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HR adds value to an organization by being an active participant in helping establish the strategic goals, crafting a viable mission statement and aligning its activities with the vision of

 Please see attached file for instructions and Figures from book.

Weekly Lecture:

HR adds value to an organization by being an active participant in helping establish the strategic goals, crafting a viable mission statement and aligning its activities with the vision of the organization.  Additionally, HR can assist in establishing core values to ensure employees understand the organizational expectation of how to uphold themselves in the workplace.   Evaluating employees or performance management is one of the essential functions of HR.  Performance Management is the “continuous process of identifying, measuring, and developing the performance of individuals and teams and aligning their performance with the organization’s goals” (Dressler, 2013).  Another goal of performance management is to promote and improve employee effectiveness.  It is a continuous process where managers and employees work together to plan, monitor and review an employee's work objectives or goals and his or her overall contribution to the organization.  Organizations need a performance evaluation process that manages performance which is in direct correlation to the overall organizational mission, vision and values.  Though this feedback should be provided in a formalized process, it should also be provided on a consistent basis and documented accordingly throughout the year.  This can take place during informal meetings and conversations with a supervisor and can be both positive or negative.  Furthermore, the performance evaluation plan needs to provide equitable rewards to employees with a good evaluation. Providing a reward system will also hold employees accountable for completing their job duties and responsibilities well.  Overall, an HR performance management plan should support and further the larger organizational goals.

Organizational change is another element utilizing the knowledge and skill of the Human Resources professional. Along with organizational change comes training and development of employees. Organizations that change and do not allow for further development of employees, will not be competitive.  Therefore, with organizational change should come organization and employee improvement.  Training and development provides a means for organizations to invest in their employees by increasing their skills and knowledge. An argument against training and development is that it takes an employee away from their current work responsibilities which can cost the organization time and money. However, this short-term issue is outweighed heavily by the overall benefits that training and development provide to the employee as well as the organization. For example, training and development will provide an improved skill and knowledge base to provide the employee the ability to perform their job better than before. It can also build employee confidence.  Confidence alone can increase employee performance and satisfaction. Lastly, training and development can provide the employee the means to grow within the organization.  Organizations need to remember that employees learn at different paces and should act accordingly during the training process.   

Overall, performance evaluation processes as well as training and development are key components to the employees and the organizations success.  Organizations need to have appropriate procedures in place to have a fair evaluation process as well as opportunities for training and development.

Please watch Performance Management (Links to an external site.), which will provide an overview on performance management.


Dessler, G. (2013). A Framework for Human Resource Management (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Gregg Learning. (2016). Performance Management. Retrieved from

Week 4 instructions. Answer questions 1 & 2 and give feedback to two classmates’ response per question . Each response/feedback to classmate should be at least 80 words.

Question 1: Imagine a performance evaluation system that promotes roles, behaviors, and work outcomes appropriate to achieve organizational strategic objectives throughout the firm. Take into consideration the Two Sides of Performance Management as illustrated in your textbook on page 164, Figure 6.1.  What would such a system look like? Would it be similar to the one used in your organization? How would individual and/or team performance assessment be conducted? What tools would you recommend? Would you use MBO, 360 Degrees or another system?  Why? Present your views in 200 words or more in your discussion post. Use at least two scholarly source to support your ideas. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. Remember to properly cite your sources.

Classmate Response 1:

By looking at Figure 6.1 in the textbook, a system that utilizes this type of method(s), is one that is a free flowing system. They have few too little errors, and those errors are then adjusted accordingly and quickly. Aligning common goals with each employee, and each Arby's location, would help them all work towards a common goal. By having a common goal, each location can utilize other locations' employee's if needed for scheduling conflicts. This is something that some fast food restaurants have an issue with due to high turnover rates. By maximizing individual performance, it would require the training methods and rewards, to be adjusted to each individual. Not everyone likes a free meal at the place they work at, and not everyone declines that meal either. Concentrating on each employee separately can ultimately help boost their self-confidence, drive, and make them feel more important then just being another crew member. By treating each one special, they all feel special and thus their individual performances increase. The efficiently streamline processing, each individual must be trained properly, and when their individual performances are at an all time high, then the processing efficiency is an easy feat. To retain and train employees is something that every business struggles with, but they can also concur it as well. For an individual assessment to be conducted, it would require observation over a period of time, roughly 3 months to see progression in an individual. Once the observation period is concluded, completing a formal assessment on that individual and reviewing it with them, would help them see what others see in them, how they can fix or adjust their misfortunes, and learn from their past mistakes (if they haven't already). A team assessment is typically based on the sales aspect of the location. With that being said, observing the team as a whole, and each individual, the manager is able to make a disputable assessment on their team of employees. This can help open the eyes of the entire team to see where their strengths and weaknesses are as a whole, and how they can fix or adjust those as needed. I would personally use the MBO system because it is based on performance, individually and as a team. This seems to be more effective than presenting it with graphs and charts like the other ways entail. Personally, being a previous training manager, and running a few businesses, this was the most effective way to assess the work environment. 



Hunt, S.T. (2014). Common Sense Talent Management: using strategic human resources to improve company performance  Retrieved from Ebook Central

Parekh, S., Gandhi, N., Hellerstein, J., Tilbury, D., Jayram, T., & Bigus, J. (2001). Using control theory to achieve service level objectives in performance management. 2001 IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on Integrated Network Management Proceedings. Integrated Network Management VII. Integrated Management Strategies for the New Millennium (Cat. No.01EX470), Integrated Network Management Proceedings, 2001 IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on, Integrated Network Management, 841–854.

