Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Watch the video below before starting the case studies for this week. What is the difference between Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia? 1. Client A is a 25- - Writingforyou

Watch the video below before starting the case studies for this week. What is the difference between Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia? 1. Client A is a 25-

Watch the video below before starting the case studies for this week.

What is the difference between Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia?
1. Client A is a 25-year-old female, 5’7, and currently weighs 105 pounds. She has dropped over 30 pounds in the past two months. She has always struggled with holding on to a few extra pounds, but has finally found a way to lose the weight. She has increased her daily exercise from an hour a day to three hours, reduced her daily calorie intake drastically, and often declines meals or says she will eat later on, but doesn’t. When she does eat with others, she tends to push her food around on her plate or offers to let others try her food, thus making it appear she has finished her meal or eaten more of it than she actually has. At times, she is obsessive about the amount of calories she eats. For example, she tells a story about a time when she went out with friends to a pizza restaurant. She tried to order just a salad, but the restaurant was out of lettuce due to a recall of the product recently. So, she ate a piece of pizza. Feeling terribly conscious of the number of calories in that one slice, she increased her regular daily exercise from three hours to five. She also reports feeling anxious if she cannot get the full three hoursof exercise in–so much so that she has left work claiming to be sick so she can ensure that she does exercise that length of time.
2. Client B is a 32-year-old male, 6’2, and currently weighs 170 pounds. He reports he has been active in football all of his life and also wrestled in college. After entering the NFL draft and being selected to play for a professional football team, he learned he had to maintain a specific weight or face a fine. He has entered a cycle of binging and purging. He admits some of his behaviors started in college when he was wrestling and began to put on a few extra pounds because of the food available. He recalls one specific incident when he went to weigh in before a match and was two pounds over the class he wrestledin. The suggestion offered was that he to go to the bathroom and make himself throw up. He did and weighed in again. He then met the maximum weight allowed for his weight class to wrestle. This happened for the next three meets, so to avoid the embarrassment he started taking a laxative before he went to bed the night prior to a meet. This allowed him to quickly shed pounds and “make weight” before each meet. Later he found himself dealing with anxiety and would eat many calorie-loaded foods in one sitting. The current problem is that he cannot control the cycles of binging and purging he engaged in during college. He prefers the use of laxatives over vomiting, largely because he doesn’t have to make himself do anything, except take the laxative. However, he is complaining of some issues having a bowel movement without the laxative.
After reading the case studies, answer the following questions in an essay format of at least 250 words. Ensure you have an introduction, body, and conclusion.
What is the diagnosis for each scenario presented this week?o Include a detailed justification for the diagnosis. When you provide the justification, make sure to describe the symptoms the individual has that meet the diagnostic criteria of that disorder.
What is an appropriate treatment option for the individual scenarios?o Include a detailed justification for the treatment option selected. When you provide justification for the treatment option, use information from the lectures or supplemental resources to explain why that treatment is appropriate for the individual and/or their diagnosis.