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Social Media/Networking Tools


Social Media/Networking Tools

[WLOs: 1, 3, 4] [CLOs: 1, 4, 5]

Submit an academic paper using APA style and formatting that is 1,750 to 2,450 words long and covers the following topics:

  • First section: Drawing on the paper from Week 1 (Included in attached docs), identify and appraise communication or productivity issues within the organization that could be addressed using social media or networking tools. (Link for theories) (Links to an external site.)    This section is the introduction for this paper.  It should clearly, but briefly, explain the scope of the problem.
  • Second section:  For each of the issues or problems identified in the first section, write a thorough analysis that:
    • examines relevant theories about the problem;
    • explains possible practical solutions that use social media technologies and tools;
    • evaluates the benefits and drawbacks of those possible solutions.

Depending on how many issues or problems are identified, this section could be longer or shorter for each student. This paper should demonstrate the student’s thorough understanding and application of organizational and other theories. The student should also exhibit knowledge of the available technologies and interpret their usefulness in the specific organizational setting. Finally, the student should display both creativity and practicality in using technology to address problems within the organization.



The Organization

Jane Doe

ORG8855: Advanced Social Networking for Organizations (TAR050DS))

Dr. Jim Smith

December 14, 2020


TechTron Technologies


TechTron Technologies is an example of a semiconductor organization that is mainly specialized in the provision of computer data storage, and computer memory. The organization engages itself in the marketing of a number of products which include the flash memory, the random-access memory, and the USB flash drives. As an organization, TechTron was able to partner with Intel for the purpose of coming up with IM Flash Technologies, and the production of NAND flash memory. As an organization we strive toward making sure that we have become the world’s leader in the innovation of storage and other memory solutions. These solutions will be in a position to transform information, and make sure that it is made into intelligence. This will in return inspire the world to be in a position to communicate, learn, and make a faster advancement than ever.

At TechTron Technologies, working in collaborative teams has been the foundation of most of our success. The organization ensures to build dynamic teams, superior leadership, and strives to create the best client-to-consumer relationships. We set high standards for ourselves internally, as well as for our competition. This practice has been beneficial in our growth over the past six months. Transformation of the organization starts from within, and that’s what we are committed to.

The Organizational Values

Individuals: We always care about each other

Innovation: We strive toward coming up with solutions that best shape the future of technology

Tenacity: Our only competition is ourselves

Collaboration: Determination is spelled using T.E.A.M

The Customer Focus: We always win by knowing our customer on a personal level

TechTron Technology Slogan

A slogan can be identified as a very short, memorable phrase that is attention seeking, and is able to identify the organization, or products in all the advertisements that have been made. The slogan which is associated with TechTron Technologies is “Intelligence Accelerated

The Mission and Vision Statement

The mission and vision statements are codes to live by for most organization. Within the mission and vision statement, consumers will be able to read it and know our goals and get an idea of how committed to excellence we are. These statements are written for the consumers and the employees of the organization. According to an article in Business Horizons, a mission statement can be described as a brief sentence or paragraph that provides the guidelines and commitments of an organization to reflect the identity, diversified values, an integrity that the organization has (Warrick, 2017). The mission statement of TechTron Technologies is: “Be the global leader in storage and memory solutions.” This mission statement tells the consumer as well as the employees who we are and where we are trying to grow as a business in the tech industry.

The Organization Vision

As the global leader in the storage and memory solutions, we are working toward transforming how the world makes use of the information to make sure that it has enriched lives for all users. This is achieved by enabling different technologies to successfully collect, store, and even manage data with unprecedented efficiency and speed. As a technology-based organization, our goal is to ensure we accelerate the information being transformed into intelligence that inspires the world to efficiently communicate, learn, and even advance above our competitors.

The Organization Commitment

TechTron Technologies is dedicated for the purpose of making sure that all the employees are working in a quality, healthy, and safe environment. Moreover, this commitment is to make sure that the community is actively involved in different activities carried out by the organization. Some of the things that are included in the dedication of the organization include working toward the building and maintenance of very sustainable operations, supply chains and products around the world. Through the TechTron Foundation, there are different opportunities that are provided to make sure that enrichment and learning takes place. There is the sharing of resources to the people of the community where the team members are involved in working and living.

Multiple operations could not be possible or successful at TechTron Technologies without the dedicated and committed team members, who work around the clock to make sure that business integrity has been maintained, and that we have met the required environmental sustainability. As an organization, it’s important to make sure that we have adhered to different professional values or that we continue to value the community that we all work in.

The Organization Structure

In order to best manage the organization, there is need to have the best structure in place. Different organization have a structure for the purpose of making sure that different goals have been achieved. They also make it possible for the accomplishment of different tasks. To ensure that the structure of the organization is viable, there is need to consider the different operations that are technologically related, as well as the infrastructure operability functions (Lichtenthaler, 2020).

The Hierarchy Organizational Structure

The hierarchical structure can be described as the different chains of command that the organization has, that is from the senior management of the organization, and the executives, to the general employees who work for the organization. In most of the cases, this is the best structure for an organization that has a sole leader, and the other employees are a flow of subordinates that are under them (Briciu& Briciu, 2020). .

