Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Overview? In this assignment, you map the layers of the TCP/IP protocol architecture to the layers OSI Reference Model. Preparation Identify an appropriate graphics or diagramming t - Writingforyou

Overview? In this assignment, you map the layers of the TCP/IP protocol architecture to the layers OSI Reference Model. Preparation Identify an appropriate graphics or diagramming t



In this assignment, you map the layers of the TCP/IP protocol architecture to the layers OSI Reference Model.


Identify an appropriate graphics or diagramming tool (such as Visio) to complete the assignment diagram.


  • Create a diagram that accurately maps the layers of the TCP/IP protocol architecture to the layers OSI Reference Model.​ Make sure to make the diagram clear and use common conventions for symbols and design. Copy and paste the diagram into a Word document.
  • Describe the encapsulation process starting from the application layer down to the physical layer of the OSI Reference Model.

Submission Requirements

  • Submit a single Word document.
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • Format: Double spaced lines. Use current APA style and format.

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