Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Your WIT, What Do I Think, is short, reflective work.? Each WIT is to exhibit your critical analysis skills, your organizational skills for writing,??and your creative thinking skills.? - Writingforyou

Your WIT, What Do I Think, is short, reflective work.? Each WIT is to exhibit your critical analysis skills, your organizational skills for writing,??and your creative thinking skills.?


Your WIT, What Do I Think, is short, reflective work.  Each WIT is to exhibit your critical analysis skills, your organizational skills for writing,  and your creative thinking skills.  You will write a 2-3 page reflection for each WIT.  Please double-space and use 12-point font size. It is also necessary to cite the text or any source you draw upon as you complete the WIT assignment.  It is best to complete your WIT after engagement with the text material for each chapter.

WIT 5:

Your WIT for Learning Experience 5 is to complete Discussion Questions 1 and 2 on page 191.  The questions are part of the Analyzing Images exercise in response to the following ad:


Question #1: Identify the conclusion and premises of the argument in this advertisement.  Evaluate the argument.  

(Note: When you evaluate the argument, use what you learned in Chapters 5 and 6.  Is the argument logical, persuasive, and fair?  Or, is it flawed?  Explain.)

Question #2: What is the objective of this ad?  Is the ad effective in meeting its purpose?  Discuss the strategies, including rhetorical devices and fallacies, if any, that the creators of this ad used to try to convince the reader to accept their conclusion.

(Note: When discussing the strategies in this ad, comment on all aspects.  For example, in addition to the argument presented, how do the ad’s visual elements reinforce its message?  Why did the creators choose the photo, for example, or the font style?  What impact do they have on the overall argument being presented?)

Read the uploaded document to answer the questions above 3 pages in MLA format I need it in 24 hours

  • attachment


Question #2: What is the objective of this ad? Is the ad effective in meeting its purpose? Discuss the strategies, including rhetorical devices and fallacies, if any, that the creators of this ad used to try to convince the reader to accept their conclusion.


The ad that we’re looking at is an effective way of showing how the company has impacted the world. It uses patriotic emotions, logos, and pathos to make people realize just how many jobs the company has both created directly and indirectly. The rhetorical devices used include statistics about the number of jobs that have been provided by this company as well as a patriotic color scheme and background music. There are no fallacies in this ad either; it’s simply an effective way of getting your audience’s attention!

The objective of this ad is to show how the company provides a positive impact on the world through jobs.

The objective of this ad is to show how the company provides a positive impact on the world through jobs. It does this by presenting an example of how their employees help out in different ways, such as donating blood or helping out at charity events. This proves that even though their company may not be well known, it still has an impact on society.

The ad also uses rhetorical devices such as pathos and ethos to persuade readers into believing its conclusion: “We’ve changed lives because we believe in giving back.” The first sentence sets up what will follow: “We’re proud to say we’re dedicated to making a difference.” In addition, there are four reasons listed why you should donate: “Because it helps others”; “It puts smiles on faces”; “You’ll feel good knowing someone else needs your help”; and finally “(your name), get involved today!”

This ad is effective in meeting its purpose because it shows what makes the company great and it illustrates all of the different ways they have impacted the world through their contributions.

This ad is effective in meeting its purpose because it shows what makes the company great and it illustrates all of the different ways they have impacted the world through their contributions.

In the ad, there are three main points that you can take away from this:

The company has made a difference by helping people around the world with their health problems

They have helped people in many different ways through their research and development efforts (R&D)

They have also contributed to charitable causes such as pediatric cancer research and animal welfare projects

This ad uses patriotic emotions, logos, and pathos to make people realize just how many jobs the company has both created directly, as well as indirectly.

This ad uses patriotic emotions, logos, and pathos to make people realize just how many jobs the company has both created directly, as well as indirectly. The use of patriotic colors (red and blue) along with a patriotic background music in this ad makes it seem like a commercial for the military which makes it more effective at convincing its audience.

The rhetorical devices used include statistics about the number of jobs that have been provided by the company, as well as a patriotic color scheme and background music.

The rhetorical devices used include statistics about the number of jobs that have been provided by the company, as well as a patriotic color scheme and background music. The conclusion is that it is an effective ad because it provides facts about how many people have been employed through this program, which makes it seem like a good investment for those who need work.

There are no fallacies in this ad.

There are no fallacies in this ad. The creators of this ad did not make any logical or emotional appeals to the reader, which means that there were no logical or emotional fallacies in their argumentation. There were also no rhetorical devices (e.g., “because” statements) used in this piece of writing, so it cannot be labeled as an example of a piece which uses rhetorical devices effectively.

This ad uses tools to create patriotism in it’s viewers, increase trust and show that their company is an important part of society.

Patriotism is a powerful emotion that can easily be used to increase trust in the company. The ad shows patriotism by showing an image of the American flag, which has been used many times before in ads to show patriotism. This shows that this company believes in being patriotic and loyal to their country, which makes people feel safe knowing that this company will back them up when needed.

Patriotism also helps show that their company is an important part of society because it helps people feel safe from harm or danger from outsiders who might harm them if they don’t have anyone else around who cares about their well-being as much as they do themselves!


Congratulations! You’ve made it to the end of this post. We hope that you found it helpful in learning about how ads work, and we know there will be more posts coming soon. Keep an eye on this blog for future content related to persuasion and advertising!