructions Project Description: The purpose of this project is to allow the students to integrate the material covered in the course and envision how the collection of technologies and concerns discussed in class improves an area or several areas of societal importance. Total Marks = 14 Project Report Presentation 10 marks 4 marks Group Size = 2- 4 members. One group member (group leader) should submit all files: Project Report and Presentation Slides on blackboard. Marks will be given based on your submission and quality of the contents. Learning Outcome(s): Learning Outcome(s): CLO4: Demonstrate the use of emerging technology drivers such as Electronic Business, Data Mining and Networking solutions. CLO5: Interpret the management challenges faced by information systems being implemented in organizations today, and how they affect business and society.
Pg. 01 Project Project Report Grading Criteria: Presentation Grading Criteria: Complete content (Introduction, body, and conclusion) 2 marks Effective use of time (max. 8-10 mints) 1 mark Voice projection and loudness/ Eye contact/ Confidence and attitude 1 mark Content Grade 1 Problem identification and Description 1 mark 2 Stakeholder identification in addressing the problem and exploiting opportunities 2 marks 3 Solution development with at least 2 digital technologies from the contents of Weeks 4 to 10 3 marks 4 Plan implementation with 10 years feasibility report 2 marks 5 Give recommendations to the audience regarding the development of proposed solution 2 marks 6 Presentation 4 marks Total 14
Pg. 01 Project Topics There are 5 topics to choose from for this project. Consider a specific problem /opportunity in the topic area at this moment in time and think about how the implementation of the digital technologies you learned in this course can solve the problem in the next ten years. You may extrapolate how you think the current technologies might evolve in the next ten years and apply that to your solution. Creative solutions are allowed and encouraged. Make sure to apply at least two of the digital technologies that you learned in this course and consider the ethical, societal, and business issues highlighted throughout the course. Note that by selecting one topic area you are not necessarily eliminating the other topic areas. In fact, the specific problem you select may relate to several topic areas. (Choose a topic based on the interests and motivations of your group members.) Topic 1: Emerging Technology Select an emerging technology covered in class. What impact will it have on society? (As described above, select a specific demographic for your project.) Consider periods of normal life and challenging periods, e.g., a pandemic. What is your prediction and vision for the impact of the technology? How will the technology you selected interact with at least one other technology discussed in the course? For example, society is constantly being reshaped in lasting ways, from how we travel and buy homes, to the level of security and surveillance we are accustomed to. As another example, remote work has advanced the need for more robust 5G technologies. Learning Outcome(s): Learning Outcome(s): CLO4: Demonstrate the use of emerging technology drivers such as Electronic Business, Data Mining and Networking solutions. CLO5: Interpret the management challenges faced by information systems being implemented in organizations today, and how they affect business and society.
Pg. 01 Project Topic 2: Physical Infrastructure System We take well-functioning physical infrastructure systems (electric grid, internet, garbage disposal services, roads, airports, etc.) for granted. However, the construction, maintenance, and renewal of our infrastructure systems is expensive in terms of money, environmental impact (e.g., buildings and the construction sector are one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions), and often also social impact (e.g., construction work is one of the occupations with the highest level of accidents, which affects poorer segments of society disproportionally). How could the technologies presented in this course create a significant improvement in the economic, environmental, and social performance of our physical infrastructure systems? For example, when a building or bridge is demolished, many of the materials used in the building end up in landfills. How could these materials or even building components or entire buildings be reused thanks to innovative uses of technology? Or, infrastructure systems for energy and wastewater are typically separate systems. However, the waste in the wastewater could be used to generate electricity. How could technology enable such an integration of energy and wastewater systems? Or the integration of other infrastructure systems? Topic 3: Mental Health Loneliness and social isolation are a key problem in society. How might technologies be designedfor instance, transportation and resource security/scarcityto enhance connections in communities, reduce loneliness, and improve mental well-being? As a reminder, select a specific demographic (e.g., single elderly people, high school students in rural areas, etc.) for your project.
Pg. 01 Project Topic 4: Entertainment Industry The entertainment industry has adapted to streaming content, live experiences, and in-game events. How might the next generation of entertainment experiences look like at home or on the go? Topic 5: Social Impact & Equity Socioeconomic inequalities mean that not everyone has equal access to technologies; this is also called ?digital divide.? For example, some people have limited access to broadband, limited know-how of technologies, or no access to equipment. How could government, businesses, and technology providers bridge this socioeconomic digital divide? For example, in many parts of the world, there is a shortage of professional caregivers (for elderly, sick people, etc.). Robots could alleviate this shortage. But since such robots can be expensive or require expertise to deploy, how could better care be available to all? Another example is the access to data and analytics, i.e., machine learning. The developers of such systems may limit access due to cost or business concerns. How will the benefits from machine learning be available to all?