Chat with us, powered by LiveChat For this assignment, you must use the template provided in the weekly ?resources to write a literature review based on the research you ?conducted in the previous assignment. You should us - Writingforyou

For this assignment, you must use the template provided in the weekly ?resources to write a literature review based on the research you ?conducted in the previous assignment. You should us

For this assignment, you must use the template provided in the weekly  resources to write a literature review based on the research you  conducted in the previous assignment. You should use the Literature  Synthesis Matrix template provided in the weekly resources to help you  organize your resources and to identify your main ideas (subtopics) and  research findings (key ideas).

The following items must be included in your literature review:

  • Abstract - The abstract should be limited to 250 words and should briefly summarize the entire paper, including the findings.
  • Introduction - The introduction should briefly describe your  topic and should identify the purpose of the paper. (Why are you  comparing all these resources?)
  • Literature Review - The literature review should describe the  literature currently available about the research topic. Use a  literature synthesis matrix to help you organize the content by  subtopics. This section should contain the facts, not your opinions.
  • Discussion - The discussion should indicate what is known,  what is not yet known, areas of general agreement, and areas of  disagreement or conflicting evidence about the research topic. Use the  annotations you created in the previous assignment to help you add this  type of detail. For example, you may discover common ideas were not  included in a particular article because the author doesn't have the  credentials to be an expert on the topic.
  • Conclusion - The conclusion should restate the purpose (from  the introduction) and summarize your findings (from the discussion). Be  sure to clearly indicate what you learned when you compared all the  articles together.
  • References - The list of references analyzed and cited in the paper.

Length: 6 page academic paper following APA guidelines

References: Include a minimum of 6 scholarly resources

The completed assignment should address all of the assignment  requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate  thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The  writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic  expectations and current APA standards, and include a plagiarism report.

Literature Review Synthesis Matrix

Instructions : Note the research topic. Add the main ideas supporting the topic to the headers. Add the names of the collected resources in the left column. Review each source. Add the information from each source that supports a subtopic to the appropriate cell. Highlight significant commonalities or differences.

Research Topic:

Key Ideas:

Main Idea 1

Main Idea 2

Main Idea 3

Main Idea 4

Source 1

Source 2

Source 3

Source 4

Source 5

Source 6

Source 7

Source 8

Source 9

Source 10


Running head: [Shortened Title up to 50 Characters] 1

[Shortened Title up to 50 Characters] 7

[Title (up to 12 Words)]

[Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees]

[Institutional Affiliation]


[The abstract should be one paragraph of between 150 and 250 words. It is not indented. Section titles, such as the word Abstract above. Use the section title style in this template to format the header and automatically start the section on a new page. Using the styles in this template will allow you to avoid adding page breaks. All of the styles needed for this template are available on the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Styles gallery.]

Keywords: [Click here to add keywords.]

[Title (up to 12 Words)]

[Start your paper with an introduction that presents the purpose of the paper. The word Introduction should not be used as an initial heading, as it’s assumed that your paper begins with an introduction.]

Literature Review

[The body of your paper uses a half-inch first line indent and is double-spaced. This section should describe the research that was conducted.]

[Main Idea #1]

[Describe the main idea and the research that supports this idea. How are the resources you found alike or different? If you decide to include a table to elaborate on an idea, follow the formatting in the table below.]

[Main Idea #2]

[Describe the main idea and the research that supports this idea. How are the resources you found alike or different? If you choose to use a figure to elaborate on an idea, follow the formatting in the figure below.]

[Main Idea #3]

[Describe the main idea and the research that supports this idea. How are the resources you found alike or different?]


[Introduce the key ideas about the topic that were found in the collective research. Key ideas are themes or research findings you discovered in your research across some or all of the resources.]

[Key Idea 1]

[Describe the research findings by key idea. What did you discover?]

[Key Idea 2]

[Describe the research findings by key idea. What did you discover?]


[Describe the conclusions that were made from the key ideas about the collective research.]


Last, F.M. (Year). Article title. Journal Title, volume(issue number if page numbering resets), pages.

Last, F.M. (Year). Book title (edition, if other than first). Place: Publisher.

Last, F. M. (Year).  Title of book [E-reader version, if applicable]. Retrieved from http://xxxxx

Last, F. M., & Last, F. M. (Year). Title of chapter. In A. A. Editor & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pp. pages of chapter). Location: Publisher.

Last, F. M. (Year). Webpage title [Document type, if other than a standard website]. Retrieved from URL

Author. (Year).  Title of Paper. In Editor (Ed.), Paper presented at Title of Conference (pages). Place of Publication: Publisher


[Table Title]

Column Head Column Head Column Head Column Head Column Head
Row Head 123 123 123 123
Row Head 456 456 456 456
Row Head 789 789 789 789
Row Head 123 123 123 123
Row Head 456 456 456 456
Row Head 789 789 789 789

Note: [Place all tables for your paper in a tables section, following references (and, if applicable, footnotes). Start a new page for each table, include a table number and table title for each, as shown on this page. All explanatory text appears in a table note that follows the table, such as this one. Use the Table/Figure style, available on the Home tab, in the Styles gallery, to get the spacing between table and note. Tables in APA format can use single or 1.5 line spacing. Include a heading for every row and column, even if the content seems obvious. A default table style has been setup for this template that fits APA guidelines. To insert a table, on the Insert tab, click Table.]


[Figures Title]

Figure 1. [Include all figures in their own section, following references (and footnotes and tables, if applicable). Include a numbered caption for each figure. Use the Table/Figure style in Word for easy spacing between the figure and caption.]

Series 1 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 4.3 2.5 3.5 4.5 Series 2 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 2.4 4.4000000000000004 1.8 2.8 Series 3 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 2 2 3 5