Raheem, R. O. (2018). Triple Management Theory and Agility, Technology Interoperability and Flexibility Challenges in a Specified Domain. IUP Journal of Knowledge Management16(2), 7–48. Retrieved from

Classmate response 2:

Performance evaluation systems are designed to examine how effective an employee is performing in his/her position. The performance evaluation system that promotes roles, behaviors, and work outcomes appropriate to achieve organizational strategic objectives within the firm would allow the employee to have all the components needed to perform the job. Knowing that the objective of the organization is designed to better the company is helpful for all employees to know. The system would look like an accomplished organization that has a lot of their focus on the customer as well as their employees.

Learning the foundations of these organizations has allowed me to grasp the concept of what my organization would look like. Performing staff and admin would work together to make sure that all components are working accordingly with the functions of the vision and the moto. Gathering all needed functions to obtain what it is they need will allow the organization fun effectively when the employees and admin work together.

Individual and team performances would be organized in the way of using the tools in technology for the individualized sessions and one on one for a personal and more hands-on effect. The team sessions would be conducted in professional development groups that allow the teams to unite and work together to get the job done with collaboration. Knowing how effective the team would be when working together will highlight the personal position of the company and allow them to work with no issues or problems openly.

I think that the 360-degree method would work out a lot better when making sure that all of the kinks and folds are ironed out of the organizations. When it comes to making sure that all components are carried out to its understanding of the organization, it is important to make sure that all who are involved are aware. Feedback is the most important key in making sure that all involved understand the role and the results from what happens. These involve include the important steps to take when these organizations employee people to get the job done. Most effectively, it takes more than just the employee to get the job done. It takes management an admin to make sure that communication is given and received effectively.



Hunt, Steven T.. Common Sense Talent Management : Using Strategic Human Resources to Improve Company Performance, Center for Creative Leadership, 2014. ProQuest Ebook Central,

Question 2:

Consider the proposition that HRM adds value to the firm. Also, examine the topic of “Marginal Utility Analysis” and how it is used to make a case about the value of HRM. How do HRM practices and systems add value to a firm? What is the basis for an argument for or against this proposition? Present your views in 200 words or more in your discussion post. Use at least one scholarly source in your response to support your ideas.  Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. Remember to properly cite your sources.

Shpak, S. (n.d.). What Is Marginal Utility Analysis? (Links to an external site.) Retrieved October 12, 2015. Retrieved from

Classmate Response 1:

For an organization, employees are their most valuable assets, which includes every department including human resources. HR is in an organization to motivate employees to perform to their highest potential if possible and to help maintain the company’s culture, integrity, and morale. HR employees adds value to a company by training and developing employees that leads to the company’s success and rewards to employees through increased compensation and regular promotions. HR has their hands in multiple functions within a company. HR manages an essential link to company success because the long-term success is from talents, motivation and accomplishments of its people. HR is also involved in talent acquisition and retention. Hiring and retaining talent is a foundation for any company big or small. HR is largely responsible for building and managing the systems that recruit, attract, hire, train, motivate and retain a company's best employees (Kokemuller, 2019). One of the biggest responsibilities is protecting the company from lawsuits. HR adds value to a business is through legal protection from discrimination and wrongful termination lawsuits (Kokemuller, 2019). Also ensuring that the organization promotes equality and fairness when designing the hiring, performance, and promotional systems. HR personnel has to be knowledge of a business’s strategy and the existing capabilities of the organization and support employees who need support, training, and provide resources to help fulfill their personal and professional strategic vision.

Marginal utility analysis is the value of a product or service has in the eyes of the consumer. When an organization can understand the source and how it applies to the business there can be valuable insight on how products and service sell and resell. Economists utilize the concept of marginal utility to gauge how satisfaction levels affect consumer decisions and determine how much of an item consumers are willing to purchase (Bloomenthal, 2019).


Kokemuller, N. (2019). How does HR add value to an organization. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

Bloomenthal, A. (2019). Marginal Utility. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

Classmate Response 2:

For an organization, employees are their most valuable assets, which includes every department including human resources. HR is in an organization to motivate employees to perform to their highest potential if possible and to help maintain the company’s culture, integrity, and morale. HR employees adds value to a company by training and developing employees that leads to the company’s success and rewards to employees through increased compensation and regular promotions. HR has their hands in multiple functions within a company. HR manages an essential link to company success because the long-term success is from talents, motivation and accomplishments of its people. HR is also involved in talent acquisition and retention. Hiring and retaining talent is a foundation for any company big or small. HR is largely responsible for building and managing the systems that recruit, attract, hire, train, motivate and retain a company's best employees (Kokemuller, 2019). One of the biggest responsibilities is protecting the company from lawsuits. HR adds value to a business is through legal protection from discrimination and wrongful termination lawsuits (Kokemuller, 2019). Also ensuring that the organization promotes equality and fairness when designing the hiring, performance, and promotional systems. HR personnel has to be knowledge of a business’s strategy and the existing capabilities of the organization and support employees who need support, training, and provide resources to help fulfill their personal and professional strategic vision.

Marginal utility analysis is the value of a product or service has in the eyes of the consumer. When an organization can understand the source and how it applies to the business there can be valuable insight on how products and service sell and resell. Economists utilize the concept of marginal utility to gauge how satisfaction levels affect consumer decisions and determine how much of an item consumers are willing to purchase (Bloomenthal, 2019).


Kokemuller, N. (2019). How does HR add value to an organization. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

Bloomenthal, A. (2019). Marginal Utility. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)