For instance, this organization is made up of 20 employees since it is a developing one. There is a division of different employees into groups. All the groups have been tasked to report everything that takes place back to the manager of the organization. The manager then has a duty to report to the chief executive officer. In other words, the organization has different levels of leadership, and the highest level is known as the owner or head of the organization (Briciu& Briciu, 2020). The different hierarchical structures that the organization has is represented in simple terms in form of a pyramid shape. This is a common type of organizational structure. In most of the cases, the chain of command is given from the senior authority, and then communicated down the ladder. In other words, all the employees have a supervisor who is in charge of everything that they do in their line of duty (Bilson & Aitchison, 2016).

One of the things that as an organization we have loved when it comes to making use of the hierarchical structure is that there are different levels of responsibilities and authority are defined clearly, and precisely. This means that the employees of the organization are in a position to identify themselves with their supervisors, managers, and the CEO. Different employees are in a position to show different reports to different individuals, and they are able to talk clearly and precisely about different projects that they have at hand to relevant authority. Having a hierarchical organizational structure greatly motivates employees to have a clear career path, and thus higher chances of getting promotions. Moreover, employees are also able to have a specialty in what they can do best. Employees who are in the same department are in a position to work together in harmony for the best results.

However, some of the challenges that we have encountered as an organization when making use of the hierarchical organizational structure is that there is a slowdown in the innovation, or important changes that need to be communicated to the employees. This is due to the fact that the structure involves bureaucracy. This kind of organizational structure can cause different employees to act for the better interest of the department in which they are in rather than for the benefit of the whole organization. The employees who are at the lower level in the hierarchy usually have a lesser ownership of the organization, and this makes it difficult for them to express different ideas that they have for the good of the organization (Ikeda & Marshall, 2016).

One of the best things that has made it possible to solve different challenges associated with the hierarchy organizational structure is the presence of the best organizational culture. There has been transparency between the leaders of the organization and employees that work under them. As a result of transparency, employees are in a position to comfortably communicate different issues that they have pertaining to the development of the organization (Warrick, 2017). Creativity and innovation have been enhanced. Moreover, the different team leaders, and managers have been in a position to encourage the strengths of employees, and thus success of different projects that the organization has had over time.

Emails have been the best channel of communication used by the organization when passing crucial information to employees. Emails have been used to pass the message on necessary meetings that the employees are to be involved in. Strategy of the organization is also communicated through the email. The email has been of great significance to the organization since emails can be sent to many employees within the organization for a click of a second (Briciu & Briciu, 2020). Emails can be stored in the computers for a very long period of time. In other words, they cannot be terminated. In case they are terminated they can be recovered easily. During this period of pandemic, the organization has been in a position to effectively communicate with employees who are working remotely through the use of emails.

The Social Enterprise Business Model

Utilizing a social enterprise business model, our organization will be in a position to apply diverse business solutions to any social issues we may encounter. The main goal of this model is to make sure there is an achievement of sustainability. The operation strategy used by the organization includes the internal structure of the organization and making sure there is a successful external partnership which is very critical in creating the intended impact of the organization (Pattinson, 2020). Through this business model, the organization is in a position to have a resource strategy, that gives a clear definition of where, and what terms the organization will be in a position to successfully acquire different necessary resources that will be of great help in doing different duties, and making sure all the projects are completed. Inputs can be easily converted into the required outcomes through this business model. Moreover, there is the generation of both the social value, and economic value for the success of the organization (Qastharin & Vanourek, 2020). Having the best business model as an organization makes it easy to have the best outcomes at the end of the day. Different products can be easily sold to the appropriate consumers.

Social Media Strategy

Some of the challenges that the organization has been in a position to solve through having a social media strategy include the weak brand awareness. Through the social media platform, the organization has been in a position to reach out to a broader audience; a positive impression has been created to different users’ minds. Identifying the products that the organization has on disposal and why most of the consumers choose TechTron more than the competitors will make it possible to create awareness (Quesenberry, 2020). The social media platform makes it possible to build the best relationship with the consumers. Reaching out to the consumers of different products that the organization has is easy, especially the younger generation.


Bilson, C., & Aitchison, I. (2016). Tips for Building a Successful Design Organization. Design Management Review27(2), 50-53. Retrieved from

Briciu, V. A., & Briciu, A. (2020). Social Media and Organizational Communication. In Encyclopedia of Organizational Knowledge, Administration, and Technology (pp. 2609-2624). IGI Global. Retrieved from

Lichtenthaler, U. (2020). Building blocks of successful digital transformation: Complementing technology and market issues. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management17(01), 2050004. Retrieved from

Ikeda, K., & Marshall, A. (2016). How successful organizations drive innovation. Strategy & Leadership. Retrieved from

Quesenberry, K. A. (2020). Social media strategy: marketing, advertising, and public relations in the consumer revolution. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Retrieved from

Pattinson, S. (2020). The Hextol Foundation: Building a sustainable social enterprise business model. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation21(1), 72-80. Retrieved from

Qastharin, A. R., & Vanourek, G. (2020, July). Understanding the business model of social enterprise: Case study of Indonesia Mengajar. In the Future Opportunities and Challenges of Business in Digital Era 4.0: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economics, Business and Entrepreneurship (ICEBE 2019), November 1, 2019, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia (p. 239). Routledge.

Warrick, D. D. (2017). What leaders need to know about organizational culture. Business Horizons60(3), 395-404. Retrieved from